Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Maybe Memories



Gerard and Bert become friends, over coffee, and movies

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-17 - Updated: 2012-04-17 - 610 words

Gerard looked at the mess, and sighed. Another time he'd screw up.
Bert looked at him, "Hey, dude. Don't be so down on happens."
Gerard lifted his head, "Yeah, I know."
Mikey walked in with Starbucks.
"Dude, marry brought Starbucks."
"Nah, no thanks Gee."
Gerard pouted.
"God, sass queen. Calm down!"
"I'm not a sass queen, I'm just sassy." Gerard smirked.
"What ones?"
"I was thinking THE HUMAN CENTIPEDE."
Gerard looked at Mikey, "The WHAT?"
"Human Centipede. Its supposed to be really graphic."
"So, Mikey, lemme ask you did you get this movie if its so graphic, you're 15."
"Oh, you know...a little pushing."
"Why did I even turn you on to horror films...?"
"I'll watch it with you." Bert said.
"Yeah, I'm into some carnage at the moment."
So, the two went to the living room, and turned on the DVD player.
Bert watched Gerard's eyes dart across the room, " OK?"
Gerard shivered, and grabbed a blanket.
"Gerard, you look sick, maybe this movie was a bad idea...." Bert trailed off.
"I'm fuggin fine!"
Bert looked at his friend, and saw Gerard's eyes widen.
"Gerard?" He asked worriedly.
Gerard stood up, and ran to the bathroom.
Bet was two steps behind, and skidded into the room, and looked at Gerard, who was ripping off his shirt, and shaking.
"Where's your kid brother?"
Gerard looked at him pitifully, and whined.
Mikey skidded into the small bathroom, and looked at his brother.
"Gee!" He gasped.
He grabbed the thermometer, and stuck it under his brother's tounge.
Gerard sat there, shaking, as Mikey was taking off his jeans. He felt awkward in nothing but his pair of boxers, but he was too weak to care.
The thermometer gave a beep, and Mikey gasped.
"What? Is it bad?" Bert asked.
"Can you get my mom?"
Bert stood up, and grabbed thier mom.
"What's wrong with Gerard?"
"He's got a I don't know how high it is, but I think 101.5 is bad."
Gerard's face was flushed, and he was in a corner.
"Gerard, we need to bring your fever down." Mikey said.
"How are you going to do that?"
"...cold bath."
"What?! No way!" Gerard snarled.
"Gee, you're sick we have to do this, or the hospital will be giving you a pick."
Gerard scowled, as his boxers were removed, and he was put in lukewarm water.
"Michael James Way!! I'm going to kill you for this!!"
Gerard pulled his knees close to his chest, and shivered.
"Mikey, get me out of here! Its cold!"
"Gee, we need to get this fever kicked down."
"Can't I just drink ice water?"
"Not if you're sick."
Bert looked at him, "Gerard, you're sick. We don't want you getting any sicker."
"I'm fine"
"If you were fine, you wouldn't have a fever...just please?"
Gerard thought about it, "Fine. I'll try to get better...but I'm not going to enjoy it."
Bert smiled. "Ok."
*OMGERARD!! SORRY FOR LIKE 3 months of NOTHING!! I've been busy with ALL THE FRFRICKEN TIME! D:< I thought senior year was supposed to be fun...all I see are ENGLSIH PROJECTS! D: lol. I'm almost done with my HUUUUGE end project, friggen notecards and 24 sources will be the death of me~ I've got the 24, just not the dang notecards..-.-; joy.* anywhoo, I'm almost done with my project, and I plan on doing my first Danger Days Oneshot sometime this week, if I'm not dead by the end of it! :D Well, thats all the stuffs goin down with me!!
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