Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Desires of the Heart

I've got news!!

by xblckhrtxx 1 review

O.O read please I have something important to say

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Characters: Mikey Way - Published: 2012-03-02 - Updated: 2012-03-02 - 135 words

Hello all! I have something to say. First of all I will be updating now! I'm done with contest for orchestra (we got Sweepstakes by the way. Straight 1's! :D) and all I have now is testing. I'll try and update two chapters tonight, or tomorrow. And keep me on your alerts. I've been working on a few chapters and I've been wanting to update. :) No I will not abandon this story! I will finish it! I promise. That is it, I should get back to typing out the chapter, hope you all review and rate my new chapters! Oh! One more rule, I will not update unless I have atleast 3 reviews. Okay now I'm done. If you read this whole thing congrats, here's a cookie. Have a good day/night you guys :3

xoxo a
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