Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > New School, New Attitude

Chapter 5

by partypoisonlove 4 reviews

Frank leaves the house, but where will he go?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-03-02 - Updated: 2012-03-03 - 1410 words

I kept walking at a steady, fast pace. It wasn’t until I realized I was reaching the edge of the local park that I slowed down. I came from the back of the park and stayed on the outskirts, walking along the boundary where the park turns into the woods.

I spotted a small wooden bench a few feet away that looked hardly used and walked over to it. Dropping my backpack to the ground, I surveyed the area. The park wasn’t big; it had a few slides, some swings, a medium sized castle like structure and a dome-shaped jungle gym. It was probably the only park that hadn’t been severely vandalized in this area. It was a nice park.

It was past dinner time and hadn’t suspected anyone to be at the park at this time. I didn’t think anyone was. After my fight with, Linda I was extremely tired. This pretending has really taken a toll on me mentally and physically. All I wanted to do was curl up on my bed and go to sleep, maybe even cry a little. But I couldn’t do that.

I wasn’t home. I wasn’t myself.

I sighed and laid my small body down on the bench and closed my eyes. It wasn’t the most comfortable, and it sure wasn’t warm outside. But I knew I couldn’t go home right now. I couldn’t face Linda, I wouldn’t. Not right now. I was about to let myself forget, if only for a few hours, and go into harmless dreamland, when I heard a high-pitched giggle.

My eyes snapped open and I looked around, frantic. My heart raced as I swept my vision across the park once again. But this time I saw movement. Whether people were always there or I had missed them before, there were definitely people there now. Under the jungle gym were two people. No, there were three people. One of which was hanging upside down from the top of the dome.

Curious, I sat up and tried to see the people at the park. It was getting pretty dark out, causing everything to have a purple glow to them. A few shoves and giggles later they all looked in my direction, and then quickly looked away. I supposed one of them spotted me, and told the others.

Feeling self-conscious, I slowly reached down and picked up my backpack. My eyes were still glued to the three guys- now all on the ground- talking. My breath got a little shaky as I witnessed one of the three stand up and start walking up to me.

The boy walking towards me was tall and skinny. He perfected the awkwardly way he walked in his skinny jeans and black combat boots. I stood up, protectively clutching my backpack as he approached. He stood about five feet away and just looked at me.

“Well.. what do you what?” I asked after a minute of just looking at each other. I was kind of annoyed and skeptical. I was on edge because I didn’t want to get raped or mugged or anything. Not that this guy looked very strong. I could defiantly take him if I needed to.

“Right.. the two idiots over there-” he gestured with his head towards the other two, “-want you to come over by us.” He sighed heavily like he was bored. I took a moment to think. Why would they want me to go over there? They don’t even know me I mean- “So, lets go then.” He interrupted my thoughts. Grabbing my arm, he started pulling in the direction he came from. He finally let go when he noticed I was walking, without putting up a fight. I put my backpack on so I wouldn’t have to worry about it incase I had to run.

A little over half of the way there the guy- I still didn’t know his name- told me, “Oh, and by the way, they will probably try and flirt with you.” I gave him a bewildered look which he only stared back with no emotion. We had kept moving and almost there he added, “And it won’t be subtle.”

We arrived at the dome and were sliding through the triangle shaped holes, the other guy going through surprisingly graceful for how awkward he walked.

It was now pitch black outside and the only light way the moon. I looked at the other two people, who where both staring at me. All I could see easily was one had a head of black shaggy hair and the other had blonde hair and a lip rig that was shining in the little moonlight there was.

“I’m Bob.” The blonde one piped up from his stop on the ground where he sat down cross-legged. The other black haired one stood up promptly and walked right into my personal space bubble before I could reply to Bob.

“Well aren’ you cute.” He slurred right into my face. His breath smacked me straight in the face, smelling like alcohol. He was a lot closer now and I could now see his face clearly. He seemed oddly familiar and I just stood there staring at him, feeling vulnerable. And that’s when I got it.

“Gerard? What the fuck? Get off me!” I yelled shoving him away a few feet. It was no question that Gerard was drunk and I did not plan on being hit on by him.. at least not when he’s drunk. Bob and the awkward one shared a quick glance before Bob burst out laughing.

“Dude, Gerard! You know him?” Bob said after his laughter died down a bit. Gerard scratched his head and then a look of recognition flashed across his face.

“Frankie?” I nodded. He smiled and walked closer “Well, Frankie, you are a cute one.” He half whispered in a not so smooth voice. I put my hands on his chest so I could push him away but he swiftly grabbed my wrist and pulling me closer. Before I could do anything, he was kissing me and kissing me hard.

I let out a noise of surprise which he took as encouragement. I was shocked to say the least. So many things had happened today and this was another to add to the list. As soon as his grip loosened from my wrists I yanked them free and pushed him away.

“The fuck?! What do you think you’re doing? I’m not some fuck toy you can use. So back off and find someone else.” Everyone looked stunned and Gerard went to say something but I cut him off. “Just because I you hung out with me during the day doesn’t mean I wanna fuck you.” I walked passed him intended on leaving the group and walking father from my house when I thought, fuck it.

“And you aren’t nearly as cute as this one.” I stated confidently as I strode the few steps between me and the awkward one and grabbed him from behind the next, closing the gap between our faces. I kissed him and forced my tongue into his mouth for a moment. He was stilled and just as I was about to pull back, he kissed back. I wasn’t expecting that but kept kissing him for a moment. I pulled back and slid out through the triangle shaped hole behind him.

I stopped once outside the dome and turned around. I looked straight at Gerard and said “He’s a much better kisser by the way.” I smiled and glanced at the other two. Bob looked like he was holding in laughter and Gerard looked angry mixed in with confusion.

As I was walking away and heading toward the other park entrance I took in what just happened. I took out all my anger and put into my situation at hand. The only people I really met that day I had fucked up a perfectly good opportunity for friendship. I was screwed. I had no place to sleep, no food and no one to call.


A/N: i've had the past two days off school -yay snow days!- to think so i think i know where i'm going with this story a little so hopefully i can update sooner. R&R!
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