Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Kids From Yesterday *Frerard and May*


by Psycho_Dame 0 reviews

Does pain ever heal?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-03-06 - Updated: 2012-03-06 - 839 words

- Frank's POV -

Pain. Slowly growing inside my chest. I feel so numb - to everything, as if there was no pain. No pain. No. That word. How many dreams can be shattered by that word?

Like a cancer, it spreads, every minute stripping more from your body. And yet part of me doesn't even care. That's the part that laughs; that says this:
"Ha, yeah. Sure... I mean, you love Lyn. Everyone loves you, Lyn. I don't mean it to take anything from you, I just thought I should throw it out there" like my dignity "ha ha..."
I'm suddenly cast back to that night back stage. "Just a bit of fun" Fun? call this fun?! hurting your 'best friend'?! giving him false hopes and dreams, that you may actually care about him?! What kind of sick bastard are you?! I can't help my feelings, but at least I have the decency to control them!
I look up to the startled faces around me. I must have said that out loud. Enough. I've had enough. I'm not even sure what's happening, but I know that I'm going forward - my legs are propelling me against my will.

He grabs my arm – preventing me from going any further and stopping my escape. Then he looks at me. His hazel eyes burning against the soft white complexion of his skin. He smiles – a sad smile, but still enough to cause an eruption in the cavity within my chest.
“Frank” his lips form around the name. My name.
“I’ll let the fans know” I say. He looks at me quizzically.
“We’re not disbanding. Well, unless you want to” The question isn’t directed just at me, but to everyone in the room. At Bob in the corner next to Tri; at Mikey and Ray, glancing at each other from across the room. He was so brave to confess. Properly. Not like me. I just burst it out, just as Lyn-Z brought the coffee in.
“No” the word drifts around the room again. Gerard nods. We’re still my Chem, for now. His gaze wanders back to meet my own – his hand still firmly clasped around my recently healed wrist.
“Frank” he starts again “I understand how hard that was for you. But you must always remember that I love you. You’re my best friend – my brother – my partner in crime! But… I love Lyn-z too. With all my heart” his voice breaks on the last word and I know that he really does feel this way. God, I’m so selfish. “We were actually going to announce the date today, for our – “he doesn’t day it. But I know he means the wedding. I just nod in recognition. “Frank I’m sorry. And I’ll forgive me, but you have to-”
“I know” I cut him off. I can’t believe I’m saying it, but I am. Stupid maturity. “I know, Gee. It’s just a crush and I understand that, but I just had to let you know. I had to get it off my chest, and part of me was hoping that there may be just the smallest chance. I don’t care how corny it is, but I love you enough – as your brother in rock’n’roll arms – to let you be happy”
He smiles at me. I know he got the message. He knows that I admire his love for Lyn-z and her love for him.

Suddenly there is a tunnel, leading off away from me. Everything is white, like mist and all that’s there is the band, Lyn-z, Jem, Tri and the kids. Gerard is walking away – away from me. I’m letting him, because I know I should. It hurts – a lot, but I feel really good about it. I know this pain will stay – maybe forever – but we’ll be friends forever too. Then Lyn-z turns to leave. Before she goes, she turns and kisses my cheek “thank you” she whispers “you loved him, and yet you let him love me. You’re a good man, Iero.” She smiles one last time and walks towards Gerard.
Then they all file past me like that.
Last of all is Jem. I can’t let her leave though. I reach for her hand. She was there for me through everything. She kept my secret. She was rational. She stood by me. When I was in the worst place imaginable, she still made me smile. Her blue hair lifts up, revealing her silver eyes which lock into my own. “Well done, Frankie”
I think…
It’s all going to be fine

It all ends here :'( I hope you all liked it and my series of twists :D
Thanks for reading guys. I'm sorry that I hadn't updated in a while, but I had MASSIVE writers block, so I hope this made up for it? Remember to R&R and keep posted because I've had a great story idea!
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