Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Kids From Yesterday *Frerard and May*

I'm Not Okay (I Promise)

by Psycho_Dame 2 reviews

Gee just has no clue...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-01-24 - Updated: 2012-01-24 - 283 words

Hey guys, sorry for the wait, it's been really busy at school. It's only a short one today, but it's just to fill the time 'kay? Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes, I broke my hand last Saturday (wait for it- on my birthday and by falling UP a hill - it takes skill to do that!) so it takes a while to type.
Anywho! Hope you like! :)

-Gerard's POV-

Okay, so Frank's been back with us for about a week and all I can say is: I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING! Frank, Jem, Ray and even Tri are going around like they have this huge secret or something and they just seem so stand-offish! Frank just has this constant depressed air around him and he keeps glancing at me with such sorrowful eyes. Anyone would think I was responsible for a heartbreak. Oh, and the other night at dinner, Mikey passed Ray a knife and he ran off to his bunk - crying I think O.o . Something's wrong here. Very wrong.
Anyway, I digress. Spencer and Jaeden were cute when they were born; babies grow up sooo fast and now they're even cuter! Tri now lives with us on the bus and Jem sleeps on the buses couch and we've 'installed' 2 cribs for the kids. We've also thrown out all alcohol and anything that could possibly give Tri a buzz. So it seems that everyone's on the mend... Appart from Frank. I worry about him so much. I see the smile he puts on his face, but I can't see the smile in his eyes.

Lyn-z's meeting us tomorrow, so maybe having a new face around will diffuse some of the tension.
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