Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Clash: so the games begin

Do Our Talkin With a Laser Beam

by lalatherapist16 1 review

Never go to sleep again? If only.....

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-03-06 - Updated: 2012-03-07 - 1203 words

After I told the story – twice – of what had happened between me and the Sad Man, did the girls start breaking off. Only Smurf hung back. Poison had laid across my lap, his eyes drifting shut every few seconds.

Ghoul had listened, both times, with his mouth hanging open in shock and awe. Now, however, he was staring at me with a respectful glint in his eyes.

Very few killjoys would go up against the Sad Man, let alone go up against him to save a friend. Only a handful can say they were in a shoot with the Sad Man, Haru, and nearly twenty dracs and lived. Let alone not lose a teammate.

No. The girls are family not. And the guys... Well, Poison and I might have something, but its gonna take more than to gain my full trust. I'd been ratted out too many times before.

I rested my head against the wall and pulled my fingers through Poison's dusty hair. In no time, I was asleep.

Not sleep for about two days will do that to a girl. And when I did sleep, it wasn't for long.

Men in white had broken through the doors, smiley face masks on. Some didn't sport the mask but wore ones with green hair instead.

It was BL/ind. We'd seen these raids on the news hand fulls of times.

I hid in in the dumbwaiter, doors open just a fraction of a crack. Just enough to see blood-shed.

A bald man walked in as soon as everyone had been forced to the kitchen floor. “Now, little farm rats, choose. Join my perfect society or die.”

No one moved or sad a word. He snarled and grabbed my sister by her hair. In one movement, he had a gun in his hand and shot her in her head.

The others started firing randomly into my family, their shots sloppy and un-aimed. But in the small space, effective.

A few of them scattered off the floor, trying to escape. My brother's green eyes met mine as he lurched to his feet, burning with fear.

Something wet fell on my cheek, making me go still. My brothers eyes rolled back into his head and he fell, thudding against the wall under the dumbwaiter.

The bald man walked back in and took in the room, a prideful smirk on his lips. I stared as those cruel eyes fell on mine.

Don't move. Don't [/breathe. He grinned and turned away. “Clean it up.” he murmured, his voice hard./]

I watched in silence as the masked men started piling up my family, wrapping them in black body bags. When one came to get my brother, I took my chance.

With my quick, nimble body, I opened the door and kicked him in the face. Hard.

His head snapped back and he fell, dead, on top of my brother. Before the others had even turned, I was out of the dumbwaiter and half way to the door.

Something hot grazed over the back of my hand, making me scream and whirl. They all had white laser guns pointed at me.

I gritted my teeth and pulled a plan out of my ass. With one leap of my powerful body, I dove across the large room and over to the dead masked man. From his belt, I pulled a white gun and turned it on the others. Even with my eyes tinted red with true rage, I was able to aim better than them.

One by one they fell, some dead some wounded. The red haze that danced in my eyes still blazed as I stood, not feeling one ounce of remorse.

My eyes narrowed as the man came back, a jar of coins in his hand. “Oh, look who's still alive.” he tossed the jar over his shoulder.

It shattered on the hardwood floor. “Shut. Up.” I gritted through my teeth. “I've been holding a gun since I could stand. I've been fighting since I could walk. You move, you die.” I pointed the gun at his chest, not taking my eyes off of his hands.

He laughed and crammed them into his pockets. “I like you. You're going to be fun to chase.” I glared at him. “Well, I'll leave you to clean up your.....home.” he wiped some blood off of the wall and turned his back on me.

I kept it aimed square in his back, my hand not shaking in the slightest. The front door slammed, echoing through the once lively house. I slipped the gun into my pocket and looked around the room.

What now?I'm all alone......

“Abby?” I gasped at the hands on my shoulders, my own flying up to close around a throat. My eyes opened slowly, a feral growl ripping its way out of my mouth.

Poison's eyes met mine, his hands trying to pry my constricted finger off of him. “God!” I dropped him and pulled my legs into me, wrapping my arms around my knees.

He coughed and gasped, rubbing at his neck. I didn't move to help him. “Are you okay?” was all I whispered his way.

“What-” he coughed roughly “Was that-” his chest heaved as he gasped “For?” he sat up, his chest heaving still as he panted.

“Reflex. That's why the girls kick me awake.” I shrugged and looked at him. “Why'd you wake me up anyway?”

“You were crying.” he murmured, his voice rough. “And kinda screaming.” he looked around at the sleeping forms of the guys.

“Oh. I had the dream again. Well, I guess it's more of a memory. I know it's a memory, but sometimes when I'm asleep I just want it to be a bad nightmare...” I trailed off, looking at his confused face then to the dim light of the lantern. It needed more gas. That or one of the guys had turned it down.

“What's it of? The dream. Or the memory. Whatever.” he asked, his hand resting on my knee. I didn't look away from the lantern as I answered him.

“The day I lost everything. The first time I met the Sad Man face to face.”

~facepalm~ I know I suck at math, but really? I said the last chapter was chapter two! ~facedesk~ Epic fail on my account! Here's chapter four.

Now I know what you're thinking. But I got a lot going on right now. ~sigh~ On the bright side, spring break is coming up :D

~squirrel claps~ I don't know how many of you still even remember this, but R+R anyway. It means a lot.

Oh! BIG NEWS!!!!! This is a shorter story I thought it was gonna be. I'm actually almost done with the hard copy then all I gotta do is type it up.

~sigh~ Which may prove to be a challenge. Review if you hate my brother for being a dick and keeping me off the computer by being a douche if no other reason.

Anyway.........~looks around~ that's about it. It's super fuckin windy outside for whatever reason. Weird huh? (lol inside joke for those of you who know where I'm located XD)

Hugs and Kuroshitsuji,
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