Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Broken Romances

Chapter three

by SleepyMonkey 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] - Published: 2012-03-07 - Updated: 2012-03-08 - 4373 words - Complete

Chapter 3

Frank's POV

On Monday afternoon me and Ley-Anne went to her place, there we met Mikey, Gerard and Jessica. The first step i took through that door I knew something was wrong. This house smelt like alcohol, the twins didn't drink, they're underage and the first time Jessica stepped foot in here was today so obviously it's not her. Ley-Anne piss-bolted upstairs and I followed, if someone had broken in or something i wanted to protect Ley-Anne, I didn't care about my own safety. We reached a room and I looked over Ley-Anne's shoulder to see a large oval shaped room, there was Bandit lying on the bed. I was really scared to see her like this, there was a pack of cigarettes and a smashed vodka bottle strewn across the floor, oh god, what the fucks happened?!
Ley-Anne tried tried talking to her, nothing, all she could do was cry; Ley-Anne mentioned Bandit had a thing for me, right? This is where I thought, 'Hey maybe I can help!'
I went over to the bed and sat down, I rolled Bandit on her side but she kept her head buried in the covers and mumbled something along the lines of 'Go away Ley-Anne' or something like that...
I kinda smiled and she looked up, she saw me and her face lit up, she definitely had a thing for me. I climbed under the covers with her and just heald her, she seemed to like my company, at least one person did. After that Ley-Anne walked out and closed the door, it was just me and Bandit, alone. There was a silence then sniffles. Bandit. I still like Cherry better.
'Frank, pass me a tissue from over there please' she asked.
I handed her the box. She blew her nose and then got out of bed, leaving me there like an awkward motherfucker. She went to the bathroom, washed her hands and came back, she sat down next to me and rested her head on my chest.
'I can hear your heartbeat, it's beating like a drum, like the bass line of my favorite song' she said looking up at me.
'Sounds like lyrics from a song' I said, smiling.
'it is lyrics, my lyrics, to my song'
'Cherry. What happened, like- today. What's all this?' I said looking around her room.
Oh no, I thought as she started to cry again.
'Please don't cry, please Cherry' I said, putting my arm around her.
She looked up and bit her lip. Her eyes twitched.
'id tell you, and it's not that I don't want to because believe me, I do, I'd tell you but I'm afraid'
'Afraid of what?'
'Meaning?' I was so confused.
'I trust you'
I frowned. She noticed this and continued on.
'I trust you, and if I tell you this, you have to promise you won't tell anyone. Ever.'
'I promise'
She heald out her right pinky finger, I pinky promised her. We're 18 and pinky promising, the thought of that, to me, is cute.

She told me when she was in 6th grade she met a guy and they dated and about all this other stuff, turns out in grade 8 they broke up again for good and he committed suicide. She thinks it's all her fault and since then she's been secretly pill popping, only me and Ley-Anne know. I'm scared for her, if she OD's on pills AND keeps drinking she could die!
'Frank theres a lot of things you're never going to understand about me, I've got insomnia, depression, anxiety disorders, I'm afraid of the light but just as much I'm afraid of being alone. Im afraid to get too close to people. I'm afraid what people think. And there's just some things you just can't change about me, like, I'll never be good enough for anyone else, let alone myself. I don't like eating that much and I'll never dance again'
'Cherry, I like you the way you are, with all your insecurities and imperfections. You're beautiful'
'Cherry, no-ones called me that since...' she said drifting off.
I sensed she was in an awkward position so I decided to change the subject.
'How about I help you get this room cleaned up a bit?'
She just nodded and stood up, as did I.
She dissappeared into her ensuite and returned a second later holding a dustpan. She started sweeping up the shattered glass when 'MOTHERFUCKER!'
'WHAT?! Cherry what is it?!' I went over to her and saw a piece of glass had gone straight through her finger.
'Are you okay?'
She groaned something and shook her hand, then sucked the bubbling blood off her finger. Then she fainted, as she hit the ground one of the pieces stabbed her in the stomach and there was blood everywhere. I couldn't wake her so I checked for a pulse. I lifted her wrist and shifted the armbands out of the way, there was a pulse, her eyes started to flutter and I noticed something on her wrist. Scars, old scars and one fresh line down the middle of them all, my heart sank. Her eyes snapped open and she pulled her arm away.
'Its okay, you don't have to explain yourself to me. Everyone's entitled to their secrets'
She half smiled and noticed the blood all over her, the smile faded quickly to be replaced by fear. She pulled the glass out and laughed. How can you laugh when you just pulled a fucking piece of glass out of your stomach?!
I helped her up, she was weak and stumbled, she couldnt walk so i carried her to the ensuite. I put her down on the toilet seat (which was closed).
'Top shelf, cupboard under the sink, there's a first aid box. QUICK!'
I pulled out the box and grabbed the necessary items. I turned around and she took her shirt off, she was just wearing a polka dot bra and of course her sweat pants. I sat on my knees and cleaned her wound, I put a bandage and clipped the ends shut. I went back into her room and opened one of the draws while she washed her hands, I picked up a shirt and went back to her. I bumped into her in the doorway and grabbed her waist to stop her falling,
'Sorry, I- I just got this for you' I said embarrassedly, passing her the shirt.
'Thanks' she pulled the shirt on over her head and sat on the bed. 'Why do you call me Cherry?'
'I don't know to be honest, I just prefer it to Bandit'
Then, she looked right into my eyes
'If you call me Cherry then I get to call you Frankie'
'Ok' she smiled, her smile was just so bright, my whole world was enlightened.
We finished cleaning up her room while listening to some Iron Maiden on the stereo, when we finished she noticed one last flaw. There was a red blood stain on the white carpet from when she was stabbed. She mixed some kind of formula containing milk and put it on the carpet with a towel over it. We talked for a bit and then she walked me out. She walked out with me to my car and as I unlocked my car door she leaned over.
'Forgetting something?'
'And what might that be?' I asked, playing dumb.
'Could it be...this?' I said leaning in and kissing her.
After the kiss I got in the car and started it,
'Actually it was this' she said throwing my bag at me through the passenger window
'But that was good too' she said smiling.
I backed out of the driveway and she waved goodbye, I drove back home. I couldn't believe we just kissed, I expected her to pull away or something but she didn't. So she does like me, or maybe she dosent, maybe she only did it because she was kinda drunk...all I know is her mouth tasted like vodka and strawberries.

Bandit's POV

After I jumped in bed I realized I was crying. I sensed something was wrong with Jessica, her attitude has changed heaps since she's been away from Peter. I'd like to know what happened between those two and I don't care what I have to do to find out. Ley-Anne was home, and she wasn't alone,I could hear voices. My head was pounding, I was kinda drunk, well, actually tipsy. All I could think about was the aching pain in my head and how sick I felt with myself. I reached over to grab my glasses and I knocked over the vodka bottle from before.
Then I heard someone running up the stairs. Fuck.
'I don't want anyone to come in here' I thought.
Wait, if there were people in my house I didn't want them to see me in glasses! I quickly opened my draw and got my contacts. By the time I put them in someone was rattling my door handle. I put my head in my blankets and the door swung open, banging on the wall.
I groaned, my head was still throbbing.
'Bandit?' Ley-Anne's voice rang and echoed in my ears.
She noticed I was crying and I felt the presence of others in the room so I didn't tell her what happened. She half rolled me over,
'Go away Ley-Anne' I groaned, face still buried in the covers.
'Thats not me' she chuckled back. I turned myself over and lifted my head. Frank. Frank was in my bedroom. He sat next to me and I lifted my covers, he climbed in next to me. His long dreadlocks tickled my cheek and they faintly smelt like weed and cigarette smoke.
Having him next to me felt like the weight of the world on my shoulders had been lifted, I felt like me again but things were still messed up. If I got with Frank, I'd always feel bad about Sam, but it's almost five years and I DO want to move on. It was kinda awkward having Frank in my bed with me since I've never spoken to the kid properly before but it just felt right. We lay there a while, my head on his chest and he was just playing with my hands,
'I can hear your heartbeat and it's beating like a drum, it sounds like the bass line of my favorite song' I said, looking up at him. He stopped playing with my hands and just held them.
'Sounds like lyrics to a song' he said.
It was lyrics Sam had written me.
'Its lyrics to MY song' that didn't mean I wrote it, Sam wrote it for me so it's my song.
He asked what happened, why I was like this and didn't come to school. I started to cry, I couldn't lie to him, I had to tell him but if I do will he still want to even speak to such a horrible person?
I made him promise not to tell anyone, I told him everything with Sam and about my disorders and everything, I didn't hold back.
There was an awkward silence and he offered to help me clean my room a bit. I got the dustpan and started sweeping the broken glass when a piece went straight through my finger.
He came over and saw my finger and then I blacked out. Next thing I remember clearly was being in the bathroom, I took off my shirt as Frank attended to my wound (a piece of glass stabbed me in the stomach). I walked out of the bathroom to find him, but insted I bumped into him in the doorway. He grabbed my waist to stop me falling and there was just a... a moment. He passed me a fresh shirt he had gotten for me and I put it on. There was blood all over the carpet so I made some formula my mom taught me how to make years ago, stain removal. I threw a towel over it and walked Frank out. He walked ahead to his car, I stopped at my front door and picked up his bag. I went up to him.
'Forgetting something?'
'Was it this?' he said, then he kissed me! My first real kiss at age 17, almost 18. Pathetic right? It felt amazing, his beauty crashed into the ugliness inside me and he shaped and moulded me, I felt like a new person! We broke off the kiss and I tried to think of something witty to say.
'Uh, actually it was this' I said throwing his bag at him. I winked and waved him goodbye as he drove off.
I sighed, that was beautiful. I went upstairs to my room and realized my wound was badly bleeding, the blood was seeping through my clothes and everything.
'Ley-Anne I think I need to go to the-' I said opening the door of her room to find her and Gerard almost about to kiss!
'hospital, oh... Um, sorry?' I just ran back to my room and shut the door.
Knock. Knock. Someone was at my door.
'Come in'
'Bandit' Ley-Anne said popping her head through the small amount of space that she opened my door.
'oh yeah, look' I said showing her my wound.
'How can you smile? That's horrible!'
'I'll drive' Gerard said from in the doorway.
We got in Gerards car and he drove us to the hospital, during the drive I looked at Ley-Anne; smile and wink meant I'm sorry, that's what I did. She bit the tongue ring to say, 'it's ok'.
I felt kinda bad interrupting their kiss and now they're taking me to a hospital. I just mentally face-palmed and shook my head. At the hospital after I was examined and cleaned up properly I got a text. I opened it and squealed out of excitement, it said:
'If I could, I'd be your superman and I would fly in your window every single night and knock quietly or let myself in. Every night without fail, I would hold you in my arms and rock you to sleep giving you a blanket and a kiss on the cheek. I would tell you I love you every single night and I would stay by your side to make sure nothing in this world could hurt you, if I was your superman nothing would. I know I can't fly and be super strong, ill be your superman in every other way, protecting you and making sure you're always happy. I love you Cherry'
Aww! How cute is this guy!

Gerard's POV

After school on Monday we all went to Ley-Anne and Bandits house (well, it was more like a mansion). We found Bandit really depresso and Frank stayed to comfort her, me and Ley-Anne went into her room and sat down. We started a bit of our assignment and just talked,
'Im going to go downstairs, want anything to eat or drink?' she asked me.
'Um, I think I'll just come with you'
We went downstairs and she poured two glasses of orange juice, she passed me one and I sat on a stool. She sat on the tabletop,
'Just come sit on the other stool'
'Its broken'
'You can sit on me'
She just giggled.
I lifted her by the waist and she sat on my lap, she quickly got up as Jessica walked in saying,
'Get a room lovebirds!'
We both kinda blushed, downed our drinks and went back upstairs. I heard a yell from across the hall which was Bandits room. I looked over to Ley-Anne.
'Did you hear that?'
'No, what?' she said looking up.
'I think your sister screamed'
'Shes always screaming, don't worry about it'
We just laughed and she slid onto the floor next to me, she crawled in the beanbag with me and we just sat there for a while. She was reading a comic and I was writing a short story called, 'I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love'.
She looked up suddenly and her hair fringe was in her face, I moved it behind her ear and we moved closer together. We were just about to kiss when Bandit burst in through the door, 'Ley-Anne, I think I need to go to the-oh...' She said realizing she had just walked in on us about to kiss 'hospital' she finished, practically whispering.
She just ran out and closed the door embarrassedly.
Ley-Anne got up,
'Sorry Gee'
I smiled.
She walked out of the door, walking into her sisters room. A piece of glass stabbed Bandit in the stomach and it was an ugly sight, Ley-Anne told her sister she needed to go to the hospital and I offered to drive making Ley-Anne jump because she didn't know I was behind her.
We got to the hospital and the doctor took Bandit into a separate room to examine her, Ley-Anne grabbed my hand and lead me outside. She pulled out a cigarette, putting it in her mouth she tried to light her lighter but it didn't work. I pulled out mine and lit the cigarette for her.
'I didn't know you smoke'
'I don't'
'Then wh-?'
'Im bulimic, so I have meds and I haven't taken them and there's no where private to throw up right now, cigarettes help me lose weight' she explained.
I took the cigarette and took a long drag on it, I held it in my mouth as I pulled out my old meds for bulimia, I shook the bottle and two landed in my palm.
I offered them to her, she shook her head.
'Ley-Anne, take it'
'Take it'
'Didn't you hear me? I said no Gerard!'
'Hayley please'
She looked at me with sad eyes, she knew I wasn't going to give up on her. She sighed and took the pills out of my hand.
'Fine' she said, popping them in her mouth.
'I want to see you actually swallow them'
After I was sure she swallowed she hugged me and thanked me.
'I know you're just trying to help me Gerard, and I appreciate it, but I'll be fine'
'I don't know who you think I am but Gerard Arthur Way doesn't give up on anyone, especially not you' I said holding her in my arms for just a little longer. I put the cigarette out and we walked back inside. When we got upstairs Bandit was smiling.
'Read this' she said, calling us over.
There was a text from Frank open on her phone, he was always good with poetry.

Ley-Anne's POV

After homeroom on Monday morning, me and Frank bid Gerard goodbye and walked to the chemistry classroom together.
'Where's Gerard?'
'Um, he's got art now' he replied hesitantly.
'Okay, so is chemistry any good?'
'Yeah, I guess. There's no jocks or cheerleaders in this class, except Stephanie (she's the only one with a brain)'
'Thats good. I've been here a week and watched you and Gerard get beaten up three times now and the things they say, to me and Bandit is just plain disrespectful and sick'
'What do they say to Bandit?-and you...' he said worriedly.
'Don't worry, okay?'
He shook his head.
'So, today afterschool. I've got no ride home, can you give me a lift?'
'Yeah, no problem. Wait, if you don't have a lift home, how did you get here?'
'Bandit drove me'
'Why? Dont you have a car? And won't she just pick you up?'
'She drove me because I dont like driving her cadillac-'
'She owns the white cadillac I've been seeing around here lately! Wow, I never thought a girl would be driving one of those'
'Yeah, anyway... I do have a car, just bought it but I had to order it in from the dealership, I have to go pick it up sometime this week and no, she won't pick me up because she', sick'
'Oh...look, Mr Stevenson's here'
We walked into the lab and he took his seat.
'Um, Mr Stevenson? Hi, I'm Hayley-Anastasia Miranda Crask, I'm new here, it's my second week and I was told I'm in your chemistry class?'
'Oh yes, I was informed. Please take a seat next to Jennifer'
I sat down in the only free seat so it wasn't hard finding Jennifer.
After classes, me and Gerard walked to our lockers together, (incidentally I didn't have one yet and Gerard offered to share) he opened it and gestured for me to put my books in first. I smiled and dumped my stuff on a shelf, he looked at me and blushed.
'You don't talk much ay?'
He shook his head, as he did this he dropped his books. I kneeled down, helping him gather the books when there was his art book, spread open.
'Gerard, all this is so beautiful!' I said standing up, flicking through the book.
'Thanks' he said, reaching for the book. I held it closer to me and on a particular page, I gasped and my heart fluttered.
'Is this supposed to be me?' I asked.
He bit his lip and blushed.
'Its beautiful Gerard!'
'Keep it'
'Yeah, it was for you anyway'
'Thank you so much, I love it'
He blushed again. He put the art book and the rest in the locker, handing me the drawing and we walked out together meeting Frank at the doors.
'Hey, ready to go Ley-Anne?' Frank asked.
'What?' Gerard said angrily.
'Um, relax' I said, placing my hand on his arm.
'Im just giving her a lift to her place man, calm down. Were all going there anyway but Gee, Mikey and Jess are waiting for you'
'Ok' he smiled.
Frank put his arm around me and turned to wink at Gerard. We just laughed and walked out.
'So which ones your car?'
'The VW hippy van'
'Blue one?'
During the drive we played Smashing Pumpkins and screamed all the words, over the music I yelled to him,
'Bandits gonna be excited to see you!'
'Is she now?' he giggled back.
When we got to my place I unlocked the door and called out to Bandit. When she didn't reply I started to get worried and then I heard something smash. Everyone ran upstairs and she was in bed, Gerard pushed Frank forward to comfort Bandit and he did. I waked out and closed the door, me and Gerard went into my room and just sat there talking for ages. We started reading comics and eventually I got bored,
'Just call me Gee'
'Gee' I said smiling. 'Gee, do you want anything from downstairs to eat or drink?'
'Um, ill just come with you'
We went downstairs and I poured us two glasses of juice with ice cubes in them, I passed him a glass and sat on the counter. He told me to sit on the other stool, it was broken so I couldn't. He lifted me off the counter and sat back down so I sat on his lap, I leaned my head back into his neck and he whispered something in my ear. Jessica walked in and I jumped up, after that we went back upstairs and he sat on the beanbag, I snuggled myself in next to him and I sat there reading comics while he was writing a story or something. We were like so close to kissing when Bandit walks in yelling something about needing to go to the hospital. I walked into her room after she left mine (worried about walking in on us) and saw her wound, she was smiling and I knew why. She was in pain, she loved it.
'Ill drive you to the hospital' Gerard said from behind me and I jumped, I didn't know he followed me! Lucky I didn't say anything too detailed.
We went to the hospital and the doctor and nurse took Bandit into a room to be properly examined. During this process me and Gee went outside, I pulled out the cigarette Bandit gave me in the morning and attempted lighting it, but my lighter wasn't working. Gerard pulled out his lighter and lit the cigarette for me,
'Thanks' I said taking a drag on it.
He took the cigarette from me and handed me two little pills, the same ones im meant to take for bulimia. He pretty much forced me to take them and I'm glad he did too, he promised he'd help me and unlike everyone else, he hasn't given up.
We went back inside and Bandit was all smiley and laughing, she showed us a text Frank sent her. It was the absolute cutest thing ever! They better get together soon, maybe Jess and Mikes can help...

Mikey's POV

Jess went downstairs, to get us drinks and I re-opened the email, it was a conversation between Jess and Peter.
Peter- Hey fat bitch, Stella is having a party tonight I'll pick you up at 8
- a day later, a conversation between her and Stella;
Jessica- I'm sorry about last night
Stella- why, what happened?
Jessica- how we left early and that
Stella- that's ok, but why did you disappear so quickly?
Jessica- don't tell anyone ok?
Stella- of course not, what happened?
Jessica- you know how he got really drunk and that, he drove me home and locked the doors so I couldn't get out and parked outside my place
Stella- :O
Jessica- then he started touching me and unbuttoning my shirt and shit. We had sex but is it rape if I didn't want it AND it was my first time? I'm really scared Stella, help me!
Stella- listen, I'll be there in 10.
Jessica- thanks
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