Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In A Hail Of Bullets

Blind- Chapter 1.

by SummerShock 1 review

What do you do when you have no memory of your life? What do you do when someone loves you, but you dont even know their name ?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-03-12 - Updated: 2012-04-04 - 655 words

In a hail of bullets.

So this is an idea I have, and this is the first taste. A new chapter will be up soon.

Blind - Chapter 1

I stood in a bleak room in front of a strange man.

He was wearing a white coat and a badge with the name “Dr Alexander” and the letters B L I N D on it.

I shook my head, becoming aware of the dull pain. He held out his hand and smiled

“Now Imogen. Don't move around too much. You're still groggy from the surgery. You'll be escorted back to your room by Olivia.”

A small blonde girl stepped around the corner with a huge grin on her face. “We're roomies” She took my arm and pulled me away from Dr Alexander.

We stepped out into a dull hallway. She rubbed my arm and pulled me into a room with a 3 on the door.

“its all ours. No cameras, no nurses. I'm your carer” She said happily, Pulling the door to a close.

In another room
Dr Alexander gathered up his files and swept down the opposite end of the hall towards a big black door with the BL/ind smile embellished on it. He knocked shyly and flinched when the door was flung open to reveal a bald man with small beady black eyes. "Mister Korse Sir" He said bowing. "The information you requested" He handed over a manilla folder the CONFIDENTIAL stamped across it in big letters. Korse snapped it greedily and flipped it open. "BROWN, Imogen" He read aloud. "She doesn't remember a thing?" He asked after a moment. "No sir, Not a thing." "Good. We can train her to become our biggest weapon. The leader of the Killjoys is madly inlove with her. Engaged infact"

"Where am I?" I asked quietly.

I dont remember how I got here.

"You're safe with me" Oliva said, smiling easily "Hungry?"

I felt a dull ache in my stomach and nodded.

She swept to the cupboard and retrieved a pack of Poptarts.

She pulled open a small foil packet and put the Poptarts into the toaster.

"I missed you Imogen and I know two other people who did too”

She rapped gently on a cupboard and it sprung open, revealing a small man with black hair, and a taller man with bright red hair.

The littler one bounced out of the cupboard and around the room.

"Its so Big! Look at it!" The toaster popped and he bounded over, Stealing the poptarts and placing himself in a corner.

Olivia shook her head and went to scold him.

The red haired man held his hand out to touch my face and I flinched.

“Imogen” he sighed. “what have they done to you.”

He pulled me towards a mirror.

I saw the red haired man, and a girl with long black hair. She had big blue empty looking eyes and she wore a grey long sleeved cardigan over a white shirt and black pants. The red haired man reached over and pulled up her sleeve revealing dozens of red cuts, running his hand gently over them.

The black haired man popped up behind the sad eyed girl and the red haired man.

“Gee, we gotta go. They'll be in soon.”

I looked down and saw I was in the same clothes as the sad eyed girl, and realised something horrible.

It was me.

The red haired man smiled at me softly and grabbed me around the shoulders.

“Its going to be okay Imogen. I wont let them hurt you again” He pulled me towards a window and we looked down at the drop, a battered car with a spider painted on the front waiting underneath. Scooping me up, He looked into my eyes.

“trust me” and then we were falling.

What did you all think? I'll be posting more soon, so keep an eye out :) R+R :)
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