Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Commit This to Memory

Calm Before

by XxLiveyourlifExX 3 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-03-14 - Updated: 2012-03-14 - 834 words

Calm Before

Topher came to tell them to get ready around seven and informed them that they were leaving in thirty minutes. The normal hubbub of getting ready happened. They all had t-shirts that Gemma had made that said ‘My friend Addi is 25 today!’ They were an awful shade of highlighter yellow with purple writing, but they all wore them happily. They all drew on bright purple stars and got into a van to go to the Rover. Tom snuck them into the back of the bar telling them that Addi was at the bar with the regulars, enjoying her birthday. Braelyn and the boys used the break room to warm up a little bit while Chelsea filmed. Then Tom led Braelyn into the hall. He handed her a live mic and he went up on stage. The bar cheered when he took the mic to speak.

“Hello dear patrons! As many of you know, it’s our own Addi’s twenty-fifth birthday today!” Another cheer. “I’d like to invite her up to the stage now so we can sing her happy birthday.” Addi complied and Tom sat her on the stool on stage. “Alright everyone, one, two, three!”

The bar began singing happy birthday. Braelyn sang into her mic and started walking towards the stage. As she climbed the couple of stairs to the stage, she put her guitar in the stand waiting. People in the bar realized that someone was singing into a mic and they trailed off.

“Happy birthday, dear Addison,” Braelyn sang alone. Addi turned in her direction. “Happy birthday to you.”

Addi stood up so quickly, she overturned the stool. She was squealing as she hugged Braelyn.
“I thought you were gone!”

“You think I’d miss this?” Braelyn replied, kissing her best friend’s forehead. Into the mic, she said, “This is my best friend. I have a very special birthday set for her, would y’all mind if I played it for her?” They cheered. To Addi she said, “Go sit at the bar, drink, and enjoy the music baby face.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too.” Addi left the stage. Braelyn took up her guitar and righted the stool and sat down. “Hey there Rover, I missed you.” The crowd shouted. “So I thought I’d play you some of Addi’s favorite stuff and some of y’all’s favorite requests, because I know you must have missed me.” She smiled at the crowd’s response. She had a great show. She talked a lot and interacted with the crowd. She sang a lot of songs and had a ridiculously good time. At the end of her set, she spoke again. “So, we told Addi last night that we were leaving today, but we really are leaving tomorrow afternoon, so I have to say goodbye for a while. But as a final birthday gift for Addi and a little goodbye present for y’all, I’d like to introduce my new friends back to one of their favorite stages. Ladies and gentlemen, My Chemical Romance!”

The boys appeared and Braelyn hugged all of them before getting off stage. Addi was ecstatic. The regulars were so excited to see her. The Capt’n bough shots like four times. When the boys wrapped their set, they were snuck out the back. Serena, Capt’n, Brett, Addi, and Braelyn went to collect them and take them to Addi and Braelyn’s apartment for more fun times. They all got pretty drunk and they ended up staying at Addi and Braelyn’s instead of going back to the hotel.

The next morning, Braelyn woke up early and woke up Addi to see if she wanted to go to Mass. She did so Addi and Braelyn got in the car and went to church and had Braelyn and Addi time. They arrived at the Rover for brunch around one and all the regulars and waitstaff were there plus Chelsea and the boys. Topher went to the hotel around three to get all their stuff and check out, then he returned and parked the bus in the parking lot. Steve even came into the Rover with him to get some food. It was getting to be around four and Topher mentioned that they should probably go soon. Braelyn remembered she had left something in the apartment so she said she was going to go get it. Several people volunteered to go with her.

“No it’s fine. It’ll take me like ten minutes. Enjoy your last few moments of sanity,” she said smiling and getting up. She left the others.

They got distracted talking and it was twenty minutes later when Topher said, “Where’s Braelyn, we really ought to be going.”

A/N: I know, I know it's short. But the next one is a dozy. Anyway thanks to Jinx, a new reviewer =) I'm glad you liked it, Izzy. And Abbie, I'm sorry you were sleeping haha. Hearts, Corri
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