Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Scientific Experiment

WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! - Chapter 5

by Frankenstien 4 reviews

Lol, Bob and Ray come into the story.. I will edit bits once I get my laptop back :P

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Fantasy - Characters: Bob Bryar,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [!!] [!!!] - Published: 2012-03-20 - Updated: 2012-03-21 - 653 words

I have updated this chapter so it should make sense now, haha xD

The door of my cell burst open, it was the middle of the night, around 3AM, I seem to be able to tell the time just by how light or dark it was now, its a pretty awesome skill to have if you ask me, my eye sight has got olot better to since I first came here, it's awesome.

I looked into the door way in which the door had been slammed into the wall, there was a tall blonde haired man standing in it, silver lip ring gleaming in the sliver of moon light sneaking it's way through the blind. The man was just standing there his eyes shut, yet he seemed to be looking at me.

'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM?! AND WHY DO YOU KEEP STARING AT ME?!' I shouted at the man in the door way. The man just stood there, still with his eyes shut. The starange man in the door way moved around over to the bookshelf next to the window, still seeming to be asleep. I stood up from my bed, making my way over to the now empty door way, wathching the mans every move, he followed me with his eyes still shut. Making my way out of the room I looked down the corridor there was a man with a crazy fro looking into all of the rooms, white lab coat flying out behind him as he moved.

'Er, excuse me?' I asked, the man with the fro, a doctor by the looks of things, looked around until his eyes settled on me. He frowned before rushing over to me.

'Yes?' He asked, sounding very formal, yet slightly out of breath.

'Err, yeah there's some guy in my ro-' I stopped speaking as the man with the fro left me mid sentence, and entered my room. I should my head, following him into the room. The man with the fro sighed. 'Bob, wake up, Bob!' The fro man, clicked his fingers in front of 'Bobs' face. 'Bob' blinked, looking around the room.

'Where, where am I?' He asked, turning around, he stopped dead when he saw me, his icy blue eyes widening when he saw me. 'You're, you're, you're..' The bob guy broke off his sentence, looking over at the guy with the fro, he pointed at me, eyes still wide, the guy with the fro nodded. 'That, that's her..?' Bob asked.

'Yes, that is her.' Fro man nodded. 'Charli, this is Bob Bryar, and I am Dr. Ray Toro, Bob this is Charli-'

'-Simons, yeah I know.' Bob interrupted Dr. Toro.

'How do you know my name, and why are you in my room?' I asked, suspicious of the strangers.

'Oh, I've been apart of experiment 097149.' Dr. Toro smiled kindly.

'Experiment 097149?' I asked, frowning, crossing my arms, leaning against the door frame.

'You. And Bob, you're not the only one.' Dr. Toro smiled kindly.

'So why are you in my room?' I asked again, lifting my eye brow.

'Ah, yes, sorry, Bob sleep walks, I was looking for him when you called me in here, I don't know why he came here though..' Dr. Toro went into a look of deep thought.

'Hey, umm, I am still here you know.' Bob waved from his spot near my bed.

'Yes, well, we should let Charli get to back to sleep, you should go back to sleep to Bob, I'll explain in the morning.'

Mwhahahahahahahahah! I am back! Well umm, my pc broke sooooo, ima on my mums netbook :O xD haha, hope you liked Dr Toro xD btw Bobs like Charli, just a little heads up haha xD Oh and sorry this chapters so short D:

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