Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > So Sorry

Chapter 3

by ValentineRevenge 1 review

Ryan walks in on the guys. What will happen?

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 242 words

I haven't updated this in forever... So sorry about this, guys. Hope you enjoy this, even if it IS very short...

"Oh, hey, Ryan." Brendon said, looking at his significant other. "Hey Brendon." Ryan said, giving a little half-wave with his uninjured hand. Right now, he felt like an animal in the zoo, with the others all staring at him. His heartbeat sped up slightly, and his breaths began to grow shallower. What if they were on to him? What if Brendon had told them everything.

"Come on, sit down." Brendon said, gesturing him over. Ryan took a few, uncertain steps closer. "It's alright..." Brendon murmured, holding his hand out to the other boy. Jon and Spencer waited with bated breath. It could either go smoothly, or ryan could run away screaming like a motherfucker.

Ryan took his hand lightly, and Brendon used it to pull him onto his lap. Ryan squeaked faintly, body suddenly growing stiff. "You're not going to fall." Brendon whispered, wrapping his arms around the fragile figure sitting on him. Even so, Ryan clung to him like a lifeline.

"You're probably wondering why me and Spencer are here, right?" Jon asked, looking at his friend. Ryan nodded, slowly. "We're worried about you. But don't worry, we're not planning anything drastic, alright?"

Another nod replied.

There was silence for a few minutes, before Spencer said, "Why don't we start at the beginning?"


"How did all this start, Ryan?"
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