Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Stray Thought Frenzy


by CherryBOMB96 1 review

Sarah calls Alexa to tell her the NEWS about My Chemical Romance

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-04-04 - 375 words

Chapter 1
The News
Alexa's POV
"Ring ring!!!!!!" the phone rang
i looked at my clock...3:30..
"Ughhhhh! i missed breakfast and lunch! this sucks!" i said to myself. I yawned and thought If this is Sarah im going to kill her. I answered the phone weakly and a loud scream brust through the phone and into my eardrum. Yep. its Sarah.
"Alexa! Alexa! Alexaaaaa! Guess what!? The most awesomeness thing happened!! You won't believe it!!.........Alexa? Hellur??"Sarah yelled into the phone.
I sighed and said,"Sarah? What do you want with me?"
Although i love Sarah to bits and she's just like a sister to me, she can be really annoying. She has dark brown hair and light blue eyes. She has been my best friend since 6th grade. And now we're out of college and in a band.
"Were you sleeping in this late? Wow..." Sarah said.
A few silent seconds went by and then I said,"Uhh Sarah?....Didn't you have something to tell me?"
"OH YEAH! Well I was at Square Beans setting up a poster of our band right and this random man starts talking to me about the poster asking 'Are you in that band?' and I said, 'Yep, we played here late night' But ANYWAYS he told me that he was the manager of...guess what...... MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE! I started to freak out and he told me if want to meet them and to get our music out there we should audition for an second band to tour with them! He said to go to a studio, that i forgot the name of, but he gave me the address. We are suppose to be there at 8:30AM. Can we go please please please Alexa?!" she said that all in one breath so now i could hear her breathing hard and having a panic attack.
I was still really sleepy so wasn't that excited. I know that if i wasn't so tired i would be freaking out like her. I rolled on to my stomach and said,"Sure why not. Anything to get our music out there."
"YAY!!! Okay I'll get the guys and we'll all meet at at our studio! OK? BYE!!" Sarah screamed and hung up.
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