Categories > Games > Sonic the Hedgehog > Cream The Kisser

Cream The Kisser prologue

by MasterMorisu 0 reviews

Sonic slips his tongue and he gets into one of the biggest messes he has ever gotten into. It gets so bad, that Cream joins the fun.

Category: Sonic the Hedgehog - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Cream,Rouge,Sonic,Tikal - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-04-04 - Updated: 2012-04-04 - 834 words

Disclaimer: I do not own Sonic the Hedgehog.
Today was a normal day in Sonic's world. Eggman went back into hiding after his power source
plan for the Wisps was foiled by Sonic and Tails. The funny part about this defeat in particular is that all of his other friends, including his wanna-be love interest Amy, had no idea what was going on. They really thought Eggman had changed his ways for good.

All of his male friends took this as an attempt to hog the spotlight. But understood that Sonic did the right thing; they just wanted a piece of the action. That's all. They told Sonic not to leave them out of the action again. On the other hand, all his female friends were outraged by his choice for Tails and him to fight Eggman on their own. They were shocked that neither Tails nor he asked for help. They were discussing this problem at a new park in Station Square called "Wisp Park".

"What are you saying?! That's not fair! I go anywhere with you Sonic!" Amy said, with much passion. Most of them were sitting in a circle on the soft park grass. Rouge was sitting on top of a tree and Blaze was leaning against it.

"How do you want me to put it Amy? I felt that your help wasn't needed, that's all." Sonic said with a heavy sigh as he lay down on the grass.

"Geez, you shouldn't say that hon. we all need help in today's world. That's very selfish of you to say," Rogue stated as she was sitting in the Tree. She didn't want to sit on grass. The lady has standards folks.

"Why are you not being nice Mr. Sonic?" asked Cream. She was sitting on the grass by her best friend Amy.

"Ha. Maybe he thinks we can't take care of ourselves. I find it surprising Sonic would say something so narrow-minded like that." Said Blaze a cat around Sonic's age.
All their comments were taken to heart by Sonic. He didn't know how to properly give an answer, or give a snappy comeback that he is known for.

"Uh…." He was at a loss of words. He didn't think they were weak, but… "Look, I just think you guys get in the way too much. That's all." Sonic stated his words quickly, but all the ladies heard him. This comment led to a long pause that lasted for a good half an hour. Sonic or none of the ladies spoke. All the ladies just stared at Sonic wide-eyed. This was a strange situation for the blue blur. Once again, he was at a loss of words.

He sighed heavily, and said, "All you guys ever do is get captured. You make our job harder for us. That's what I mean." He stood up, and was about to walk away, until Amy decided to give him feedback. And when I mean "feedback" I mean leaping up from a sitting position and nailing Sonic in the face with a powerful punch. Sonic went crashing to the ground on his back.

"You fucking sexist bastard! I can't believe you said that! I'm going to kill you!" Amy said with great rage in her voice as she pulled out her Piko Piko Hammer from out of nowhere. Rogue quickly leaped in and flew down to where Amy and Sonic were standing. She quickly grabbed the hammer out of Amy's hands.

"Now, now Amy dear we don't need to get violent. But, I'm not excusing your words Sonic. We are all strong in our own way." Rogue dropped the hammer on the ground by Amy, and walked over to Sonic's body and sat on top of him. Everyone gasped at the actions of Rouge. "Listen here blue boy. Give us five weeks, and we will prove to you that we're on your level." She spoke in her usual seductive voice, as she ended the last part of her strong statement with a kiss on the blue forehead of Sonic.

Rogue stood up, and began to walk away. She motioned with her hand to the other girls to follow her. "C'mon ladies we have got a lot of work to do." The rest of the ladies recovered from their original shock and followed Rouge.

"Where are we going Miss Rouge?" Cream said in a voice curiosity.

"You'll find out soon." Rouge answered the little girl. Everyone with Rouge was confused by her response to Cream's question. They wanted to know what she was talking about but they kept silent. All of them were wondering what Rouge was talking about.

Sonic finally got up from the ground. The punch wasn't too bad, but it did leave a sight bruise on his cheek. "Man… They must be serious about this. Five weeks… I gotta tell the rest of the guys about this one. This could be big." He dashed off to Tails' workshop to inform about the news.

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