Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

The Gnawing of Hate.

by CosmicZombie 7 reviews

I hate this gnawing feel inside of me. [R&R?]

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Published: 2012-04-13 - Updated: 2012-04-16 - 401 words

Hi guys...another poem. Hope it's okay- I feel kinda shitty right now, so this was just kinda to vent that while listening to Revenge on repeat. Please rate and review- it'd cheer me up :L

I hate this gnawing inside of me.

I hate the claws that
And scrape,
Coil round my throat,
Poach my soul like bait.

I hate this gnawing inside of me.

I hate the scales that
And slide
Snake round my ambitions,
Throttle all my fight.

I hate this gnawing inside of me.

I hate the broken teeth that
And splinter,
Scrape round my shell,
Shatter my content.

I hate this gnawing inside of me.
I hate the way it rasps and breathes.

I hate this gnawing inside of me.
I hate the way it churns and seethes.

I hate this gnawing inside of me,
It turns my thoughts to tangles,
Leaves my soul to drown
In self-inflicted blood,
Self-loathed and mangled.

I hate this gnawing inside of me.

I hate this gnawing of restlessness.
I hate this gnawing of self-hatred.
I hate this gnawing of bitterness.
I hate this gnawing of being so fucking


I wait for the gnawing to stop,
Wait for the claws to unclench,
The serpent to lay low,
The talons to unscratch,
The teeth to

But the gnawing is always there.
The maggots worming through my brain,
Prickling my thoughts,
Dead-end dreams,
Driving me

I hate this gnawing inside of me.

I wish it would let me go,
I wish it would relinquish my screams
And just let me

But I know it won’t.

So I’ll continue to hate.

I hate this gnawing.
I hate this depression.
I hate this absent esteem.
I hate this lack of motivation.
I hate this anxiety,
I hate this empty inspiration,
I hate this anger,
I hate this infuriation,
I hate my bitter resolution,
This past,
This present,
This future.

I hate it. I hate it


But most of all,
I hate the ticking mock,
The derisive mark-off,
Of the mantelpiece clock.

Ridiculing the fact,
That the thing I hate most of all,

Is the fact I hate it all.


What are your thoughts? Please let me know, I'd really appreciate feedback on this- It'd brighten my shitty day. Did this make sense to anyone? I hope it did! Thanks for reading!

CosmicZombie xo
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