Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Under City Lights

7- Drugged

by XxPerfectTomorrowxX 12 reviews

“Drugged is a... harsh definition of what I did.”

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: R - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-04-23 - Updated: 2012-04-23 - 2529 words

Ryan finally found Blarsel street, parking right in front of Brendon’s car. He noticed Brendon was sitting inside of his car, staring straight ahead.

It took a few knocks before Ryan gained Brendon’s attention. Brendon unlocked his car and Ryan came around upon hearing the deafening click, seating himself in the passenger’s seat. “Didn’t find her?”

“I thought that went without saying.” Brendon bitterly responded.

“Are you worried about her?” Ryan had taken the drive as time to calm down, now he wasn’t entirely sure as to how he should feel.

“I might have made a mistake.” Brendon responded, still staring directly in front of him.

“Do tell.”

Brendon hesitated, changing his mind. “I’d rather not.”

“Then why bring it up at all?” Ryan asked, staring at Brendon. He could tell something was obviously very, very wrong.

“To make myself feel better.” Brendon cleared his throat, clearly struggling with something. “It didn’t work.”

“Then maybe you aren’t supposed to feel better.” Ryan waited, knowing Brendon would spill. He always did. Their friendship had been long, giving them plenty of time to get to know each other. In Ryan’s mind... People didn’t change. Brendon was still the same scared kid. He just happened to have found his way in to the cool kid crowd.

“Alex gave me this pill.” Brendon began, biting his lip. It did hurt. He still didn’t stop. “It’s supposed to make the person...” He rubbed his forehead, sighing loudly. “It’s supposed to make them easier.”

“Like a date rape drug?” Ryan asked, growing more and more concerned with where the conversation was going.

“Kind of but it’s different. It makes the person more confident. It doesn’t just make them easy, as in you can do whatever you want to them. It makes them more confident and... more promiscuous.” Brendon swallowed, unable to make contact with Ryan’s eyes. He didn’t want to see the disgust in his old friend’s eyes because even though he was searching for acceptance he knew what he did was wrong.

“You drugged Juliet, didn’t you?” Ryan’s eyes narrowed.

“Drugged is a... harsh definition of what I did.” Brendon said, nervously playing with his cell phone. “I gave her an opportunity.”

“You’re so fucking full of yourself.” Ryan snapped. “And now she’s out there all alone and in all honesty you don’t know what kind of side- effects that pill could have! You really don’t care about anyone other than yourself, do you?”

Ryan’s words hit close to home but Brendon couldn’t really deny them. All of his actions had been selfish, leaving him unable to defend himself. He just wanted to have fun. He wanted to have fun with Juliet. He was hoping that pill would help her open up. He never expected to fail so horribly at going on a date with her. His fears, which were usually nonexistent on dates, had gotten the best of him. Now she was alone.

Ryan was right. He had no idea how the pill would affect her. When he slipped that pill in to her drink... She was the last thing on his mind when she should have been the first.

“I’m sorry.” Brendon finally whispered, his actions weighing heavily upon his mind.

“Don’t apologize to me.” Ryan’s tone had gone cold. “Apologize to Juliet, if you ever see her again.”

Brendon jumped when Ryan slammed the car door behind him.


(Juliet’s POV)

“Who would’ve known I’d stumble upon the sexiest girl in the state just by angrily driving to a random part of town?” Jon whispered, brushing his body against mine.

I shook my hips slightly as I rubbed myself against him, dancing to the best of my ability. I’d never really danced but the feel of his body against mine felt so right. I just couldn’t help myself. I wasn’t sure where these feelings were coming from. I knew I hadn’t consumed any alcohol and I didn’t plan on it but... I still felt so different.

“I’m having fun.” The words tumbled out of my mouth but they were the truth. I was truly having a good time with Jon. Whatever I was feeling wasn’t bad; It was just different.

“I’m glad.” Jon responded, leaning close so that I could hear him. “Would you like a drink?”

“Something that isn’t alcoholic please.” I answered, “Like water or something?”

“Water it is.” Jon disappeared in to the crowd but my body kept moving. To stop felt like a crime. The music; my body. Everything felt so right as long as I was in motion.

I was only alone for a few minutes and then Jon was handing me a cold water bottle. The water felt colder than it actually was. I felt like my senses were on fire and I just wanted more of everything. “Brace yourself.” Jon whispered, “Here comes the ex-girlfriend from hell.”

I wasn’t even worried about it because honestly... things just didn’t seem to matter at the moment. I had a million stressful thoughts going through my mind but they suddenly froze and now they all just seemed so small and insignificant.

Whatever this feeling was... I wanted it to stay.

Was it Jon that made me feel this way?

“Jon.” The brunette smiled. Her smile was just like every other person’s at my new school. It was fake, filled with something that definitely wasn’t kindness. How were people like this made? I was taught to be kind. I was taught to never be like these people. “How about we dance?” She seductively ran her fingers along his arm, completely disregarding my presence.

“I’m actually already dancing with someone.” Jon responded, wrapping his arm around me. I inched closer to him, something I normally never would’ve done.

“What, this skank?” The girl gave me one disgusted glance and then returned her attention to Jon.

What the hell? If nerdy is the new skanky then yeah, but last I checked it wasn’t...

“Says the girl that just cheated on her boyfriend.” Did those ridiculously lame words just slip from between my lips? “Looks like you messed up.”

Her glare returned to me and I’m pretty sure if I could read minds that her mind would be telling me to go to hell, or something worse.

“Now he’s mine.”

Her eyes widened. “Jon?” She questioned him, frown firmly in place.

“You heard the lady.” Jon said, chuckling. “And she’s a real lady, which is more than I was ever able to say about you.”

Tears pooled in her eyes but I didn’t care. I wasn’t me right now. For the first time in ever I think I felt what it felt like to be one of the popular kids. I hurt her feelings and I didn’t even care. I lied and I would do it again.

To rub in the pain I actually leaned up, pressing my lips against Jon’s. He was more than happy to continue the kiss.

I didn’t hear her walk away.

I didn’t hear anything.

I didn’t even hear the music anymore.

I just felt. This feeling was definitely something that I’d like to take to the next level. Jon pulled on my wrist, words leaving his lips. I didn’t catch the words but I understood what he was getting at.

And yes.

I did want to go somewhere private.


(Brendon’s POV)

The light filtered through the window of my car, along with a loud knock. “Mmm.” I rolled off of my side, blinking my eyes open.

Holy shit...

The knocking got louder as the police officer standing outside of my car began to look a little more frustrated. “Roll down the window please.” He said, loudly.

I nodded, starting my car.

It wouldn’t start.

Fuck. I’d left it on all night. The battery was probably dead. Why did I fall asleep? I opened the door, “Hello.” I weakly called. “Can I help you?”

Probably not the best thing to ask a cop.


(Juliet’s POV)

Reaching out blindly, I ended up grabbing on to something warm and hard and... human.

Oh god.

I opened my eyes, squinting at the unexpected brightness. I’d been out all night. What time was it now? I searched frantically for my cell phone.

11:39 am.

I had been gone all night without calling my mother or father.

I had many missed texts from Brendon and Ryan.

I had hung up on Ryan.


He was probably worried.

First I called home. “Juliet, where are you?” My father answered the phone, sounding panicked. “Did something happen?” I wasn’t a kid to usually pull acts like this. I was the more mature type. Or before tonight I thought I was.

Jon yawned, beginning to wake up.

I wasn’t even sure whose house we were sleeping in. I hadn’t asked.

“I’m out with a friend.” I replied, closing my eyes. I hated that I did this. “I’m fine. I just wanted to check in. I’m sorry I didn’t call last night. Time just went by so fast and then I fell asleep.” I was lying, making it seem as if it were a mistake. It wasn’t a mistake. I simply hadn’t cared. I wasn’t myself last night. Now I got to make up for my poor choices. “Listen, I’ll be home as soon as I can... I’ll talk to you about it then, okay?”

My father sighed, “I have to go to work Juliet. I’m late. I called in because I couldn’t figure out where you’d gone. Your mom talked me out of calling the police but... this was a huge stunt to pull. I’ll be expecting an explanation tonight.”

“I’m sorry.” I really was.

Another loud sigh. “I’m just really glad you’re okay. I love you.”

“I love you too.” I held on to the phone, even though the call had ended.

“Did I get you in to trouble?” Jon’s voice startled me, causing me to jump. “Whoa, calm down.” Jon said, in a soothing voice. “I didn’t mean to startle you. Good morning.” He smiled, running his fingers through his hair.

I glanced at my phone, checking my text messages. “Good morning.” I finally responded, feeling like a completely different person once again.

I was me again, wasn’t I?

I wasn’t entirely sure. Last night had made some sort of impact.

Jon’s hands found my back and he began lightly massaging my shoulders. I had to bite back a moan of delight. He sure did know how to use his hands but then again I already knew that... I found that out last night.

“Hey-“ I paused, nibbling on my lip. “I just want you to know that I appreciate what you did last night.”

I could feel Jon’s smile. “I knew it wasn’t right to have sex with you last night.” He admitted. “I did have fun though.”

“Me too.” I really did. I would’ve had sex with Jon, had he allowed me, and I would’ve ruined all of the fun. I’m so glad that he turned me down, though at the time it had stung.

My phone vibrated again and I realized Brendon was calling me.

“Hello?” I held the phone to my ear, waiting to see what he wanted.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah.” I waited but he didn’t say anything, “Are you okay?” He sounded kind of rushed.

“My phone is about to die and I’m still in town... My car won’t start.”

“Why are you still here?’ Well, that didn’t really matter. “Where are you?”

“I’m on Blarsel street.” Brendon replied, “I was looking for you...”

Oh, well that happened to make me feel pretty bad...

“I’ll call you back in a few minutes.” I quickly said, hanging up.

“Jon, would you mind giving me a ride somewhere?”

“Anywhere.” Jon replied.

I was just waiting for Jon to realize I wasn’t the same girl I had been last night. How would that go over? I wasn’t so sure.


(Ryan’s POV)

“Thank god you’re okay!” I was sitting on my bed, exhausted.

I hadn’t gotten more than a few hours of sleep. I called everyone. No one even knew who Juliet was since she was so new to town so it’d been difficult to get anywhere conversation wise.

Finally I started googling the effects of the drug that Brendon had given Juliet. I was honestly just glad to hear her voice again. Any drug had a great chance of reacting badly once inside the human body.

How could he be so stupid?

“Could I maybe see you later?” Juliet asked, sounding worried.

“Of course. Just call me once you get back to town.” I paused, “Wait, you said you had a ride... right?”

“Yeah, I have a ride.” Juliet responded. “I’ll just call you later.”

One problem was solved; Juliet was safe. The other problem still stood however. Should I tell her what Brendon did, or wait for him to tell her?

I didn’t have that answer.


(Juliet’s POV)

“So, you two know each other?” It was the stupidest question I’d ever asked. They obviously knew each other. I could cut the tension with a freaking knife.

“I like to pretend that we don’t.” Jon responded, leaning against his car.

“Oh, fuck off Walker.” Brendon replied, flipping him off.

“Well, that’s not very nice... Why don’t we just leave him here?” Jon asked me, pouting.

“We aren’t leaving Brendon here.” I said, despite the fact that I kind of liked that idea. He wasn’t the most pleasant person ever but... I wouldn’t refuse to help anyone. I didn’t want to be like that, ever. Plus, he had stayed in town last night looking for me so that meant he cared, to an extent.

He couldn’t be that terrible of a person. I just hadn’t found the good yet.

Brendon smiled, sticking his tongue out at Jon. “She won’t leave me.” He taunted.

“Shut up.” I rolled my eyes, unimpressed with the immaturity level each boy was displaying. “Do you have jumper cables Jon?”

“Huh?” He looked truly confused.

Oh, rich kids.

How were they to survive on their own?

Then again their money ensured that they never had to worry about that.


(This chapter was hard to write because I was trying to keep Juliet’s character from reverting to how I normally write her. As for the drug: Think Ecstasy. That usually induces confidence and does cause sexual awareness to grow. Oh, and sorry for all of the POV changes.)
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