Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Easy A

So Sile spread the rumour. For the first time ever, my sexual life was the talk of the school. Do you know that? That’s not quite right.

A few years ago in Primary School I went to this girl Nicole’s birthday party. All I really wanted was a kiss off this girl that I really liked and by luck, we were placed together in Seven Minutes in Heaven. We both sat on the bed nervously staring at each other for a while. I didn’t want to start anything she might get uncomfortable with so we sat there for a moment before I asked “Umm do you want to do anything?”

Anna went bright red and laughed slightly “Just give me a second.”

“According to my watch you have 339 of them.”

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Add so fast. And you always talk like a grown-up.”

I took that as a compliment “Don’t worry; I’m nowhere near as smart as I think I am.”

Anna went even redder and asked “So… If we didn’t do anything… Could you still tell people that we’d kissed?”

I really wanted to say no. That we were put together in seven minutes in heaven and we should just get it over with. But I didn’t want to be a jerk and I really liked her so why should I make her do something she didn’t want to do? “Yeah, sure.”

“Thanks Gerard.”

“No problem Anna.” Then we pinky promised we’d tell everyone that we’d kissed.

But when people thought I’d kissed someone they didn’t really care. However when they thought I’d slept with someone… Well, remember how I said Google Earth wouldn’t find me if I was dressed as a ten storey building? The day Sile spread the rumour, you’d have been able to find me if I was dressed as a crack on the sidewalk. That’s the beauty of High School. A girl has sex once and bam they’re a bimbo. A guy has sex once and bam they’re a fucking legend.

“Hey Gerard,” One girl greeted me with a grin “How are you?”

“Uhh I’m swell, thanks girl that I’ve never spoken to before.” I replied with a small smile and walked past her.

I really didn’t mean for the rumour to put me on Google Earth but I had to admit… I quite liked being on Google Earth.

The day was going quite well until English. We were studying The Scarlet Letter. Isn’t that always the way? The things you study in class always seems to have something in common with whatever crazy drama was going on in your life around that time. Except for Huckleberry Finn… Because I don’t know anyone who’s ever skipped town with a big hulking black guy.

For those of you who haven’t read The Scarlet Letter or lied and said you have, here’s all you need to know. There’s a girl called Esther who has an affair with the minister and is made to wear a red A for adulterer. But then later on the town realises she was too harshly judged, that she’s really a good person and she dies a saint. If you have a test on it then rent the movie but make sure it’s the original. Not the Demi Moore version where she talks in a fake British accent and takes a lot of baths.

“We are talking about a completely different time, the time that Esther lived on…” Mr.Griffith told the class “When the worse crime a woman could commit was in fact adultery.” Sile’s best friend put her hand up in class “Yes Carol?”

“I think Esther was, excuse my language, a skank.” Carol was another Jesus freak who still believed that adultery was the worse crime that anybody could commit.

“A skank?” Mr.Griffith asked “You don’t think she was a victim at all?”

“Why should I? She brought it on herself.” Carol turned to me “Perhaps you should embroider a red A on your wardrobe you abominable tramp.”

“Perhaps you should get a wardrobe you abominable twat!” I snarled.

Not my best comeback. But it was enough to get me sent to the Principal’s Office. I went straight there and took a seat outside. Sile was there. She works as a sort of assistant to the school during break times, lunch times and Religion of other cultures. “Seems someone’s on a downward spiral.” Sile commented.

I rolled my eyes “Seems someone’s practicing the pathetic chores she’ll be stuck with for the rest of her life.”

“I just hope for your sake that you had the good sense to use protection!”

“Why? Your parents didn’t.”

“You’re going to hell!”

“Just so long as you won’t be there.”

“I can assure you, I won’t.”


“I don’t care who started it just sort it out!” Our principal hissed as Jamie and Aven came out of the office. Aven’s nose was squirting blood. She smiled at me quickly before walking off the to nurses office “Who’s next?”

So I got up and went into the Principal’s Office “So why am I only just meeting you?” The principal asked, taking the note that I had to hand to him “Language like this should’ve gained you a visit years ago.”

“This is the first time I’ve ever remotely misbehaved.”

“This language is foul!”

“I know, I’m extremely sorry.”

“Sorry you said it or sorry you got caught?”

“Sorry I said, honestly!” I paused “And kinda sorry that I got caught too but mostly sorry that I said it.”

“If you use this kind of language again in my school then it’ll be the last thing you ever say, okay?”


“This isn’t one of those progressive schools where the teachers are called by their first names and students are partners in learning and there’s a bake sale at the end of the year where the more creative parents put on musical skits! This is public school! If I can keep the girls off the pole and the boys off the drugs, I get a pay rise! Now do you understand me?”

“Yes Sir.”


“I got a little lost in the middle there…” I admitted “But I found my way back.”

“You have a detention tomorrow after school for an hour.” He told me “Now get out of here!”

[A/N] - I apologise for lack of updates. I wrote this yesterday but I didn't get home until half 9 and then I wasn't allowed on the internet ;/
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