Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me I'm a Zombie, Take Me To The Gay's.

Chapter One - Teenagers

by MCRmy_Killjoy 2 reviews

We find out a bit about Mikey, Gerard, Frank and the disease. Please read and R+R. So basically R+R+R=MY FAVORITE PEOPLE EVER!!!!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Erotica,Horror,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2012-04-27 - Updated: 2012-04-27 - 1882 words

A/N - Soo chapter 1 is here. We have manged to finish it tonight due to our awesome combined brain power of awesomeness. Yeah, that's right. I must say though I tried to get Jess and Loren to do this A/N but they obviously used it all up on this chapter and couldn't think of one so therefore it me again Alex.
Well then on with le story. Enjoy my unicorn loving friends!!! - Alex (felt a need to put it again)

Chapter One - Teenagers

Mikey’s POV

"Hey Gerard, come here!" I yelled as I switched on the TV and flicked it on to the news. As usual all they were talking about was the recent Zombie virus outbreak dubbed “The Cancer” It’s all that’s being talked about these past months.

"Riots erupt as Cancer pandemic hits Washington." says the news reader "Scientists struggle desperately to find an antidote to this unstoppable virus."

They weren't going to find a cure, even I knew that. The government have been desperately trying to shove shitloads of Propaganda down our necks. I don’t believe it. I know the truth behind this so-called virus; it isn’t air born as some conspiracy theorists all seemed to say. It’s Karma. It’s all because one selfish fuckwit of a man decided that he wanted to become beautiful, so what did he do? He made up some stupid serum and injected himself with it. That obviously didn’t do him any good, in fact it made him worse, stupid idiot, and now because he’s not happy with his looks he’s decided to give everyone else this stupid fucking virus. He goes around all dressed in black with a stupid veil over his face, often making appearances on news shows as he sent threat videos. The Black Veil Bride, they call him. And I know for a fact that he was pretty good looking before this virus. Most definitely Fuckable in Gerard’s mind. Speaking of Gerard, where was he?

"Gerard!" I yelled again, where was he? I got up off the saggy old couch and went looking for him. I walked over to the Barn at the side of our house – His favourite hangout – and sure enough he was in there, getting a blow job from some local idiot who’s name Gerard was going to forget come tomorrow. I went in.

"Gerard!" I yelled over his moans of pleasure, "Hey! Get your dick out of that poor guy’s mouth!" after yelling at him a few more times Gerard obeyed, his hands dropped from the side of the boy’s head and he pushed him off. The boy landed with a thump on the floor.

"What do you want now Michael?" Gerard groaned as he pulled his jeans up and buckled his belt, he didn’t even look at the boy passed out at his feet. I obviously pissed him off, he used my full name.

"It’s the Cancer." I said. "It’s reached Washington."

Gerard's POV.

“So, what was his name?” Mikey asked politely making conversation, acting somewhat oblivious to what he just witnessed.

“Erm... Tim, I think, oh wait no, it was Jim. Yeah I let him blow me ‘cuse he reminded me and had the same name as the guy from American Pie” I responded truthfully, trying to make the conversation as normal as possible.

“Right..... Erm, well yeah I’m gonna now. This is getting weird”

“Never” I drawled out.

“Oh, fuck off”

“Just ‘cuse someone ain’t getting any”

“Hey, I just want the right girl. Unlike you that fucks anything that moves”

“Well technically, I only give blow and hand jobs. And still got my ass virginity here. As you are, I’m just waiting on the right guy, but in the meantime I want to at least have some fun” I wink at him and begin to laugh.

“Ew, ew, Gerard, that’s gross. I’m your brother!”

“Oh, come on. It was just a joke. And anyway you’re not gay”

Mikey sigh’s “Look, just be careful. There a weird people out there and I don’t want you to become a weird zombiefied freak just cuse you want some oral, okay”

“Fine mum, plus I never cum in their mouth I always wear a condom. They’re not getting any of my awesomeness” I begin manically laughing before I add “And is it alright if I leave now mommy, only I want to do some drawing” I pulled my best puppy dog/serious face I could at Mikey, who just sighed once again and left.

Me on the other hand rushed into the house and down the stairs to my bedroom. I got out my paper and pencils and begun to draw whatever it was that came to my mind. The only thing I could think of was my parents and how they had been taken from us by this disease. I let a tear run down my face before quickly wiping it away. I had to be there for Mikey, there was no one else all of our friends, not that we had many, had be taken from us and our families. We were, as far as we knew, some of the last surviving human beings. Unless there was a whole city or country that wasn’t infected than his theory wouldn’t work, but it sounded awesome in his head so he’s sticking with it. Last of the humans, hmmm, I could live with that.

Eugh the human race relies on you. We are dooooooomed

Sush your mouth, I could save the world, and get the girl

Dude, we’re gay. We don’t get the girl, we get the guy

Huh, oh yeah I forgot.

You forgot? The world is honestly doomed

No its not i’m like Iron Man and Captin America rolled into one, I’m Iron Jersey or Captin Jersey, Iron Gerard?

Fuck we are going to die! Tell my brother I love him.


How are you offended, you are me, I am you. You cant be offended my yourself idiot

I’m leaving this conversation

Dumbass, you cant leave your brain

Du du do du do, la la lala la la, I can’t here anything other than my awesome singing, na na nana na nananana na na na na.

Frank's POV.

It was my third day on the run from the disaster that has become my life. All that I could think about was, why did this have to happen to me? I was a good person I did my homework, got good grades I even went to church sometimes, so why me. It all happened three days ago….

It had started out a normal day I woke up had breakfast with my parents then left for school, everything was going as normal until an emergency whole school assembly was called, we was informed that a deadly disease was on the loose and that we was to go straight home and watch the news for further information. The girls shrieked and moaned about catching something disgusting, the boys laughed and joked around while I just stood there the loner as always, the principal finally calmed the students down and told us to be careful.

I grabbed my bag out of my locker and my biology book, well might as well get some studying in since we have some time off, oh god did I really just think that, ughh, I need friends and a social life fast. I set off on the ten minute walk back home I put my earphones in and blocked out the rest of the world, black flag filled my ears, perfect.

Well that was until I was being pulled backward by my hair, and was shoved onto the cold floor. I looked up at my attackers; of course it was Justin the school bully. The twat, I really don’t understand how he is so popular for one he looks like a dick with some stupid hair that he flicks every five seconds, I really hope he breaks his neck doing it one of these days.

“So where off to fag? To meet ya boyfriend” then he starts laughing “oh wait who the fuck would want to go out with you, I mean look at ya”, a creepy little grin crossed Justin’s face, he turned to his ‘gang’ then back to me “Ya fag”. He turned away and started walking; I thought that was it until one of his ‘gang’ members foot collided with my stomach. I looked in the direction of where Justin had walked; he turned around and winked at me. Before I could process this another foot collided with my face this time, after a while they got bored and just left me on the floor.

After a few minutes of just causally lying on the floor processing what happened up I dragged my sorry example of a body of the floor, well this is fantastic I’m late home, I look like shit and I didn’t get to revise for biology, stupid fucking Justin.

I finally reached home the door was unlocked so I guess my parent are home, I quickly ran upstairs to get cleaned up, because my parents didn’t know I was a loner who had no friends and would occasionally get the shit beat out off me, no they thought I had loads of friends even a girlfriend and I was just very clumsy.

I was halfway through cleaning the blood of my face when I heard a smash from downstairs, I ran down the stairs everything looked normal and my parents weren’t in sight. I went into the living room, switched the TV on to the news; they were talking about the new deadly disease, they said it was spreading fast and to stay indoors, the side-effects of the disease were slow walking, slurred speech, pale skin and decomposing body parts. I laughed to myself they sounded like they were describing zombies, it seemed quite funny that people were getting so worked up over something that must be a joke, well that was until my parents walked in. They didn’t look like my parents they looked like the people on the news; no this couldn’t be happening I must be dreaming or something.

They were getting closer to me “Mom. Dad” some slurred speech escaped their lips, I could feel the tears sliding down my face, they were only a few feet away now so I ran. I ran as fast as my legs would take me, I didn’t look back, too scared of what I would see. I ran until I didn’t know where I was anymore, I was lost and I was terrified.

A/N - Told you it would be longer and thanks to marmiteluvitorhateit for reviewing so early. So rate and review please and free oreos and milk for everyone, if you don't like oreos you can leave :P The next chapter will be hopefully up next week and THANK YOU FOR READING XXXXXXXX - Alex (yep still me)
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