Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Tell Me I'm a Zombie, Take Me To The Gay's.

Chapter Two - House Of Boys

by MCRmy_Killjoy 1 review

Gee and Frank meet for the first time. Please R&R.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-05-13 - Updated: 2012-05-14 - 2223 words

A/N. Okay, I am so sorry I haven't upload this sooner. I was meant to do it last week then had to go to a party and then i had a pretty busy week and some family stuff happened. But it's now up and we shall try getting the next chapter up much sooner. This is a bit of a filler but still enjoy :) - Alex

Frank’s POV

It was my fourth day on the run, I was hopeless I could keep running from my problems no I had to go back, I’ve got to help my parents it the right thing to do. So I tuned back, I really had walked loads in four days.

I took me at least another four or five days to walk all the way back but I finally made it and I was starving. The house was a wreak it looked all smashed up, I took a huge breath and made my way inside, it wasn’t much better inside either. My parents weren’t here either I wonder if they had moved on now that they were zombies.

First I made my way to the kitchen because I needed to fucking eat, all I’ve lived on for the past 8 days was Haribos and trust me they are not good when you are starving they just make you more hungry. I find myself a sandwich from the fridge and get out a bottle of Dr. Pepper, I take a second one as well just in case. After I had eaten I decided to make my way to my bedroom, thank god it hadn’t been too smashed up, and there she was beautiful as ever sitting in the corner.

“Pansy!” I let out a breath “Thank God they didn’t hurt you.” I went over to my baby and picked her up stroking the neck of her. I placed her in the guitar bag and put her on my back, SMASH, it came from downstairs, my parents must be back. I slowly made my way out of my bedroom, tip toeing down the stairs.

There they was, still zombies, I could feel the tears escaping my eyes, there really wasn’t any hope for them was there. I crept behind them I was so close when they turned around, some slurred speech escaped their dead, rotting lips. I took one last glance at them and ran. For zombies they were bloody fast.

“HELP, HELP” I screamed, ‘yeah like anyone can hear you’.

“Watch out dude” someone shouted, next thing I know I’m being pushed to the floor and hearing gun shots, soon followed by some strangers body falling on top of me.

“OUCH” I let out in pain.

“You’ve got that right mate now get your arse up and run” the stranger said, he pulled me to my feet and pulled me along as he ran.

Once we got out of town and into the middle of know where the stranger stopped, I looked at him he had sandy hair and bright blue eyes and was a lot taller than me but then again so is everyone I’m basically a dwarf, looked him over “Oh my’s....”

“...Bleeding” he finished my sentence, I nodded.

I directed the strange boy who had just saved my life over to a tree to sit down. “Here let me look at it” I instructed the boy “You’re lucky the bullet just scraped your arm but it’s still quite deep”. I looked around for something I could I could use as a bandage, there was nothing so I took of my shirt.

“Urm.....look man I’m, umm, straight” the boy said, my face reddened.

“I was just going to use it as a bandage I’m not going to jump you don’t worry” I said laughing.

“Oh, but it’s freezing out”. It was quite cold.

“It’s all right, look there a barn over there we can sleep in it for the night”. I bandaged the boys arm up who I later found out was called Bob and then we made our way to the barn.

It was so much warmer in the barn so we quickly fell asleep; I dreamt that everything that was happening to the world, to my parents was all imaginary and that my normal sad life had never been ruined by some stupid zombies. I was so happy until I was rudely awakening by someone repeatedly kicking my foot and before I knew it I was soaking wet with freezing water. My eyes shot open to see a tall boy.

Of course he will be taller idiot. You’re on the floor and he is standing

Shut up. He had his arms crossed over his chest he couldn’t be much older than me; he had very pale skin and black hair that fell in front of one of his eyes, he was gorgeous-...

‘No frank you can’t be attracted to boys it wrong’.

Oh yeah I forgot, mustn’t think of boys in that way, only girls. I shudder at my thoughts and the fact I am now soaked and freezing cold.

Gerard POV

I had been drawing for a good few hours now, well it felt like a few when I looked at the clock it turned out i had been drawing until the early hours of the morning.

“Shit, how the fuck did I managed to do that?” i asked myself. Well might as well go do something until Mikey gets up, which will probably be in about half hour. I know I’ll call Ray, he is our long distance cousion and when i say long i mean it. He lives in England, thats like years away. The cancer hasn’t got there yet as far as I know so he is now our only living family and he lives at least 5 hours away. Okay then I shall call Ray, where’s my phone?, Oh God no where’s my phone?


This can’t be happening, this can’t be happen- Oh wait, I left it in the barn. And calm, all good now. Right then, TO THE BARN! I leap up the stairs three at a time – that right guys, I am flex-e-ble yeah – when I’m nearing the top, I manage to not spot the few t-shirts lying there and, to put it lightly, I fall flat on my face. Kinda like the floor facepalming me. Okay, that hurt, but I still do not have my phone; still and I need my phone. Ah body get up, we need thy phone.

Within seconds I’m back up and sprinting towards the back door, hopefully I won’t run into the door this time, as I have broken my nose many times before and wouldn’t really like it to happen now. I swear that door has a vendetta on me for something I once did. After safely passing the demon door, I make my way over to one of my favourite places in the world. My barn ah I remember when I finally built it and called it ‘The Ultimate Pleasure Ranch’ obviously none of the older people –Parents and Grandparents – got it but the people my age did and boy did a queue start forming. But the peacefulness, calming sensation and the general atmosphere it has when it’s just me, is better than anything you could buy or take. I whip the doors open to my beauty and take in a deep breath, ah homeliness. Now then to the task at hand, my phone.

“Here phoney, phone, phone!” I say slightly raising my voice, hoping it will just pop out from behind a hay barrel and say’Here I am Gerard, sorry I disappeared on you like that. I am not too sure on what happened, but I’m here now and you can call Ray so we are all happy and calm’. Unfourtunetly that didn’t happen instead I heard a groan. Which means there is a human or zombie life form nearby, and I really hope it’s not the latter. Carefully I made my way over to where I heard the groaning coming from. On the floor of my barn was a guy, due to him having a shit load of hay on him, I couldn’t tell if he was human or not. But due to the fact he hadn’t tried to eat me alive with some weird teeth, I was betting my money on human. And -..... Wait a second, that’s my phone next to him. Bastard trying to steal my phone is he, well I bet he’s trying to steal my barn then to if he’s here.

“Oi, dude on my floor wake up” I nudge him with my foot, once again he groaned but still not getting up. “For fuck sake. “ I mumbled. “DUDE ON MY FLOOR GET, THE FUCK UP AND STOP TRYING TO STEAL MY PHONE AND BARN!” I then shout at him hopefully loud enough for him to understand.

Once again all I get is a groan and a bit of stirring. Last resort then. I think to myself. I then proceed to going over to the back of the barn where there are some buckets and a hose. I fill up one of the larger buckets and then bring it back over to where the burglar was.
What a shit burglar, he can’t even stay awake to steal the stuff. I laugh at my thoughts and standing over the boy I tip the freezing cold water over him, he jolts awake and this is the first time I get a proper look at him and what a beautiful creature he is.

His orbs are wide, innocent and light brown. Like chocolate. They’re the type of eyes you would take one look in and get lost in them forever. His hair – now soaked – was shaved on the side and dyed peroxide blonde, his fringe was now stuck to the side of his face and slightly covering one of his beautiful eyes. The top of his hair was dyed black and the tips of his fringe were blood red. He looked magnificent. My eyes dropped lower and to my pleasure he was topless. His smooth chest was so damn touchable. It was pale but not as pale as mine, to prove my point I once fell asleep in class, and then when I woke up there were paramedics all around me. When I asked Brendon what the hell was going on he told me the teacher thought I was dead because of how pale I was. Yeah, I’m that pale. He is slightly more tanned, which just adds to his current sexiness.

“Ahem, what the fuck was that for?” He asks me, to my disappointment dragging me out of my thoughts.
“Well, you wouldn’t wake up and I assumed you were going to steal my baby and my phone. Which right now is dangerously close t the water.” I leap over him and rescue my phone from being damaged by the water.
“First of all, I wasn’t going to steal your phone. I needed to get in somewhere safe before and get into the warmth. I saw the barn and decide to stop here. And why the hell would I steal your child. You don’t even look like you would have a baby.” He half shouted at me.
“Oh right, well I’m sorry you look like you were attempting to steal my phone, seeing as you litteraly almost had you’re hands on it.” I retaliate towards him, the sarcasm dripping from my tongue. “And what’s that supposed to mean, I could have a child and you wouldn’t know. But then again I am gay so that wouldn’t really work out.” I tell the beautiful yet annoying boy.
“Wait, so what the hell is your baby?”
“My barn, dumbass, I built it from scratch. Therefore she is MY baby, not anyone else’s” I feel a slight urge to go to the wall and start stroking it, telling it the bad man will be gone soon. “What’s your name anyway?”
“Frank, I’m here with my friend Bob. I’m not sure where he is.”
“Okay, Frank. I’m Gerard and seeing as you’re not a weird zombie or burglar, you and your friend can come into the house for food and stuff” I say to Frank

Once we find Bob, I bring them both into the house and walk into the kitchen to the coffee machine, as I was outside I didn't realise Mikey was up, he was stood over the frying pan. Now staring at the boys. In a slightly mental way, as if I had just brought in two rabid dogs foaming from the mouth. He stopped staring at them long enough to look at me.

"What the hell Gee!" He almost shouted at me, well then maybe this was a bad idea.

A/N. Please R&R and tell us what you think. Thanks :) - Alex
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