Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > this is life in the zones.

can’t we just be a band again.

by frankiero_is_my_hero 1 review

I miss the whole throwing myself about the stage. It was my therapy… and it’s gone. It’s all gone. I have never gone so long without holding a guitar in my hands. Ever.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-05-01 - Updated: 2012-05-01 - 371 words

He was sat with his back leant against the steep side of the sand dune and was holding his head in his hands. He had thrown his green gun a fair few meters away, if any dracs had come… he would have been ghosted for sure… but maybe that’s what he wanted?

“Frank… you… okay?” I asked him as I slouched down next to him.

He looked up and his face was tear stained and red.

“Why? Gee… I… I don’t get it…”

My heart missed a few beats as I remembered my nickname…

Mine was gee… franks was Frankie, or Frankenstein (or midget… but you only called him that if you wanted to be decked…ninja style) we called ray… by his surname… or the hair… and Mikey… was mikes...

I hadn’t said all of their names like that… in a long time. A very long time… and I hadn’t even said them, I had thought them.

“Frankie… none of us gets it. None of us know why this is happening to us. Hey listen… I’m sorry okay… I’ll make it up to you somehow okay…” he nodded and then he started to cry again.

“Frankenstein… you had best stop crying… please? I don’t like it when you cry…” I whispered as I wiped the tears away with my thumb.

“y-you called-d me… f-f-frank...” he whispered into my ear as he leant over slightly.

“You called me Gerard… I’m… sorry ghoul… I shouldn’t have said what I did earlier.” I watched his face drop as I called him ghoul and not frank.

“Gee… can’t we… can’t we just be a band again. I miss that, I miss the whole throwing myself about the stage. It was my therapy… and it’s gone. It’s all gone. I have never gone so long without holding a guitar in my hands. Ever. And now it’s all gone.”
Everything has gone.

“GHOUL! POISON! GET UP HERE NOW!” we heard kobra shout as a loud ray gun noise shattered the never lasting peace…

heehee... i need to get them all up so i will post the next one now too...
-ebony xo
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