Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Broken The Beaten And The Damned

Ring around the ambulance.

by ShutTheFuckUp 0 reviews

The ride the hospital was silent except the sound of Alex’s ragged breath.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-05-06 - Updated: 2012-05-07 - 963 words

Laura’s POV
The sound of sirens woke me up. ‘Huh that’s odd, you can never normally sirens around here.’ I sleepily got out of bed and wandered over to the window. I could feel something was wrong, I could feel it in my bones (Sorry had to put a bit of Young Guns in there, anyhow back to the story.) I saw a Police car and an ambulance zoom past the house. I heard the sound of screeching tires.
“Something must have happened close by.” I said dreamily. I put my dressing gown and slippers on and walked outside. That when it hit me they’d stopped outside my best friends Alex’s house. I sprinted down the street towards her house.
“Sorry miss you can’t go inside.” Said a very handsome Police officers said, stopping me dead in my tracks.
“But that’s my best friend’s house. What happened is Alex okay?” That’s when I saw her being carried out of her house on a stretcher. I ran towards her “Alex, Alex are you okay? What happened?”
“Miss please stop!” The officer called.
“It’s okay, she’s a friend.” Alex said struggling to breath.
“Alex? What happened.”
“Two…masked…men…parents….killed…” Then she passed out. I could believe it, someone killed Alex’s rentals.
“Sir was there a baby inside?”
“Yes there was…” He started
“Is he okay?” I cut him off
“Yes the child is fine, just a bit bruised.” I breathed a sigh of relief, thank god Jamie was okay.
“Can I ride with her?” Nodding towards the ambulance.
“Yes, of course.” I clambered into the ambulance, I’d never been in one before. The ride the hospital was silent except the sound of Alex’s ragged breath. I wanted to sit and cry, my best friend had just lost her mother and her father and nearly lost her little brother, who was in a crib by her side. Once at the hospital, she was carted off to a part of the hospital visitors weren’t allowed to go. I guess they had to run tests on her and stuff, I dunno. I sat in the little café, playing with my phone. I dialled a number and pressed it against my face.
“Hey Gerard? Sorry for waking you but you need to get down to the hospital. Its Alex, She’s been beaten and someone killed her parents. Yeah I know, just get here quick. Oh and get Frankie and Ray here too. Bring Mikey, I need to cuddle someone. Okay see you in a little bit, bye bye.” Gerard hung up and I was left on my own in the café.

Alex’s POV
All I could remember was flashing lights and sirens and…Laura she was talking to me, asking me what happened? Something about my parents being killed. What a weird dream, a sudden pain in my legs woke me from my dream like state. I woke up in a while hospital room. ‘Oh my god. It wasn’t a dream.’ I thought to myself. “Mum? Dad?” I called out, my voice shaken.
Laura burst through the door. “Miss you can’t go in there yet.”
“Yeah I’ve been told that a lot tonight.” Laura barked.
“It’s okay nurse, she’s my best friend.”
“Yeah and this best friend was scared shitless tonight! Are you okay baby girl?” She pulled me into a big hug, I just melted into her arms. God I loved this girl far too much.
“Not really darling.” I started to cry, thinking of what happened.
“Come on love tell your best friend what happened?” I started to cry more. “Hey, hey, hey you don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No I want to but it’s going to be hard for me.”
“Take your sweet time babe.” I took a deep breath and told her everything, I had to, I didn’t want to lie to my best friend or myself.
It took about 30 minutes to tell her, in-between sobbing but she was patient and held my hand, telling me to stay stong.
“… And here we are.” I finished. By that point she was crying too. I opened my mouth to ask if she was okay but I shut it again.
“Baby girl, I am so sorry!” She hugged me again. “You need to tell Gerard this.”
“NO!” I yelled, “I mean I can’t.”
“You told me.”
“I know but I can’t tell him, he’ll freak out and go crazy over this.”
“Alex this wasn’t your fault.”
She wouldn’t listen, it felt wrong thinking about telling Gerard, I just couldn't tell him I was raped.
“You need to tell him babe.”
I again opened my mouth to protest but another voice interrupted me.
“She doesn’t need to. I heard everything.” A mysterious husky voice said, or more like whispered from the door way. There stood a 5’7 tall Gerard way, who looked like he just got out of bed. Which he probably did. His big hazel eyes looked sad.
“Gerard.” I got out of bed and hobbled over to him, ignoring the pain coming from my shot foot and broken leg. I pressed my lips against his, kissing him deeply.
“I’m so glad you’re okay.” He said between kisses.
But was I really okay?

Well there you go guys, the next part in our story, sorry if this is really bad, I'm really tiered and I wanted to get this up tonight. Thank you for reading this means a hell of a lot to me. R&R Please they do help me loads. Until next time goodnight Ruby Explosion! x
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