Categories > Original > Romance > Believe (BOTDF Fanfic)

I'm Too Tired to Put Up a Fight

by BloodOnTheDanceFloor 0 reviews

Jayy was always the loner in Innocent High- the guy who didn’t fit in with any of the cliques all high schools have.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-05-15 - Updated: 2012-05-15 - 837 words

Chapter 2- I’m Too Tired To Put Up A Fight

Jayy was always the loner in Innocent High- the guy who didn’t fit in with any of the cliques all high schools have. Every other pupil seemed perfectly suited for a particular group but Jayy just wasn’t. Not that he cared, he preferred being alone, it was in his nature. Even from a young age Jayy was very independent, and ambitious. His ultimate goal in life was to become a singer; he had his heart set on it ever since he was five when he won a talent competition at his local youth club. He wasn’t going to let anyone get in the way of what he really wanted.

Jayy was walking to school, when he spotted the local bullies coming round the corner.
“Shit” he thought quickly ducking behind a wall. He really couldn’t be bothered with their immature comments and annoying actions. Jayy had been teased for how he dressed and acted ever since he could remember so he was used to it, but this group of boys in particular really got on his nerves. I mean they just took it too far. For example when Jayy first met the bullies they toilet papered his house that night. They were such a pain.

“Hey boys look what I found” Austin one of the bullies shouted in a deep rasp as he pulled Jayy by his hood out from behind the wall. He was one of those people that have an impression on people instantly; you would run a mile just to avoid making eye contact with him. He had his hair shaved too close to his head, and wore his joggers too far down his bum. He wore a wife beater vest just to show off his muscle, Jayy knew this guy was dangerous.

“Come on faggot tell us what you were doing behind that wall?” Another of the gang spat in his face, as the rest snatched his rucksack off him and started pouring the contents of it onto the pavement, pens scattering everywhere. Jayy hated times like this; he was publicly being made a fool of. Why do people take pride and pleasure in doing this?
“Well are you going to answer us or are we going to have to persuade you?” Austin threatened, making a grab for Jayy who dodged nimbly. Just as one of the gang was about to smash his fist into Jayy’s stomach a police man appeared, looking for trouble. Consequently Austin gave Jayy one punch to the nose then they all scattered.

“Thank god for that” Jayy muttered to himself, as tiny drops of blood appeared on the pavement under him and, wiping his nose with his sleeve, discovered his nose was bleeding. Jayy sighed, gathered his belongings from the road and quickly moved on to avoid contact with the police man. There was hardly any damage done that time, but Jayy was getting sick of being treated like rubbish just because he was different but he knew it wouldn’t get any better. He had learnt to accept it, he had learnt to laugh at the haters. Still he just wished they’d give it a rest.

Thankfully Jayy wasn’t bothered the rest of the way to Innocent High, and he just managed to reach form as the bell went. He sat in his usual seat at the back of class, away from the judging eyes of his class mates while the teacher gave him an incredulous look. Great. Now he was not only be frowned upon by kids his age, but the teachers were joining in too. Hooray. When the teacher had finished doing the usual admin stuff she called Jayy outside for a word. At this Jayy rolled his eyes, he knew exactly what this was about.

“Now Jayy what have I told you about wearing make up to school, it just isn’t acceptable.” Mrs Grady scolded, looking at Jayy critically; she had taken a dislike to him ever since they had met.
“But Miss what’s wrong with it, I’m merely expressing myself, it’s not like it’s going to affect my grades” Jayy protested, he really had toned down the makeup- all he was wearing was standard black eyeliner. His school was just stupid; they didn’t like anyone attempting to be different, they didn’t understand people who weren’t ‘ordinary’. He was so close to just walking out, but he couldn’t, he would make things complicated for his family. It would be too selfish, so he was stuck here.

Half an hour later he was on his way to first period, minus the eyeliner, surrounded by everything he hated. As he passed a group of popular kids he was showered with rubbish and insults, things he just brushed off. A couple of years ago Jayy would fight back, but now he was just too tired to put up a fight.
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