Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Easy A

Soon I was getting vouchers from here, there and everywhere. I got a one-hundred dollar gift card from Kim to Woolworths so that she could say I showed her mine but she did not show me hers. Emily, big spender that she is, gave me a fifty dollar gift card to see a movie. However they had an experation date and were only available for some weird foregin movie theatre. Still, it was better than Pollys...

"A coupon?" I asked in disgust, holding it up "Twenty-five percent off hand sanatiser? I fake rocked your world!"

"It's all we can afford at the moment."

"How's that my problem?"

What happened to romance? What happened to civilisation? Does it only exist in eighties movies? Perhaps it does. I know it's certainly something I've never experienced. I wish my life were like an eighties movie. Preferably one with a really awesome musical number... For no apparent reason.

But this is the part of my story which is the worst. This is the part where I, Gerard Way, went from assumed trollop to an actual home wrecker.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, tapping on Mr.Griffith's open door.

"I did. Come and sit down."

I took a seat opposite him and stared at him for a moment in the awkward silence. Then he gestured to the red A on my shirt "What are you doing?"


Mr.Griffith rolled his eyes and smiled at me "Gerard, do you think that maybe you're reading a little too much into this assignment?"

"Oh, well, I was really hoping to get an A." I told him before suddenly pointing at my chest, grinning and asking "Get it? Get it?"

Mr.Griffith didn't laugh, just responded "I'm hearing some things."

I took a deep breath "Oh well the rumours are true. I am considering being an existentialist."

"You know what I'm talking about." Mr.Griffith replied with raised eye-brows.

I went red "Geez. Since when did teachers become privy to idle, adolescent gossip?"

"Gerard, I like you okay? You're a great guy. And I happen to think that all of this," He gestured to my outfit "Is all an act. I'm just curious why you're doing it."

I took a deep breath. I dropped my defences and got real "Have you ever decided to just play along? Sick of never being noticed? Because it's easier than being who you really are all the time?"

"I just don't want this to," He seems to think about the right word for a moment "Damage you."

At the time I didn't understand what he meant so I just replied "You know, I think you should give me extra credit for going the extra mile. I'm really attempting to understand this puritanical ostracism."

He smiled at me again "I also wanted to apologise for sending you to the principal's office the other day. I hate Carol just as much as you do, she was completely acting like what you called her. And I'll deny it if you tell anyone this but I wanted to cheer with the other kids."

I returned the smile "You know I won't tell."

I got up to leave just as Mr.Griffith's wife, Mrs.Griffith the school guidance counselor, walks into the room. Politely I smiled at her "Hi Mrs.Griffith."

She clearly has no idea who I am but she still replies "Hello! How are you?"

I stood there for a moment before pointing at the red A on my chest and stuttering "A i-is for a-awesome?" Quickly I scuttled past her and down the corridor.

Everyone at school knew that their marraige wasn't going as well as they pretended it was. Whenever you saw them at school, Mrs.Griffith practically ignored Mr.Griffith. One student quizzed her on it once and she said it was to keep up a professional image. Lots of kids said this was bullshit. I kind of agreed with them.

The next day I sat outside the school guidance counselor's office, dressed just as slutty as I had been yesterday with a red A sewn onto this top as well. Sile was there sharpening pencils. After each pencil, she observes the point with scary satisfaction. I'm almost glad when Mrs.Griffith comes out her office and says "Gerard, I'm ready to see you now."

I dragged myself up dramatically and followed her into her office, taking a seat in front of the desk. I'm not looking forward to this. Obviously I know why I'm here "So the reason I called you down here," Mrs.Griffith explains slowly "Is so that we could just chat about what's been going on. There's been some concern from a few faculty members."

"Your husband." I correct her.

She shifted a little in her seat uncomfortably. I seem to be very good at making people uncomfortable "Gerard, you're attempting to make a 'statement'. We get that. I'm just confused as to what that statement is."

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, getting a little panicky "Because technically I haven't broken the uniform code. There are girls in this school wearing skirts that might as well be underwear their so short-"

"You're not in trouble Gerard. I just wanted you to know that if there was something you wanted to talk about, you could trust me."

"If I open up to you, do you promise that this stays in confidence?" Mrs.Griffith nodded encouragingly "I watch American Idol. Do not tell anybody." She rolled her eyes so I decided to get serious "I have a reputation to uphold."

"Don't you, though?"

She was starting to irriate me the way she was all superior over me. What did she know about anything? Her whole fucking marraige was crumbling and what was she doing about it? Apparently quizzing me about my sexual relations "We done?" I asked "If I can think of any angsty things to report, you'll be the first to know." I winked at her "This has been so much fun that I'm actually, at this very moment, considering meth addiction, just so I can come back and we can jaw some more."

"Or you could get a girl knocked up?" Mrs.Griffith replies in a harsh voice.

"I'm probably closer than either of us thinks..." Suddenly Mrs.Griffith reaches in her purse, gets a handful of condoms and hands them to me "Propho-tastic!"

"Please don't tell anyone that I'm doing this. The school board is-"

"Puritanical and oppressive?"


It was then that I noticed how genuinely concerned Mrs.Griffith looked. I sighed and shook my head "I don't need those."

"Yes you do." Mrs.Griffith told me sternly, leaning forward a little gesturing that I should take the condoms.

For a moment I thought I was going to confess. I opened my mouth and was about to pour out everything. But then I suddenly felt stupid. It was different that Aven knew my secret. I trusted her. And although she'd mocked me at first, she came to understand. Mrs.Griffith would never understand what it was like for me. So instead I just sighed and took the condoms. "Thank you."

Mrs.Griffith smiled at me "No, thank you Gerard for understanding. Just pop by anytime you want to talk. I'll see you around."

I waggled my fingers at her, got up and left the counsilors office. Sile was there with her arm round her dipshit boyfriend Bob Bryar. I'm surprised to see that he's crying but it doesn't stop me saying "You're up, hoss."

Sile wiped away one of Bob's tears "Everything's going to be okay." She kissed his cheek then gave him an encouraging smile as he walked into the guidance counsilors office.

"Let me guess... Drugs?" I ask Sile. She gives me a 'go away' look but after all the shit she's caused for me, I really want to piss her off further "I didn't know Christian's belived in guidance counsilors. Ooo! Ooo! Is your boyfriend struggling with his sexuality?"

Sile burst into tears, stood up and hissed "No you insensitive rhymes-with-witch! His parents are going through a... Through a..."

"Through a what?"

"Divorce." Sile whispered the word as if it were a rude one.

She sits back down sobbing uncontrollably. I start to feel a little guilty. I wanted to piss her off, not make her cry like a baby. However, I've never really comforted anybody before. So awkwardly I took a seat next to her and put one arm round her, patting her shoulder a little. Sile turned to me and started sobbing into my shoulder. Not sure how to feel about this, I said "It's okay Sile. Uhh sometimes our boyfriend's parents get divorced. It's just important to remember that it's not your fault."

Through her tears Sile managed to cry "But they go to our church! Imagine what people will say!"

I didn't expect to be sitting here hugging her for this long. I pat her back and say "Look, I need to go. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yes!" Sile tells me "Mrs.Griffith is amazing and she's going to help Bob get through this."

"See! Everything's gonna be okay!"

Sile suddenly pulled away and wiped away a tear "Why are you being so nice to me?"

"Isn't that what we're supposed to do? Hey it's your boss' rules."

I don't exactly know what happened or how it happened... But Sile suddenly smiled a large scary smile and hugged me close "I'm sorry, okay? I'm sorry for everything I said! I want to be friends. PLEASE. Please say you'll be my friend."

I thought about it. I had no friends left so what could it possibly hurt? "Uhh absolutely."

And for a day, we were actually really good friends. I was really starting to think that things were going to turn around.

[A/N] - I know I spent counsillor like one hundred different ways in there, I'm sorry D: Anyway what did you think?:)
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