Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abandoned Souls and Buildings

Giggling Eavesdroppers

by Apocalyto 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-18 - Updated: 2012-05-18 - 1283 words

Gerard’s POV

After the awkwardness in the kitchen, me and Frank made a quick exit. As we walked around the abandoned hallways, Frank spoke up again.
“Can we meet up with a few other people? Maybe more sane?” He chuckled. I rolled my eyes.
“Yes, we can meet more people. No, I don’t think anyone here is sane.” We both laughed in agreement. I smiled at Frank and took his hand. I noticed Frank blush as I turned and dragged him along back to the entrance and up the ladder to the ground floor of the church again. Once I had locked and covered the trap door, we walked towards the ancient, grand doors, throwing them open and shedding light on the church's stone and moss covered floor. I winced as the light hit my eyes, recoiling slightly from its harsh assault.

Frank smiled at me before tapping me on the shoulder.
"You're it." He said, sprinting off like a little kid. I laughed and ran after him through the trees of the woods that protected us from the outside world. The church was our sanctuary.

I caught up with Frank in no time with his skinny little legs and pinned him to the ground.
"Tag. I win." I told him triumphantly, poking his forehead. Frank pouted.
"No fair. You have longer legs." He whined, making me giggle.
"Not my fault I have incredibly long, strong and sexy legs. I must live with this curse." I said in an overly dramatised voice while climbing off of him. Frank rolled his eyes.
"Don't flatter yourself, Gee. As soon as you stop growing, that alcohol and junk food will make you fat, fat, fat!" Frank told me. I nodded, rubbing my chin in thought.
"Gay men like fat guys though, don't they?" I asked, shrugging. Frank went bright crimson.
"I-I don't know. I guess?" Frank stuttered. I narrowed my eyes at him.
"Frank...are you gay?" I asked in suspicion.
."Of course not! I-I just didn't expect you to be gay." He explained. I shrugged.
"I've known since I was 15. That's how I got kicked out. Plus Emily kinda gave it away back in the kitchen." I cringed inwardly after I said this. Would he know I fancied him? Although Frank only nodded.

I jumped at the sound of laughing and turned to see Chloe and Andy sitting in the tree. I scowled at them as they climbed down. They obviously had been listening into our conversation. Will anyone give me some privacy? I thought.
"What do you want, eavesdroppers?" I asked, scowl still in place. Chloe covered her mouth to try and stop her laughter while Andy replied.
"Eavesdroppers? Weren't you looking for us to introduce to your boyfriend?" Andy smirked, flicking his long raven hair out of his face. I flipped him the finger.
"Frank, the guy will with a big mouth and hair is Andy from Black Veil Brides. His band often plays in our hall with others and us." I told him. Frank grinned.
"You have a band?" He asked in a childish tone. I smiled at this and then saw Andy trying to hold back his giggles too.
"Yeah, I'll explain later. And this minx is Andy's girlfriend, Chloe." Chloe's pale, freckled face instantly blushed and hid behind her light brown bangs.
"Hi." She said quietly with her English accent. Frank nodded at her.
"So, what are your stories?" Frank asked the two of them, already knowing mine.
"I ran away at the age of 15, a year after Gerard made this a home for any misfits. My parents kept trying to convince me to become a lawyer or something crap and professional and I just wanted to make music with my band. So I ran to this place." Andy told Frank in his deep, but gentle voice.

Chloe nervously tucked her spiky, shoulder-length, light brown hair behind her ear and picked at her chipped black nails.
"I was under a lot of stress at home and had depression issues. I had no idea what to do. So I ran." She mutters quickly.
"All the way to America?" Frank said to lighten the mood. Chloe smirked slightly and shrugged her shoulders.
"I wasn't thinking very clearly at the time. I just took all the money I had and bought a one way ticket to here." She explained in embarrassed tone. I smiled at Chloe. I could tell she was already warming up to Frank which was good for her since she was always to shy to talk to strangers and stayed with Andy and her other friends most of the time.
" there anyone else gonna be jumping out on us?" Frank asked.
"YES!" Someone yelled before Frank was tackled to the floor. I laughed as Frank squealed as he fell and grunted at the weight of Kier sitting on him.
"Nice to meet ya!" Kier told him, also with an English accent.
"How many crazy, eavesdropping, English misfits are there?!" Frank wailed from under Kier. Kier started to count with his fingers.
"Er...two! But there are more English misfit's that don't eavesdrop, but they're boring." The lunatic of a 16 year old said, finally freeing Frank from his clutches.

Frank quickly rushed over and hid behind me, narrowing his eyes at Kier. We all laughed at his childishness. Kier chuckled as he pushed his bangs out of his eyes. I realized then with Frank's new hair, Kier and Frank had the same hair style although Kier's bangs were black and red and his hair shaven at the sides was black.
"So....anyone wanna catch a bite?" Andy asked, flashing us toothy grin while lighting up a cigarette. I noticed Chloe roll her eyes at him and snatch the cancer stick from his hand before he could even bring it to his lips.
"I need a fag. You don't. You're meant to be quiting. Remember?" Chloe reminded him, narrowing her blue, brown flecked, eyes at him while she inhaled the smoke. Andy rolled his eyes.
"You're meant to be quiting too!" Andy whined. In reply, the 15 year old blew smoke in his face.
"So?" Chloe stared at Andy's pouting face before sighing and giving back his cigarette.
"Yay!" Andy yelled in victory, running off into the woods with trails of smoke following him.

Chloe sighed and waved at us.
"Catch you guys at dinner." She said and started to run after Andy. I shook my head them. Thinking about it now, I really needed a cigarette.
"Kier, do you have-?" I was stopped in mid-sentence when Frank held out a packet of cigarettes. Kier also held one between his smirking lips, trying to light it.
"You smoke?" I asked, taking one and nodding in thanks. Frank shrugged.
"I started a year ago when I was depressed and looking for an escape. And my mom usually had lots of packets lying around so I'd take a packet a day." I nodded in acknowledgement and accepted the lighter from Frank's hands. But as I reached out to get it, our fingers touched and I gasped inwardly. As cliche as it was, I had felt warm tingle run up my arm once we had contact. I didn't know if Frank felt it, but it seemed as though he felt something.

I quickly took the lighter and lit the cigarette. I breathed the smoke in fast and ended up in a coughing fit which Frank tried to help me with by patting my back. Once I had finished, I stood up straight and saw Kier trying to cover up his amusement. I glared at him and smiled at Frank.
"Where to next?"
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