Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Abandoned Souls and Buildings

Make-Overs And Coffee Lovers

by Apocalyto 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-08 - Updated: 2012-05-08 - 985 words

Frank’s POV

When I woke up on the couch with Dawn Of The Dead replaying, I looked at the alarm clock to see that it was 5:30 am. I groaned and rolled off the couch, falling on my butt. Gerard shifted, but carried on quietly snoring. I smiled at this, grabbing my duffel bag before slipping into his private bathroom. I have no idea how he got plumbing down here, but I was grateful. I went through my bag until I picked what I wanted to wear and then looked into the mirror.

My black hair was growing longer again, nearly to my shoulders and I scowled at it. I shuffled through the cabinet under the sink for scissors to also find hair dye. I read through the instructions before smiling and getting to work…

Gerard’s POV

I rubbed my eyes and stretched to find Frank no longer on the couch. We had both fallen asleep during Dawn Of The Dead on the couch. Not that I complained, nor did Frank. I heard the lock click in my bathroom, before the glorious Frank appeared. My eyes widened immediately

His hair was cut short, with long bangs and the sides were shaved and white. To highlight his stunning eyes, he had put on red eyeliner and drawn X’s across his eyes. He also wore a black shirt with a red tie, black skinny jeans and converses.

I grinned widely.
“I like the hair.” I told him. He smiled sheepishly.
“I’ll pay you back for the hair dye.” He responded and I waved it away.
“It’s cool, I was planning on cutting and dying my hair white, but it’s not my thing at the moment.” I explained, twirling a piece of my long, slightly greasy, jet black hair.

Frank nodded and plonked himself next to me on the couch.
“So, what’s the agenda for today?” He asked. I yawned before replying.
“Sleep.” With that, I hid under the fleece until he pulled it away from me.
“No way! I need to get to know a few people around here.” I groaned, but told him I’d go for a shower and show him a few friends.

~Change of scene~

After the quickest shower in the history of showers…well five minutes, unlike Frank and his clean clothes, I simply wore baggy trackies and a t-shirt. I escorted him through the twisting hallways, with only the paintings people had done on the wall as directions. I led him into the hall again that was empty, before entering another door that led to our kitchen.

One very long table lay in the middle of the room with several fridges, cookers and counters all around the edges of the room. At that moment, the table only held several people. I smiled at them and sat down on the table next to CC with Emily on his lap. They were both in my group I called ‘You’re not just being nice to them ‘cause they live here. You actually like them’. Long name, I know. Emily, being simple and beautiful. She wasn’t complicated and didn’t need to wear a ton of make-up and have piercings or tattoos (although she had one saying ‘Imaginarium’ on her shoulder). She had long dark brown hair with a side fringe that made her already pale skin, seem paler, silver-blue eyes and was 5’5 and rather light. The only flaw I saw on her was a scar on her left arm because she has a metal plate in her arm which replaced the bone because she broke it when she was younger. She then wore a long black jumper, dark blue jeans, black converse, red and black fingerless gloves and a Avenged Sevenfold jacket.

Emily had come here two years ago when she was 12 years old and her story was she came home one night and found her mother dead in the bathroom. She had been shot dead. Her father had killed her because he was drunk. Her dad tried to shoot her but her brother, Kai, who was 16, pulled her out the way and told her to run. She never seen her brother again and cries about him often. I’m just glad CC is there for her, even if she’s 14 and he’s 17 like me. Well, I’m soon to be 18.

CC was wearing his usual attire of leather and a bandanna around his forehead with black paint around his eyes and painted tear drops on his cheeks. He had arrived here a few months after me and Mikey had aired the radio station. He ran away from home when his parents started to beat him and abuse him in other ways because of the way he dressed and the music he listened to. Like most of us…

Emily scowled at me as she and CC drank their coffee.
“Get your arse of the table, Gerard! People eat on there!” She kept glaring at me until I slid off the table with the face of a puppy that had been just told off. I pouted at her, but went to make some coffee. It was wayyy to early for me to be awake let alone moving around.

As I made my coffee, I heard Emily and CC introduce themselves to Frank and which made me smile. At least he’d feel more at home here by making friends.
“Hey, Frank? Want some coffee?” I asked, not turning my head.
“Er…no thanks. Coffee is gross.” I spun around at this and gasped.
“You don’t like coffee?!” I clutched my chest dramatically and CC chuckled while Frank just stood there, not knowing what to do.
“Ugh, Gee, you fancy a guy that doesn’t like COFFEE.” I blushed bright red at Emily's comment and saw that Frank was also blushing. Well this is awkward now…
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