Categories > Original > Drama > All Those Unfinished


by SylarGrimm 0 reviews

A supernatural hunter that hasnt killed anything is turned into a werewolf and has to cope.

Category: Drama - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-05-28 - Updated: 2012-05-29 - 1893 words

I remember this one. the idea came to me in the car and i came up with the forst few lines about the tombstone. now idk how i planned to reconnect the story back to the forst lines but whatever. enjoy, if you have any ideas on where it should go, post a review please


This story starts with a tombstone. Not just any tombstone, it's my tombstone. To see this story threw my eyes and understand why my tombstone is so important you have to go back before I was even born. My mother met a man she clamed was God sent. He was tall dark and handsome. She fell hard for him and I was born. But only after four years of marriage my father disappeared. At three years old my mother went after him leaving me with a man I hardly knew as our neighbor. But she never returned.
Bouncing around from home to home I found myself in the hands of a billionaire’s wife who had no child of her own. At 6 I was calling her mother. At age 9 my foster father sent me to boot camp. And that led to the army special forces. I wasn't the regular solider. I was the back up man, the secret man, the man with no name. At age 24 I broke a few rules and was putting into military holding. I was released from military hold and sent to federal prison where I learned a few extra tricks. The government needed someone to do a certain job under the radar and pulled some strings to get me back out in the field. At age 27 I had skills no one man should have.
I had seen things people only see in movies and I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone. I'm not talking movies about covert operations or movies with bad US government. I'm talking the horror films. Not slasher psycho shows. Movies like Freddy, or Jason. The best movie that fits what I've seen would have to be Van Helsing.
I was a dog of the military, a hunter of peace and the grotesque. The government had given me a new assignment: Operation Hold Fort. I always wanted to do some home hunting. So I wasn't exactly a free man but who could complain. Fighting overseas was a prison and it was good to be home.

The door swung open and it was good to be home. The small one room apartment hadn’t changed much since I had first moved in a week ago. I never did any cleaning and never cooked. The place was just somewhere to sleep and use the bathroom between hunts.
I flopped onto the couch and stared at the spider infested ceiling and smiled my crooked smile. I watched as the spiders weaved their webs and ate flies, just like the world; people weaving their lives only to trap others within with smooth words and tricks. That’s what the world is to me, a trick. Nothing is as it seems. And I was the only one who knew.
The phone rang and with a simple thumb motion I was speaking to the government. Well more like listening
“Beast. Elm 22nd. 30 Minutes”
The other end clicked off and I stood; adjusting my belt with an array of weapons under my black leather coat and on top of black cargo pants and combat boots. Dusting black hair out of my emerald eyes I took the few steps out into the dingy streets and rain.
“Elm 22nd, 2 blocks left”
My voice was hushed as I stuck my hands in my pocket and shuffled down the street.

The beast was a strong, furry thing with skin of steal and the speed of a cheetah. Gripping the fur around its face I got a nice look in its deep blue eyes. Using his upper body strength he slammed me into the building behind me trying to pry my hands from his fur.
“Oh no you don’t pooch.”
I kicked it in the chest and had little effect. His eyes shifted to a nail covered bored that was conveniently sitting there, rusty nails and all.
“Oh come on, don’t you dare…”
He flipped me and forced my entire body against the bored.
A whoosh of air left my lungs as the tiny nails penetrated my body
“That… smarts”
I shoved at the creature and righted myself. I was slumped with blood pouring out of more places then I could count. But I had been fighting these things longer than anything, in other words, I had had worse.
I charged the lycan with a battle cry and pulled out my last silver knife. Somewhere a club was in full swing and playing corny music. And why is that important? It wouldn’t be unless it distracted me. I'm not saying it did… ok maybe a little. Anyway something, I'm not saying it's the club, caused me to pause at the wrong moment and the lycan grabbed me by my shoulders and delivered a bite into that bit of skin between your shoulder and neck.
Now I did not scream, I let out a manly yell that echoed down the ally. The claws dug into my skin as we just sat there.
“You can let go now monster!”
I shoved the knife into the lycan's chest and it released its hold on me and I promptly fell to the ground. As the lycan inspected its wound I slid my feet into its ankles and used the wet ground to slip the beast up. Leaping onto its chest I shoved my knife into its heart. It howled and eventually stilled.
“Take that…”
I flopped to the ground and huffed
“I'm too young for this...”
I chuckled at my lame joke as I heard club music again somewhere near by. But the thing wasn't dead yet and it grabbed onto my neck, pushing me into the ground. I choked and wheezed, too tired to do anything. I had after all been fighting the thing for over 20 minutes with full force and an empty stomach.
The lycan had blood streaming out of its mouth and it was dripping on my face and into my mouth, it was gross. The beast was huffing and wheezing just as bad as I was. And I was taken by surprise when it spoke it a gruff voice
“Why hunter, why risk it?”
(That’s choke speak for Huh.)
The wolf let up on its hold but still kept me on the ground
“Why are you killing us?”
“That’s a stupid question…”
I furrowed my brow
“It’s a nice way to pass the times… oh and it’s fun. What other reason do I need?”
I smiled sheepishly as I reached into my pocket for a liter.
“We’ve done nothing but survive! Is it hard to ask for peace?”
“As a matter of a fact… yes!”
I clicked the liter and stuck it into the wolf’s wound. He howled in pain and flew down the street running into trash cans and slipping.
“Hey! Get your furry butt back here!!”
I stumbled after it and cursed
“Go ahead and run back to mommy!! Scaredy-cat…. Dog thing…. Snap, where's my cell phone?”
I scratched my head
“And my coat…. Oh well”
You see the thing is... I've never actually killed anything supernatural. Hard to believe I know. I'm actually supposed to hold it until The People come to pick them up. I have no idea who The People are but they dispose of the creatures and I sure didn't wanna be here to be recognized for my failure.

I tried to stumble my way to the apartment but somehow I got lost… truth is I have no since of direction… not my fault, it’s a problem I've had since I was a boy. And can you make it home covered and blood with a growling stomach in the rain? I didn't think so. So instead of home I found my butt in a puddle in front of the club with corny music. I've been in worse so I just closed my eyes and slept.

I had this oddball dream that was full of pain and me screaming, I mean manly yelling. It wasn't one of those tortured dreams type deal, it was literally my body contorting in painful ways. I awoke expecting the dream pain to be gone but it was just worse. And everything was all fuzzy and there was sun in my eyes. I tried to move to block the sun but my body didn't react. Someone's foot made contact with my leg.
“Get up fur ball”
The voice was a cocky teen’s that sounded bored.
“Go away kid”
My voice was all gnarly and harsh. My throat was sore and I just felt overall like a pile of bones.
“I can't go away, you're my responsibility now.”
“Just get up; you’ve practically bled to death.”
“I can't move”
The boy sighed
“I don’t feel so good… I think I'm gonna spew...”
And I was right. I leaned over and spewed whatever was in my stomach and the kid stepped back
“Gross! Bro, keep it in!”
The boy knelt and pulled my left arm around his shoulder. He heaved me up with surprising strength and hauled me into the club. Even though it was now broad daylight the club was still in full swing but the people around me weren’t normal. Lycans, demons, vampires, and any other supernatural beast you know or don’t know was dancing and jamming around me. I put my hands out shoving them away and moaned about something.
“Cool it man, they ain't gonna hurt you.”
I was really confused and couldn't see all that well and I was still dripping blood. Lights flashed around me and people pumped their fists in the air. I saw the wall open up to my left and the boy pushed his way to the opening. A big lycan with beefy arms and legs stopped us.
“Where are you taking… that thing?”
The lycan gave me a weird look and I tried to smile but it hurt too much.
“Come on bro; just grant me one little favor?”
“Are you the father?”
“ME?! Do I look like a lycan to you bone head? I just tripped over the guy right in front of the club. And you know the rules.”
“Just so long as you visit Cinder. She wants to talk to you”
“What?! I can't visit her! She’d…”
The lycan gave the boy the evil eye and the boy shrugged his shoulders.
“Fine! I’ll visit Cinder. Can you move now?”
The Lycan stepped aside and the boy dragged me down a bunch of stairs and into darkness with the music fading behind us.

When we got to lights again it was a busting street. Which didn't make any sense due to the fact that we were inside before and went down; but then again I might have missed something. The boy dragged me into a nearby building and talked to some ghost chick about seeing someone named Cinder. We ended up in some sort of waiting room and I was still bleeding.
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