Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Save My Love For The Summer

Pre-Marital Fornication?

by MetalMusicHead 1 review

hello readers:-)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero - Published: 2012-06-02 - Updated: 2012-06-02 - 444 words


“Where the hell have you been?!” John asked the second I walked through the door.

“Uh, funny story actually! I went over to Gerard’s house to work on the History project and his mum cooked us tea so the guys came over to watch a movie and I fell asleep!” I said, trying to look as innocent as possible. At least I wasn’t spouting 100% bullshit.

“And the boy you were kissing on my door step?” he asked, I blushed violently. He had been spying on me.

“Uh, Frank?”

“The one you had inappropriate intimate contact with in front of my house.” he corrected.

“What about him?”

“What the hell were you doing with him?! At this time too! Disgraceful!” he droned on.

“Sorry..” I mumbled.

“Sorry isn’t good enough! Your out of control! Making out with boys, coming home hours late! You need help!” he ranted. A giant smirk began to grow on my face, he didn’t realise how hypocritical he sounded, I’ve been told how ‘out of control’ he was at my age.

“Hold on a second! I’m a normal teenager! I do what normal teenagers do! I’m not half as bad as you used to be!”

“I’m not the one having pre-marital sex on someone’s door step!” he barked.

“Since when is a kiss ‘pre-marital sex’?” I asked.

“Since when are you allowed to talk back to me young lady? Now go to your room while I decide a suitable punishment for you!” he yelled, turning to a lobster red.

“Whatevs.” I muttered, leaving the room- walking down the stairs into the basement. The clock said it was half past twelve, I was deadbeat. Jessica was sat on her laptop, I hardly spared her a look, I just put my pyjamas on over my underwear, chucking my clothes into the corner- I could deal with them tomorrow. I lumbered into bed, retrieving Ed from within its depths. In case you were wondering, Ed is my child hood friend, the teddy bear that moved everywhere with me. I don’t have the heart to leave him in a different country, let alone throw him away.

“Not so fast. You and Frank are just friends, you say? Well what the fuck was that on the porch then?” she enquired.

“Well, now we’re kind of dating.” I said.

“Nice choice. You didn’t pick an absolute dog. Your lucky- you don’t get pond scum drooling over you all day.” she complained, sighing dramatically, trying to make being popular sound hard. As if.

“Err, thanks?” I turned over to face the wall. Sweet dreams.
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