Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > A fan fiction about Guns n Roses

chapter five

by I_love_AXL 0 reviews

Who loves who?

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Published: 2012-06-15 - Updated: 2012-06-16 - 323 words

Chapter 5
Izzy felt as though Axl had ripped Izzy’s heart out. How can he sit like that with Duff when he hit me for hooking up with Duff? I mean they’re not hooking up but they’re sitting so close and ……Is Axl crying? Izzy was shocked, Axl never cried ever. Izzy stared at them for an hour, watching Duff pull Axl close. They only stopped when Steven returned. Izzy stared at Duff for a while more; he was just sitting there on the steps looking sad….
“Izzy?” a voice asked. Izzy jumped and turned to see Slash standing in the doorway looking at him with an unreadable expression.
“Y-yeah?” Izzy asked “What are you looking at?” Slash asked walking towards the window. “Nothing!” Izzy practically shouted. “Wanna go get a beer?” Izzy was trying to distract Slash. Izzy quickly glanced out the window and saw that Duff had gone back inside. He felt relief that Slash wouldn’t know why he’d been staring out the window but he also felt fear. Had Duff gone to find Axl and pick up where they had left off?
Slash walked over to the window and stared out for a minute before shrugging. “No thanks” he said to Izzy. “What? “Asked Izzy confused. “I don’t want beer but I do want this……” Slash stepped close to Izzy cupping Izzy’s face in his hands. Izzy’s heart beat fast as Slash pulled Izzy towards him. Slash leaned in close…..
“No!” Izzy pushed Slash away and ran from the room.
“Izzy!” Slash called after him
Izzy fought tears as he ran down the hallway. He hurried to his room and slammed the door. He began to sob and threw himself onto his bed. “Umm are you ok?’ Axl asked from where he sat on his bed across the room. “Axl what the hell?!!!!” Izzy screamed. “I-I-didn’t know you were in here. Sorry.”
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