Categories > Original > Drama > The Life And Times... Chapter One

Chapter Three

by ThatSanderlla 2 reviews

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-06-16 - Updated: 2012-06-16 - 1416 words

Chapter Three

Jess and I were fairly settled in by Saturday night. We had our rooms set up and the house in order. Except for one thing, our fridge was empty! The pizza we had earlier was now demolished. “I guess we now have to live like cave men, eating rocks and animals” I frowned. “No need to upset the balance of this world Lulu. Put your coat on, were going food shopping”. “Yes! We won’t starve after all”. The weather outside was chilly and the wind was out in full bloom. I found my purple jacket with the oversized black and white buttons. I looked in the mirror; I thought I looked presentable in jeans and boots. My hair? A beanie will fix that. Jess was already waiting outside and boy did she look presentable. How fast did this girl get changed? She had on a cute white dinky dress, a red ribbon tied at the waist. Her black stockings had an elaborate design on the side, going right down to where her heels sat. Black wedges with a strap that held a small red bow. Her coat was her usual black that came down to where her dress ended. I smiled, realizing how much she loved fashion. “Let’s go”, I said as I shut the wooden door behind me.

We walked down the street, under the illuminating street lights. Tonight this place was alive. At least now we know there were people besides us living here. The supermarket was close to our neighborhood. After fifteen minutes of twists and turns we were on the strip that held the supermarket along with small shops and cafes. We passed one clothing store and Jess came to an abrupt stop, staring. Lucky for me it was closed. I tugged on her sleeve, moving her along. People were everywhere going in and out of cafes, just chatting away unaware of their surroundings. We continued walking a few meters down, the smell of coffee and sugar slowing us down until we stopped in front of a little café decorated with little fairy lights. Breathing in the air I spoke. “Let’s make a stop here and warm ourselves up” “My idea precisely” Jess replied.

As soon as we entered, a wave of warmth hit us along with the sweet smells. Little booths everywhere, occupied by people and teenagers looking for something fun on a Saturday night. A glass case at the front held cakes of different colours and designs along with names that seemed hard to pronounce. Jess was already in line so I went up and stood next to her. It was finally our turn, a middle aged lady with greying hair stood before us, possibly the owner. “What can I get you”, her British accent coming through. “One white chocolate mocha and…” “And a plain hot chocolate” I added. “Coming right up” she smiled at us. The lady began working her magic producing our hot drinks. “Here you go”, she handed us our drinks with a smile as Jess paid. Holding our drinks we both turned around, looking for a place to sit. Nothing, every booth was taken. “Over here”, a voice broke through the warmth. I scanned the shop looking for the source, suddenly I saw Louis staring at us his hand in the air.

I looked at Jess and saw that she was smiling. “Just ignore them and walk out slowly” I said explaining how this operation was to work. “Follow my lead”, she said. I trusted her, thinking we are leaving. Instead I followed her to exactly what I was avoiding. The gang. “Hello” Jess said. I was mentally preparing ways to kill Jess when I get home. I looked up and saw a whole group of guys seated with a couple of girls thrown in between. “Umm, hi”. “Why hello Lulu” Louis was staring at me, cheeky smile on his face. Without a word the people on the booth scooted down, making space for us. I realized that Jess was seated next to the guy that she found good looking. Me? I was seated next to Mr. Pirate guy. There was an awkward silence, as no one spoke. “I’m Jess”. The ice was finally broken. The introductions began. The guy next Jess was Zayn. They began chatting away, like old friends. I ignored them, looking away. The guy next to Louis with the curly hair was Harry. His arm was around Maria, his girlfriend. “Hey” she said in a small voice. I nodded. She was a small thing, her hair braided. Beyond them two was another couple. They both looked stoned and busy feeding each other cake. “Oh, that’s Niall and MC”, Maria shot up. “As you can tell they are both blond and out of this world” I couldn’t help but laugh. “And I’m Liam”, a guy with short brown hair said. All I could do was nod. I looked over at Jess and Zayn and they seemed to get along just fine. I sipped on my hot chocolate, looking around.

“By the end of the night I’ll be the only one single”, Louis boasted. “I can see why”, I retorted back. By now Jess had finished her mocha and I just gulped down the last drops of my hot chocolate. Looking around, Harry and Niall were preoccupied with their girlfriends, while Liam was on the phone. That left Louis, sitting there like a little lost puppy staring intently around. “Sorry guys but Jess and I have to get going”, I said getting up looking at Jess. “Ahh,n-“ “Yeah we have to go get a few supplies from the supermarket”, eyeing Jess out. “I guess so”, Jess said also getting up. “Bye guys, bye Zayn”. Just as we were about to turn around, Louis interrupted. “Don’t say goodbye just yet, we also happen to have to get supplies for our apartment, right guys?” Liam, Zayn, Niall and Harry looked confused but nonetheless followed through. Maria and MC had no choice. “Ok, it’s settled we go together”. Great, when will this guy understand!

At the supermarket, I left Jess with Zayn seeing as they looked comfortable, that and it might be the start of something. I set out through the supermarket aisles, grabbing whatever two girls could need. Bread, milk, snacks. Looking behind my shoulder I saw Maria and Harry holding hands as they pointed at products. Niall and MC were ahead of me, still looking dazed. Most likely from all that food they had eaten earlier. Louis was nowhere to be seen, which suited me just fine. Coming up to the aisle that held all the sanitary items, I walked over to the deodorants. “Hey Lulu, which size nappies do you wear; now we don’t want a repeat of what happened last time. It really stank”. Louis’ voice flitted through the aisle. An elderly couple looked at me, I was pretty sure I was turning into a tomato by then. I could see him standing there, smiling while holding a box of adult nappies. I was surprised to see myself smiling as it’s something I would’ve done to. “Well Louis, I’m defiantly not a large”. I went along. By the time we had our shopping done, it was pretty late. To my astonishment, the guys actually did some shopping, if you count a bunch of snacks and drinks food. Outside the supermarket, we said bye to the guys and their girlfriends. Zayn hugged Jess and slipped her a piece of paper. Without asking, I knew it was his number. “Goodnight Lulu, don’t forget to put on a nappy as to wet the bed”. Funnily this was his way of saying bye. “I won’t”. I joked back. We parted ways.

Jess and I began the walk home, each holding two bags of shopping. “So you’re going to call him?” “Huh? Oh well, yeah”. She knew that I knew. “Do you think it will work out?” I asked her “Hopefully I mean I know I like him. His cute, funny and charming.” “Hope so” I smiled at that thought. “What about you and Louis” “Me and pirate guy? No way, we will end up killing each other”. “Well, I don’t want to end up the one that told you so- in a good way though”. I chuckled at the idea of Louis being a potential boyfriend.
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