Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sharpest Lives

Battered and bruised

by TheSharpestL 0 reviews

First words.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-06-16 - Updated: 2012-06-16 - 1355 words

Mikey sat on the sofa by his older brother, bouncing up and down excitedly. Gerard watched his sibling and rolled his eyes, extremely unimpressed.
“Mikey! Sit still for fucks sake! You’re like the fucking Duracell bunny on crack!”
He hissed, pushing his brother onto the floor. Mikey fell down with a thump and whined.
“No fair!”
He whined, getting himself up and rushing to the window as he heard the sound of the car pull up into the driveway. He let out a feminine squeal.
“They’re here!”
He grinned. Gerard sighed.
Within a few seconds the door opened.
“We’re home boys!”
Donna called. Mikey rushed over.
He asked all at once. There was some talk that Gerard couldn’t quite make out. Mikey walked through with a boy, no older than Mikey himself. He was short, only about 4”9. He was skinnier than Mikey too and pale just like Gerard. He had short black hair which was spiked up into a little Mohawk; the sides on his head were shaved and had been dyed blonde. The male was in black skinny jeans, black converse and a misfits tee. He looked at Gerard with wide russet-y green eyes and Gerard simply looked straight back at him. So this was the kid that was staying with them? Mikey grinned.
“Frank, this is Gerard. Gerard, this is Frank.”
He said. Gerard gave Frank a small nod for a hello before he got up and went to his basement bedroom.

~three hours later~

“Gee, we’re going out. Frankie said he wants to stay here, so look after him? Don’t be a dick.”
Mikey called from the top of the stairs. Gerard sighed and got up slowly, heading up into the living room to see the little Frank sat there awkwardly, looking at his chipped black nail varnish. Gerard didn’t really want to socialise with the boy though he sympathised him. He must be terrified. Gerard knew he’d hate to be in Frank’s position. Frank looked up, catching Gerard’s eye. The boy held his gaze for a few seconds before he looked back at his hands. Gerard didn’t want to talk to him but he knew he couldn’t just leave him there with nothing to do. He walked through and switched the TV on, putting the remote in Frank’s lap without a word. Frank looked at the remote then the TV. He’d never had a TV before. His home never had one. And the foster home TV he avoided due to arguments over what kid gets the remote. Frank sighed quietly and put on Cartoon Network. He was so childish but he loved the programmes on there though he rarely got to watch them.
Gerard flicked through his extremely short list of contacts on his mobile. He was going to call Bert, his boyfriend. Gerard was indeed gay and yet to come out of the closet. He was just nervous of what his parents- mostly his dad- were going to say when he admitted his sexual preference.
“Hello beautiful.”
Came Bert’s husky voice from the other end. A small smile came to Gerard’s lips.
“Hey babe. Look, are you free? I’ve been left at home with the foster kid and I want my Bertybear.”
Gerard giggled rather cutely as he used Bert’s nickname. Bert chuckled softly.
“Of course baby, I’ll be there as soon as possible. Love you, bye.”
“Yay! Love you too. Bye!”
Gerard hung up and grinned. Bert was there in no time. Gerard pulled him inside and leaned up, pressing his lips to his. Bert instantly responded, wrapping his arms around Gerard’s waist and kissing him back. Frank shuffled awkwardly, flicking through the channels. He didn’t know Gerard was gay. Not like he minded. He was gay himself. Donna and Donald knew this and Donna had been over the moon about his sexuality. She said she could now have a ‘gay best friend’. Donald said nothing but he certainly didn’t mind. He got the feeling they didn’t know of Gerard’s sexuality, not like he’d tell them.
“Let’s go to my room.”
Gerard mumbled against the male’s lips. He pulled back and led Bert down into his room.

Frank didn’t see them for a few hours. He heard arguing from Gerard’s room, causing a small whimper to escape his chapped lips. He hated fighting. Bert stormed up the stairs, Gerard following not long after whimpering and grabbing for him desperately.
“I’m sorry! I just… I’m just scared okay?!”
Gerard begged, trying to stop him from leaving the house. Bert refused to listen, swinging around and making his fist connect with Gerard’s face. Frank stood up slowly, wanting to help the boy, but feeling too scared to go over. Gerard, being a klutz anyway, fell backwards on his ass. Pain was over Bert’s face. The punch had surely broken a finger or two… With that Bert left without another word. Gerard curled up into a ball, sobbing. He felt something cold being pressed to his cheek, causing his to open his eyes to see little Frank crouched by him, holding a bag of peas wrapped in a tea towel. Gerard pushed himself to sit up and looked at his hands, snivelling. A pregnant silence hung in the air.
He finally whispered, breaking the silence. Frank looked at him with his greenish russet eyes carefully. He just gave him a small nod. Gerard whimpered once more, his cheek beginning to ache. Frank moved the peas away and examined his cheek, running a fingertip over it. Gerard hissed in pain and jerked back. Frank licked his lips.
He whispered. Gerard hesitated before he moved back towards the boy. That was the first thing he’d heard him say. The silence started again whilst Frank patched up Gerard. Gerard chose to break the silence again.
“You’re good at first aid stuff.”
He whispered, watching Frank pull a rather cute concentration face. Frank nodded.
“I used to have to do it a lot.”
He said softly. A frown formed on Gerard’s lips, curiosity bubbling away inside of him. Instantly his mind traced back to what his mother said.
’ Secondly, he was treated badly in his original home. We won’t go into details because it was gruesome to hear. Just keep questions to yourself?’
Gerard chose to ignore his mother’s words and let his curiosity get the better of him.
“How come?”
He asked. Frank applied the peas to the male’s face again, his face emotionless now.
“I got hurt a lot.”
“You got hurt a lot?”
Frank nodded.
Came Gerard’s reply. Frank winced.
“It doesn’t matter.”
He whispered, standing up slowly. Gerard looked up at the male before he stood up himself.
He murmured. Frank just shrugged, going to put the stuff away. Gerard stood there for a minute, thinking to himself. He really wanted to know what had happened with the boy’s parents. Frank went through to the livingroom so Gerard followed, watching him sit on the couch.
“Sorry you had to see that by the way.”
Gerard said, running out of things to make conversation. Frank looked up at him and gave him a tiny ‘don’t worry about it’ smile. Gerard nibbled on his lower lip.
“I don’t know how I will explain this to mom without… Coming out. You’re not homophobic are you? If you are, you aren’t welcome here.”
He said flustering slightly, rushing his words. Frank looked at Gerard then shook his head. He was the total opposite of course, he was gay! Gerard just stood there awkwardly, nothing else to say. Today was not his day. First he had to have this kid move in and sleep in his room. Then, his boyfriend punched him the face for refusing to have sex with him.
Gerard let out a small groan.
“Fuck my life.”
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