Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

No One's Listening

by BVBman 1 review

Warning:There is cursing envolved and this story is about a boy being picked on so bad that he does something he would regret in the end.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-06-24 - Updated: 2012-06-25 - 642 words - Complete

He woke up and went to the kitchen sighing. He hated his life,family,school,the kids who picked on him,and his friends...oh wait he didn't have any because of Gerard,The Bully. He left the kitchen back to his room and on the outside of his door it said."Frankie's Room"He opened the door to his room and went inside and got dressed into a black shirt and black pants.He ran out the front door to his bus stop and he waited. When the bus came he got onto it.

"Hey Frankie did you become a fag worse!"The boy cracked up laughing and high fived the other boy across from him. Frank tried to sit next to a girl but she pushed him into the floor. So he sat by himself in the back of the bus. Everyone laughed and said mean things to him.


He felt as if he were about to cry but he didn't. When he entered the school everyone screamed and ran to other sides of the hall. Then when a teacher saw him she grabbed him by his hair and told him to stop dressing like a freak. He just kept walking no matter what that's all he did. When he got to his locker all these kids surrounded him.

"Mikey didn't I tell you he was a dweeb?"Gerard said as he punched frank in the face.

"yes Gerard you did."Mikey giggled as he kicked Frank in the leg causing him to fall.

"Do you want to hit him Bob?"Gerard asked this boy who apparently was Bob.

"does this answer you?"Bob said picking Frank up by his shirt and he punched Frank it the face causing his mouth to bleed and it gave him a black eye. They all laughed at Franks suffering.

later that day

Frank went home to see his mom in the living room. She rushed to him when she saw his black eye.

"Frank what happened?"She asked him softly

"mom I fell"He said a bit angry as he shoved her and ran up to his room. He got a gun from inside his desk. Then he shoved it into his book bag for school. And he went to eat dinner and went to bed.

The next morning Frank was ready for school and to be free. He got on the bus smiling no matter how many times he got called a fag. When he went to his locker he was still smiling as he got beat. When he went to his first class he say down and waited till the end of class.

At the end he took out the gun and shot Gerard, Mikey, Bob, Ray, Andy, Sarah, and everyone else including the teacher. Or so he thought. It was a dream he dreamed it he had been holding the gun though. He just slipped it back into his bag and left the school without telling anyone what he had planned in his mind.

When he made it home he knocked on the door and set down a note then he shot and killed himself. His mother answered the door and screamed heartbroken. She read the note outloud and she was crying badly.

"Mom I'm sorry I did this but trust me I'll be fine in hell couldn't take all the bullying anymore. Please tell someone about the bullies and trust me mommy I love you. Frankie Iero"she threw the note down and called the ambulance. The came and got him before sundown.

After that the bullies never picked on anyone again.

r&r please tell me if this is happening to you or someone you know I want to put a stop to bullying. Also tell me if you thought this was sad

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