Categories > TV > Supernatural > Never Go Back

Part 1

by MCRLoverCarley 0 reviews

Dean, Bobby and Sam meet Alex for the first time.

Category: Supernatural - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-06-06 - Updated: 2012-06-28 - 1234 words

Dean sat beside his soulless brother who was handcuffed to the bed as he waited for Death to return and for this... This nightmare to all be over and for him and Sam to get back to hunting the creepy crap like before. Before the apocalypse, their trips to hell and before either of them died. Back to the beginning just them, the Impala, the road and hunting but with Bobby and Cas to help this time around. "Dean. You can't do this to me! This thing will destroy me!" Sam yelled out at his brother, struggling, trying desperately to escape the handcuffs. Dean sighed and dropped his head into his hands he hated seeing his brother like this but what else was he meant to do? Sure lately Sam had become a great hunter, possibly the best he'd ever seen, but if Dean was honest he scared him. He was scared of his own freaking baby brother and that was a though that made him nauseous. As he looked back at Sam he saw his brother was staring at him like some kind of lost puppy and it took everything he had not to just un-cuff Sam and let him walk away without getting his soul back but he sat there averting his eyes and humming Metallica to drown out Sam's pleas and tried to wait out the remaining time until Death arrived.

"Well Dean I'm afraid I bring bad news." Death said as he appeared next to where Dean was sat. "What d'ya mean by that?" Bobby asked as he walked into the panic room. Death's eyes flickered from Dean, to Sam, to Bobby and finally to Castiel who was stood to the right of the doorframe. "When I got there his soul was already gone. So was Adams." he told them as he walked to the other side of the room. "What? How? How is his soul gone?" Dean asked as he stood up suddenly and out of the corner of his eye he noticed the person in charge of ship Sam smirking at the idea of not having his soul returned to him. "I mean what I said Dean. Your brothers souls aren't in Lucifers cage, at least not anymore." Death told him frustratedly and ran his thumb over the top of his cane feeling every blemish, indentation, scratch and fault that time had placed upon it. "Well then where are they?" Dean asked with a hint of anger in his tone. "I don't know. But I can find out though I will need a little time. A deal is a deal so I will find his soul and bring it back so I have upheld my end of our little bargain." Death informed him before staring into the darkness behind the doorframe. "I know where they are." a voice said from the shadows.

The owner of the voice stepped into view of the rooms occupants and stood leaning against the door. He was young, no more than twenty, with aquamarine coloured eyes and short, dark, shaggy brown hair. He was fairly tall but still shorter than Dean and he had a fair amount of muscle. "Hi Dean, Bobby, Cas. I assume that you're Death?" the man said in a slightly melodic voice as he received nods from the others. "Who are you?" Dean asked as he glared at the unknown man. "Let's just say we're acquaintances only not in this form." he smiled as his eyes flickered black for a few seconds. "You're a demon! Meg?" Dean shouted as the realisation hit him only to have the stranger laugh at him. "No Dean. I'm not Meg, although I can tell why you may have thought that. Let's see I can't make this too easy for you so you can call me Alex." the man said and continued smiling in a way that slightly unnerved Dean. "How do we know we can trust you? You are a demon after all." Dean asked cautiously and noticed the shocked stare Sam was giving this "Alex" fellow, almost as if he knew him and was surprised that he could ever be here. "Well Adams soul will be easy for Cas to go check out. It's in heaven. His soul was taken back at the earliest possible moment so he couldn't change his mind about being Michaels vessel seeing as there was no way they'd get you to do it." Alex told them sighing as though this should be common knowledge to them. Cas instantly vanished for the space of no more than ten seconds. "He's right. Adams soul is in heaven." Cas confirmed. They all stared at Alex each with their own thoughts but all basically reading "this is a trick of some kind" apart from Death who approached Alex and as he walked past him muttered something causing Alex to follow him.

Death stopped abruptly as soon as they were out of earshot of the others in Bobby's kitchen and Alex did the same. "I take it you know who I am, or rather who I was when I was human." he said as he picked up a knife and played around with it. "Yes I do. I take it you'd like the secret kept between the two of us." he asked and Alex nodded in response not looking up from the knife in his hands. "Dean would refuse to believe it anyway... Hell, not even Crowley knows who I used to be and I'll use that to my advantage so I can get close to him and then him down." Alex grinned and gripped the knife tightly feeling the cold blade slice through his hand and seeing the thick blood slide down the knife and slowly drip off from the tip. Alex stared at it, almost mesmerised by it as though it was something of exquisite beauty and it was exquisite to him just not in beauty but in taste, a taste that had remained with him since he was human after all in Hell cravings never disperse and detox never ends, addictions remain until the end of time itself. Alex quickly drew his eyes away, cleaned the knife and returned it to where he had found it. He would not give in to the temptations thrown in his face, he had made a promise in life to his dear brother and he would not break that. He walked back to the doorframe of the panic room as Death vanished and leant against it again. "Well Death has gone back to his day job and the search and I am offering my assistance to you." he smirked as he bowed mockingly although they could still sense the seriousness behind his offer of help. "And why would you help us?" Dean asked as he undid Sams handcuffs seeing as he wouldn't go crazy if his soul was lost. "You wouldn't believe me even if I tried to explain." Alex told them as he gave a dark smirk that didn't quite penetrate the sadness in his eyes.

Authors Note: So my original plan for this fic was to finish it and then post it as a one-shot but I'd really like some feedback on what I've wrote so far. It's kind of based on a prompt I saw on livejournal. So anyone guessed who Alex is yet? ;) Rate and review guys! :)
Carley xx
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