Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Want A Review??

Round 1!

by Paranoia_Destroya109 1 review

My first round of reviews! Enjoy!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-02 - Updated: 2012-07-02 - 525 words - Complete

Okay, maybe it's just my computer, or ficwad being stupid or something, but not all of what I wrote is showing up down there and it's not letting me change it... sometimes I hate this website... -__-

Sometimes, Even the Scariest of Monsters Need Hugs Too by ChasingPavementsxoxo

This was a wonderfully refreshing story! I’ve read a lot of stories that revolves around MCR members as children and I was pleasantly surprised by this one. In short, Izzy (our protagonist) is a 6 year old girl living with an abusive father. Her best friend, aka Gerard Way, always seems to know how to make her feel better. Its only 2 chapters in but I already know I’m going to love the whole story! I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face the whole time I was reading it. I think the author really captured the purity and innocence of childhood. I know I personally had a best friend like Gerard as a kid and it brought back a lot of happy memories. Even though the life of your OC is quite sad, it was really a pleasure to read and brightened my day. Keep up the good work! I will definitely be adding this story to my alerts ;)

The Runaway Returns by Obsessive-Fangirl

Alright, so, long story short, Amanda (aka our protagonist) starts our story with discovering she is pregnant with Ryan Ross’s child. In shock of what her family, friends and most importantly, Ryan will think of this, she runs away and has the kid in secret. 10 years later, her kid (Mel Ross) becomes a child actress and just so happens to be in a movie directed by Jon Walker and her costar is Ryan Ross. This is not the type of story I usually read (mostly because of how farfetched it was), but I gave it a try. So far I’ve read 15 chapters (that’s all I had time for, sorry!). Its original, I’ll give it that. I think the story has potential, my only concern is that the story is undeveloped. Personally, I think Ryan is a little unbelievable. I mean, if some girl walked out on me and didn’t tell me I was the father of her child I would be REALLY angry! But he just accepted it. spoiler and the fact that they just slept together right when they saw each other again kind of irked me. I know they loved each other, but wouldn’t they learn from their past mistakes? I think it has some really good elements, but I would work on thinking through how real your story is. (I know what you’re thinking “its fanfiction, it’s not supposed to be realistic,”) but even in fictional stories, there has to be a level of believability or else the story just loses any good qualities. I think you have a really good idea, so I encourage you to keep writing and try to think about how you can work on your characters depth a little more. Good work! I’m rooting for you!

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