Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Want A Review??

Round 1! (Part 2)

by Paranoia_Destroya109 6 reviews

Stupid technology. Ficwad hates me.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-07-02 - Updated: 2012-07-03 - 838 words - Complete

Alright, so ficwad is throwing a fit. facepalm (I'm so technologically challanged) So, just in case the changes I did didn't work for some reason, here is the rest of my latest reviews...

This Title Has Been Censored by ChocoBunniesOfDoom ( (love the username)

This one was definitely a pleasant surprise. The Story is about a young rock star Reese Taylor whose band (Savage Grace) is very popular. So popular that they get into a music competition with some big names such as Green Day, Linkin Park, Paramore, Muse, Panic! and most importantly, My Chemical Romance. (Who, might I add, are hated by our protagonist). So, in an effort to eliminate the competition, Reese joins a summer camp that the members of My Chem attend posing as a normal teenage girl. The story, only 3 chapters in, is really quite clever. Though the plotline is a bit unbelievable (I mean, why would they go to summer camp if they were so famous?) I kind of liked it. The writing style makes it an easy and fun read. And I usually don’t like a story based primarily around OCs, so this was a huge step that I liked it! Can’t wait to see what happens next! Great job!

City Fires and The Tabloid Lies by bloodbunny15

In this story, Blood Bunny and her sister Ruby Explosion are killjoys, living there lives in the zones with a large gang of friends. That’s about all we know so far considering we’re only 3 chapters in. First piece of advice, WAY too many OCs!!! I could barely keep any of them straight in my mind. Also, I think you could add a little more depth to each character. I mean, try to tell back-stories or their motivation for being a killjoy (perhaps you planned on doing that in later chapters, and if that is the case, I thoroughly apologize!). Overall, it’s a bit bland and underdeveloped. I think you have some awesome character possibilities, so I would suggest really thinking through the “who/what/why” of each of your characters. But, also, keep away from them becoming Mary Sue. I look forward to the rest of the story! Keep writing, my friend!

This Is It by MissAbbieHudson

Cool, this is my last review of this installment :) So in this story, a young girl lives with an extremely abusive father. One day, she goes to meet the members of MCR and they help her escape the clutches of her father. First off, there is quite a lot of Mary Sue action going on. Any OC tend to have overly used traits and other qualities that make them a bit one dimensional. And the story itself is a bit unbelievable, I mean, I highly doubt the members of My Chem would take some random girl on tour with them, abused or not; but I suppose that’s beside the point. It is fanfiction and I guess that means it’s almost fantasy, so I’ll let you go on that. I usually hate the element of abuse because I think it occurs in too many stories (ESPECIALLY on ficwad!) but if it shapes the protagonist into who she is and I suppose that’s what got her into the situation with MCR so I will cut you a break on that too. As for the romance, I think it was a little too quick to start; and believe me, I myself am a hopeless romantic, but I think it could’ve taken a little more time to develop. Overall, it was very Mary Sue-ish, but I liked it. I encourage you to really try and deepen your character development and try and ask yourself if this kind of thing would really happen in real life. As I’ve said before, you have to have a certain amount of reasonability in your story for it to be truly believable. Good job, I can’t wait to see what else you’ve got in store!


So that is my first round of reviews!!! Yay buddy!!! If I didn’t review your story there is two reasons why I might not have. 1) I don’t read Frerard or any other pairings. It’s a personally preference, sorry. Or 2) it was a bit too long and I just didn’t have the time to read it, sorry!!

Thank you so much for letting me critique your work! All the authors did a wonderful job and I am glad that they were willing to get advice about their writing. I apologize if I seemed harsh, that truly was not my intention, because I see the potential in all of your pieces and want you all to be able to grow as authors. (and believe me, I’m not even that good myself, so we can all grow together!)

If you would like me to review YOUR story next, just leave me a link to the story you want reviewed in the reviews 

See you next time lovies!!
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