Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > How could it get to this

How could it get to this

by lovingMychem 2 reviews

So, I've returned from the dead. This is Frerard, I'm not excatly sure where it's heading other wise I would have written something else here. I do hope you enjoy and since I haven't writen for a l...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-07-05 - Updated: 2012-07-06 - 239 words

They sat there in complete silence. Like complete strangers. One on the computer, the other going crazy on his phone.
The broken one asked himself, 'is this really what we've allowed it to become?'
He glanced up from the computer screen and searched across the room to smile at his lover.
But it went un-noticed.

"Gerard?" He softly asked as he awaited a swift response. Nothing.
so again he tried. "Hey Gee?" Adding abit more volume this time.
Still nothing.

Why did it feel like this? Like it was a battle field. Like, he was in a competition for attention.
All that he did know for sure, He couldn't go on like this.

Eyes focused on the computer he tried what he knew was the last resort.
He found himself logging onto Facebook.

'He can't ignore me there' he sighed.

Sure enough there he was, online. Talking to a whole heap of random people.

and so he began to type.

'hey Frankie (= what'cha doing?'

Frank looked across the room in disbelief.

'Gerard, we need to talk. I'd really prefer it to be offline'
'ha, don't be so silly Frank. Offline :S'
"Gerard, I'm not joking. We NEED to talk'
'Yeah, I'm a little busy right now babe. Tumblr stuff (;'

Frank slammed his computer shut, ran to his room taking the thickest coat he could find and set out for the streets of New Jersey.
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