Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Uzumaki Fiend

Chapter 3-His Return

by VFSNAKE 2 reviews

Continued events leading to the first chapter.

Category: Naruto - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Naruto,Sasuke,Tsunade,Yondaime - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-07 - Updated: 2012-07-07 - 12461 words

Chapter 3-His Return

It had taken two whole years of nearly nonstop training, but Uzumaki Naruto had finally completed the training his sensei Uzumaki Genshin set down for him. The man knew Whirlpool better then anyone, even after all this time with the landscape changing in different places since his days being alive, and found a hidden storehouse filled with ancient knowledge of the Uzumaki Clan. From scrolls with Jutsus, to the Sealing Arts from beginners to advance, and even one of Genshin's old Shinobi armor that was a little dusty yet was still wearable.

Of course, what surprised Naruto just as much was that someone else found it too, as the place had shown signs of being updated since Genshin's time in being in the storehouse last, and further study revealed Uzumaki Mito herself had been the one to find it. As it turned out, she was a big fan of Genshin from her days as a child growing up, listening to the history of the Uzumaki Clan being told truthfully, and tried to find the Sword of Juubi in the hopes of one day being a great leader of the clan. Sadly, the woman failed to find the legendary weapon, but found his secret storehouse, and turned it into her own.

Mito had left much behind before leaving for Konoha to be with her Senju for a husband, something Genshin had frowned upon when reading that particular part in the journal she left behind, and yet was glad that the man she did marry wasn't like his ancestor. The two actually liked each other and did want to get married despite the misgivings each clan had for one another while the Uchiha were outright against it. Upon further exploring of the storehouse, Naruto saw Mito's handy work in seals, which even now were more advanced then what were used today, and Genshin told him that the oldest Uzumaki designed seals would always beat anything Jiraiya of the Sannin or any other Seal Master could make to this present day.

Naruto had to agree, as the seals Mito had made were designed to help future Jinchuriki with weaker, and possibly unstable seals become up to par to hold their respected Biju. There was even one for female Jinchuriki for when they were pregnant and the seal was weakened from the stress of giving birth. Sadly though, she never got a chance to use this because of being stuck in Konoha the whole time and the loss of Whirlpool itself threw a monkey wrench into possibly coming back to use them. Naruto didn't hold it against her though and neither did Genshin since the woman wanted to protect secrets from potential enemy Shinobi.

Genshin and Naruto knew deep down...Uzumaki Mito herself didn't fully trust Konoha with this vast wealth of knowledge.

And she was right not too.

After reading the journal, Naruto began learning what Genshin, and Mito had left in this storehouse with great zeal. Genshin didn't pull any punches either. The man was a cruel Task Master to be sure and it was no wonder the Uzumaki Spirit had dominated his two brothers when they challenged him for his power. Naruto worked tirelessly in his training everyday until not even Kyuubi's rejuvenating chakra could get him back on his feet.

But like they say, "No pain? No gain!", and boy did Naruto gain quite a bit since his time training with Genshin. Chakra control, surviving in the wilderness of Whirlpool that made the Forest of Death look like a simple walk in the park, and mastering Jutsus until he could do the hand signs quite literally in his sleep. He did sword katas like Genshin had instructed with the two dueling in his Mindscape to further gauge his skills with each duel showing the boy was improving. Naruto used the thick trees in Whirlpool as training posts, hitting them until his bones would break, and wait until they healed with Kyuubi's help before going at it again the second the bones were healed.

It was the Hell on Earth kind of training, but Naruto loved, and thrived in it like he should have in Konoha if they had decided to properly teach him at the Academy.

When it was over, Genshin knew his time was up, as he had nothing left to teach Naruto, and smiled down at his still growing student for the last time. Naruto didn't want the spirit to leave, but knew it was inevitable, and it was going to happen no matter what. Still, the boy would not cry for he knew Genshin would not want it, and bowed before the man to show his sign of respect to his sensei.

"I have taught you everything I know my student. You have gone beyond all expectations Naruto. You have pushed yourself in these last two to achieve a level that takes others a lifetime to achieve. Do you know why?" said Genshin with Naruto looking at him with his proud one blue eye shining while wearing the spirit's old uniform complete with the eye patch.

"Because I'm doing this for the greatness of the clan. To get the justice we deserve. I am fighting for a purpose greater then myself," answered Naruto with Genshin nodding.

"Correct. Fight for a purpose greater then yourself and you will achieve a level of power that far surpasses those of normal Shinobi that fight only for themselves. Shinobi like the Uchiha and Senju Clans my two dumb brothers founded years ago," said Genshin with Naruto nodding.

"I will treasure our time together Genshin-sensei. Thank you for all you have done for me," said Naruto with the spirit's hand touching his shoulder.

"As will I Uzumaki Naruto. The time is at hand. Go forth into the Elemental Countries and make the world be reminded once more of the strength that those of our bloodline possess! exclaimed Genshin with Naruto nodding before the world around them went from white all around to the remains of Whirlpool.

"I won't fail you Genshin-sensei. I promise!" answered Naruto knowing that the spirit would hear him even if the man had gone off to the afterlife.

"And so it begins," said Kyuubi to himself while looking over at the two figures in the shadows, who were here every step of the way regarding Naruto's life, and had yet to show themselves to the boy.

"Shut up Kyuubi!" said the male voice of the two figures.

"Or what? I'm not the one who sealed me up into his only son and then expected the fools to do what you wished them to do. That was your own damn fault Yondaime Hokage!" exclaimed Kyuubi with the Yondaime Hokage growling at him.

"And what do you know fox. It was because of you my wife died and couldn't raise him!" countered the Yondaime with Kyuubi growled back.

"You tried to imprison me again! I never asked to be sealed away. You humans did that to me without any regard to how I felt. Using Biju like we're pets, slaves, and your personal weapons while not using us in that particular order. What right did you have to imprison me once I was freed from the power of the Sharingan? You only sealed me away because you wanted a weapon in the form of your son!" Kyuubi shot back with the Yondaime Hokage going stiff and tense at his words.

"I only wanted Naruto to have a means to combat Madara and his future plans for the Leaf. Naruto was going to need all the power he could muster under his command and you were going to be the edge he needed!" the Yondaime shot back while the Kyuubi just laughed at him.

"Really? Then why don't meet him face to face in here and tell him that yourself?!" questioned Kyuubi with Minato being silent.

"Because we are ashamed," answered the woman next to the Yondaime.

"As you should be Uzumaki Kushina. After all the years your son wondered about his parents, it was through ME that he knew your names, and yet not once did you make any attempt to appear before him," Kyuubi said while Kushina looked away from the fox.

"We'll talk to him when the time is right," explained Minato with the fox shaking his head at him.

"And when will that be? Today? Tomorrow? In a week? A Month? A year perhaps? Two years? Three years? Ten years? On his deathbed if he lives long enough to die of old age? When?!" asked Kyuubi with Minato looking away from the fox.

"That's none of your business!" the Yondaime answered with Kyuubi shaking his head.

"Some Father you are Namikaze Minato. Its no wonder the people of Konoha have no love for your son. You have no love for him either," Kyuubi said before leaving the two of them alone to dwell on his words.

"Is that true Minato?" asked Kushina with Minato not looking her in the eyes.

"I do love our son Kushina, but...I don't like the fact he going to destroy Konoha. I am from Konoha and I don't want to see it destroyed," answered Minato while Kushina just scowled at him.

"And the pain he went through? The betrayal he suffered from those around him we thought were trustworthy? Jiraiya, Tsunade, Kakashi, and the Clan Heads themselves are all guilty here Minato! Are you telling me that they don't deserve to know our son's wrath and the wrath of every Uzumaki your village betrayed?!" asked Kushina with Minato just sighing.

"What do you want me to say Kushina? That I'm angry? Outraged? Cursing those fools for betraying us both? Of course I am! I'm all that and more! But...Konoha is my home. I was born there. I learned everything there is to know about being a Shinobi and its my home. I...don't approve of him destroying it," answered Minato with Kushina looking livid at him.

"You would deny our son the justice he deserves simply because of that?! You would side with Konoha, those betrayers, and our son's abusers because its your home? What about MY home Minato? Whirlpool was my home first and it got destroyed by the very villager it was allied with that you were born in. Your loyalty should be to your son!" Kushina nearly yelled at her husband with Minato looking away.

"Well I don't see it that way," replied Minato with Kushina looking absolutely pissed off at him.

"So you would screw over your own son to protect the village. The first time you did it was for noble reasons in the hopes the fruits of your sacrifice would be wonderful with Naruto being loved. Now its for a stupid one. All you care about is Konoha's survival and having a weapon against Madara. You don't even see Naruto as your son. Well I do! And I'm going to let him know that!" replied Kushina before walking away from the man.

"She'll come around and when its my turn to speak to Naruto...he'll see things my way," said Minato to himself while sensing a chill of dread run up his spine.

(Konoha-Two Months Later)

Tsunade was not happy. Why? Because Uchiha Sasuke had decided in his infinite, and extremely arrogance to leave Konoha for Orochimaru. Again! Why? In order to achieve the needed power to kill his older brother. It was the same old tune with the boy. "I must kill my older brother for the glory of the Uchiha Clan!" or it was "Itachi must die! That's all that matters to me!" and all that other crap.

To make matters even worse, Konoha was in dire straights with the loss of the Kyuubi Jinchuriki with allies the brat had gained for the village being no more. Many in the Leaf blamed Naruto for this after word spread through Konoha originally the punishment he would receive for harming the Uchiha and how he was presumed dead after running away to escape it. A party was thrown after that throughout the village and all was well at first with Naruto gone and then believed to be killed during his attempted escape. Many were thrilled by this, but a select handful were not, and had to be silent due to the vast majority wouldn't stand for it.

Those that missed Naruto were Hyuuga Hinata, Mitarashi Anko, Uzuki Yugao, Tsunade's assistant Shizune, Teuchi, and his daughter Ayame. The Konohamaru Corps. had been supportive of the Uzumaki, but had abandoned their one time idol after Asuma told his nephew that it was because of Naruto that his Grandmother died the night of Kyuubi's attack, and had the blonde stayed in the arena during the invasion...his Grandfather might have lived against Orochimaru. While a bit farfetched given how things happened, it had the impact Asuma was hoping for, and the love the trio had to the Uzumaki was no more.

Now they hated Naruto without question.

"Get me a retrieval team in here Shizune. All Jounin level!" commanded Tsunade with Shizune complying and within minutes she had them all in her office.

"You called for us Hokage-sama?" asked one Jounin with a scar on his right cheek.

"Yes. Uchiha Sasuke has gone rogue again. Bring him back to Konoha. Use of force is authorized, but nothing is to happen to him that would stunt his growth, the ability to use the Sharingan, or have offspring that might have the ability to use the Sharingan. Am I understood?!" said Tsunade with the group nodding.

"Yes Hokage-sama!" they all answered at the same time before she motioned them to go and they obeyed instantly.

"That Uchiha is more trouble then he's worth," replied Jiraiya from the window with Tsunade rubbing her temples.

"I know he is baka! But we need the Sharingan and we need him here to produce more of them! Why isn't Sakura pregnant yet?" asked Tsunade knowing the wedding happened a few Months ago with Sakura going around flaunting her new status as Sasuke's wife in front of everyone.

"How should I know? I don't peep on them," replied Jiraiya with Tsunade giving him a piecing look.

"Please! You peeped in on Kushina and Minato's wedding night before Kushina beat you so badly you were in a body cast for 6 Months," Tsunade countered with Jiraiya looking away.

"Okay fine you got me! From what I've gathered from my observations...the two have only had sex...once and that was on their honeymoon," answered Jiraiya with Tsunade's eyes widening.

"What? You're telling me they only had sex once during their honeymoon we spent so much money on with the intent of them romping for two weeks before returning? What the Hell did he do on the two week cruise ship that whole time?!" asked Tsunade, as just about everyone in the village had put money into that trip since they didn't want Sasuke to spend a single bit of currency from his clan accounts, and almost all the young women in the village were practically jealous thinking the Uchiha would rock Sakura's world.

"From what I asked the ship employees? Eating, sleeping, and just about nothing. In fact, after he did his deed with Sakura, I found out from the ship's Captain that Sasuke had just about demanded to sleep in another room away from her, and did for most of the time on the ship," answered Jiraiya with Tsunade looking pissed off.

"Damn that spoiled boy! We spend a fortune and then some on his honeymoon with the investment being a sack of crap. Didn't Sakura at least try to screw him in his sleep?!" asked Tsunade with Jiraiya shrugging.

"I think she tried, but failed to carry it out due to Sasuke apparently being a very light sleeper. Hence why he demanded another room," answered Jiraiya with Tsunade letting out an angry yell before slamming her fist onto the desk.

"That's it! When he's brought back, I want him tied to a bed, and Sakura screwing him around the clock while being pumped full of fertility pills. I want her to be pregnant by the end of the Month and giving birth to an army of Uchiha!" commanded Tsunade, as Jiraiya nodded, and leaped out the window knowing he would be the one to tell Sakura the news.

(With Sasuke)

The Uchiha had enough of Konoha. Plain and simple! Why? All they wanted from him was the Sharingan and his future offspring. The only reason he married Sakura was due to her finally acquiring strength worthy of his attention that she would give birth to strong Uchiha children. So they got married, went on the honeymoon, and instantly things went bad for him since Sakura just wanted to stay in bed all day trying to get pregnant. He just wanted to screw her once, plant his seed, and if she didn't get knocked up...well he'd try again another time when HE was in the mood. The Uchiha set the pace in bed and only did things when they wanted to do them.

A few mere thrusts, a quick grunt, his seeds were planted, and his task was done for the night. After that he was sleeping on top of a shocked and unsatisfied Sakura since she was not expecting that all he had done was minimal for what was required on his part. She tried to counter it with her fan girl like mind telling her he was exhausted and it was the first night on the cruise so it was only fair to let her husband unwind in his own way. Of course what Sakura failed to realize the entire time was that Sasuke didn't care about Sakura's need for pleasurable stimulation. Only that she fulfilled her duties in giving him offspring and leave him alone for the rest of the trip until they were back in Konoha to plan the death of his brother. Sakura of course had tried to do more with him later on the next night while he was asleep, but the Uchiha quickly put a stop to that nonsense with his Sharingan making her fall asleep, and then requested a separate room to be in for the rest of the cruise.

Of course Sakura would never tell anyone the truth behind their time on the cruise, as she was too loyal a puppy to stain the reputation of the Uchiha Clan, and would gush to just about everyone in the village about her husband being a wild stallion in bed. That they went on for hours filled with passion, romance, and how they rocked the room with such intensity they almost single handedly tipped the cruse ship over. He didn't care whether Sakura said it or not, all he cared about was getting away from Konoha, finding the snake Sannin, and getting the power to kill Itachi. Konoha wouldn't care if he went rogue just like the last time two years ago when they pardoned him for his crimes and were actually blaming Naruto of all people on his actions. The Uchiha found it hysterical that Naruto was the one blamed for his actions, yet Sasuke knew that it wasn't true, but he went along with it since there was no point in arguing over the situation since he benefited from their decision, and enjoyed being loved by the village. Of course, all good things came to an end, or at least for the moment until Itachi was killed. Sasuke would get what he wanted, then to show his "repentance", the Uchiha would take Sakura again every so often until she was pregnant, and then find another girl willing to carry his child.

It was the perfect plan.

'That pathetic loser is probably in some ditch somewhere dying or is dead with his corpse feeding some other pathetic animal in desperate need of food to survive,' thought Sasuke while finding himself at the Valley of the End once more and the sensation of that battle coming back to him.

"Hello Sasuke," came a voice behind the Uchiha, who turned around to find a fist hitting him in the face, and all went dark.

When the Uchiha awoke from his unconsciousness, he found his body wracked with pain, and for good reason with his body broken in different place. His right arm was bent at an odd angle, and his fingers were bent all over the place. The left arm was smashed up in a similar fashion from the shoulder on down and his legs were broken from the knee cap on down.

It also hurt to breathe.

Looking up from his downed position, Sasuke saw the figure sitting down on a rock in front of him, and staring with the one eye while the other was behind an eye patch. His head was covered by a crimson helmet resembling a fox, his face was covered by black cloth, and wore mostly black with orange flames around along the back. The clothing had some samurai armor plating on it here and there, but nothing that would stop the body from being flexible, and dodging when movement was a necessity in battle. The various pieces of armor were to ensure that any hit taken could be absorbed in a fight and Sasuke knew that was a handy thing to have when fighting strong opponents. The mysterious figure's hands sported gauntlets, but the left one had claws on them, and made the Uchiha extra cautious of that limb since each blade was jagged with the intent to rip flesh to shreds.

"Do you know who I am? The village I'm from? The Elite Clan you dare attack?!" asked Sasuke before crying out in pain.

"I would save what little strength you still have in your body Uchiha. Both your arms are broken in multiple places and your knees from their caps on down are almost beyond the ability to be healed. As it stands, only someone of Senju Tsunade's caliber can fix your body, and even will never be the same," answered the figure while Sasuke just glared at him.

"You bastard! I-AAAH!" cried out Sasuke while finding it hard to move and take breaths.

"Did I also forget to mention I broke quite a few of your ribs on both sides? I did that too while you were out of it," replied the figure, as he saw Sasuke glaring him, and ignored the fools eyes.

"Answer me! Do you know what you've done? Who you provoked? Who I am? The Clan I am from?!" asked Sasuke with the figure sighing before getting off his "seat" and began to walk over to the wounded Uchiha.

"To answer your first question, I do know who you are Uchiha Sasuke, and I know what village you are from. I also know what you are too. You are a spoiled child raised in a village that catered to your every whim no matter how big or small it was. They gave you everything you could ask for. Money, women, fame, and Shinobi willing to train you to become something great. What do you do in return? You run away to the snake Sannin for power," replied the figure with Sasuke spitting blood out of his mouth at the man's feet in front of him.

"Shut up! What do you know? Power is the only thing I need and I'll take it anyway I can no matter the cost. I will kill Itachi!" exclaimed Sasuke before he let out a grown of pain from the sensation in his chest in finding it harder to breathe with each passing moment.

"And what power is Orochimaru going to give you exactly? Does it have something to do with your Curse Seal? We both know he's never going to let you go after Itachi," said the figure currently walking in a circle around the Uchiha.

"He will! I have something the Sannin wants and the only way Orochimaru will get my body is if he gives me the power to kill Itachi!" exclaimed Sasuke while fighting back the pain he felt with the figure laughing at him.

"You stupid arrogant fool! The man holds all the cards to your future if you go to him. Orochimaru will make sure you never get stronger then him so when the time comes to take your body he'll be able to take it without question," explained the figure with Sasuke scowling at him.

"I'd leave before that happened," Sasuke shot back with the figure scoffing at him.

"Sure you would. Do you really expect Orochimaru to not have steps be taken ensuring you stay by his side at all times?" asked the figure with Sasuke still glaring.

"I'd stop him. I come from an Elite Clan. I have the blood of greatness running through my veins!" Sasuke shot back with the figure having enough of his voice, the whole "I will defy you by glaring" thing, and punched the Uchiha right in the face to break his jaw with the force from the fist almost knocking the boy out.

"'Blood of greatness.' Ha! Blood of traitors is more like it. You are weak. Always have been and always will be Sasuke. You were weak when I beat you two years ago and you are weak now. I hit you with one punch and you were out like a light. You claim to be so strong account of your bloodline, but we both know that's crap, and that you got where you are today because people carried. You never pulled your own weight with your own strength. It was always someone else going out of their way to make the 'Last Uchiha" happy and taking the load off your back. Go back to the Hokage. Go back to that bitch and tell her Uzumaki Naruto is alive! Tell her its because of me you're not in the clutches of Orochimaru," said Naruto before walking away from the Uchiha, cancelling the barrier he setup around them, and then flared his chakra knowing the team looking for the runt would come running.

They always did.

'It can't be Naruto. Naruto is a loser. A dead last from the Academy. There is no way he would do this to me!' thought Sasuke with darkness taking him before the team arrived to pick him up.

(Hokage Tower-Sometime Later)

"YOU MORONS! I TOLD YOU NOT TO HURT THE UCHIHA IN A WAY THAT IT WOULD EFFECT HIS PERFORMANCE!" yelled Tsunade with the Jounin huddled in the corner cowering at the angry appearance of their Hokage.

"H-H-Hokage-s-sama, you have t-to understand w-w-w-we had no c-choice!" explained the elected leader of the group, who was just really pushed forward, and left to fend for himself in front of the Hokage while the others were pressed back against the wall.

"YOU HAD NO CHOICE?! ITS BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDITY THAT UCHIHA SASUKE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REACH HIS PEAK PERFORMANCE AS ONE OF MY SHINOBI!" yelled Tsunade with the Jounin looking back at his team that put him in this situation.

"W-We h-had to stop him from reaching Orochimaru. H-He was dead set on getting there no matter what we did to try and stop him," the Jounin explained quickly while keeping his stuttering to a bare minimum and saw Tsunade was less then pleased.

"ANBU! Arrest them all until I figure out a proper punishment for them!" commanded Tsunade with the ANBU appearing and taking the group of Jounin out of the room.

"So how badly was the Uchiha messed up?" asked Jiraiya with Tsunade giving him a huge glare that made the Sannin fear for his life.

"Badly! I don't know why the team disobeyed me when I gave the order, but they will be punished for it!" exclaimed Tsunade with Jiraiya seeing the woman pissed to no end.

Not surprising given how the village has been attacked repeatedly by their enemies on all fronts, Suna won't life a finger to help, and just about every other ally Naruto got the Leaf said "Screw you!" while giving Konoha the finger. Since then it was a fight for survival against their enemies and the Jinchuriki each village had against them.

And all during that time, the Councils along with the Clan Heads were bitching about how a search team should be sent to find Naruto, and make the boy into the perfect weapon to combat the other Shinobi villages. Jiraiya kind of agreed with them since it was the only way to get their foaming at the mouth enemies from winning against them. The only reason the other villages like Kumo and Iwa weren't doing that right now was thanks to the Akatsuki organization trying to take the Jinchuriki from the villages with several barely failed attempts.

"I see. Well I'm the bringer of more bad news when I say Naruto hasn't been found yet no matter where I've looked. I went all over the place looking for him. Wave to Spring to Suna and every other place he's made himself famous. Wherever he is...its not one of those locations," explained Jiraiya since he had been working overtime to find the brat and didn't get anything at all.

"Damn it! Where could he have gone in the past two years that we can't find a single hair of him?!" questioned Tsunade, as she had marked on the map every location Naruto had been outside of the village, and marks next to them indicating he had never been there.

"I don't know Tsunade. I honestly thought he would be in Wave Country considering the brat was heading North and the boat possibly being steered that general direction. But the natives wouldn't tell me anything, practically formed a mob, and had to run for my life just to escape them," answered Jiraiya with Tsunade sighing from the amount of stress this was putting on her.

"Find him Jiraiya. I don't care how you do it. Just find him, bring Naruto back, and make sure he's in a condition where we can mold him into a proper weapon against our rising number of enemies," commanded Tsunade seeing the Sannin nod.

"There is also the matter of...passing down the Kyuubi to another host and for that we need a future vessel with Uzumaki blood," said Jiraiya with Tsunade frowning a first since she knew what he was talking about.

Human reproduction and the making of babies.

"Since Hyuuga Hinata was so interested in the brat from the start, I'll talk to Hiashi about letting his daughter be the one to have that honor, and play it off like the village will be indebted to the Hyuuga Clan if he agrees to it. She's going to be branded with the Cage Bird Seal anyway in a few more years so its not like her Father will lose any real control over the woman during the pregnancy," stated Tsunade with Jiraiya nodding since the Hyuuga girl adored Naruto even now.

Though why the Hyuuga girl did was a mystery to Tsunade, but in all honesty, the Fifth Hokage didn't care since love was overrated in her mind, and if the Slug Princess couldn't be with the one she loved with all her heart...then neither could Hinata.

"And the child's development? Hiashi and the Hyuuga Clan will demand a Cage Bird Seal on the child too," stated Jiraiya knowing that was going to be one of the first things the Hyuuga Clan would demand.

"And have them control the child for being their personal weapon? No! The child will be a weapon to defend Konoha as a whole! We'll have a modified Cage Bird Seal made to ensure the protecting of their bloodline, but it won't be made to hurt the new Jinchuriki simply by using the needed hand sign only they can use," explained Tsunade with Jiraiya sighing knowing that would take a great deal of looking into in terms of research in the Sealing Arts.

"I'll set things up and you deal with Hiashi when the time comes," said Jiraiya before he was out the window again.

"Where are you brat? Stop hiding and show yourself!" said Tsunade to herself while she looked at the map where any and all possible locations the brat could have gone were all marked as being no chance of him being there.

(With Naruto-Few Days Later)

Naruto sat down in mediation, his sword resting on his lap, and focused on the sounds of nature around him. The beating he gave Uchiha Sasuke was one the Uzumaki felt was good and long overdue in his mind. He could have killed the prick, but where would the fun be in that? Naruto knew the Uchiha's pride would never allow the fool to admit that the dead last at the Academy had gotten the drop on him and knocked the moron out with a single punch.

Besides, he wanted Sasuke to die when the time was right, and Naruto knew that was still a ways to go from now. Still, the Uzumaki wasn't satisfied yet with his work, and wanted to see what Konoha was doing after hearing what happened to their precious Uchiha. No doubt they would be out for blood same way they were out for his when hearing how the "Last Uchiha" lost to the dead last.

'Maybe now some of those Shinobi that get punished will know how I felt before they meet their end,' thought Naruto before summoning a Shadow Clone in front of him.

"You called Boss?" asked Shadow Clone Naruto.

"Henge into a random person and spy on the village's current rumblings. I want to know every single detail regarding the punishment the retrieval team is getting in regards to the Uchiha being returned messed up," ordered Naruto with the Shadow Clone grinning at him before taking off.

It was moments later, Naruto felt his world go dark, and found himself in the deep within his Mindscape. Standing before him however, was not the Kyuubi, who he thought had done it because the fox wanted to have a conversation, but a woman with red hair, and a smile on her face filled with sorrow. She had tears running down her face and yet the eyes shined with joy at seeing him after so long since the last time they were together.

"Hello son," said Kushina with Naruto staring at her in shock.

"M-Mother?" asked Naruto with a questioning look before finding Kyuubi in his cage watching this whole event.

"Don't look at me kit. I played no hand in this. She brought you here," answered the Kyuubi since he saw the boy's questioning look at him.

"You really are my Mother. I can somehow...feel it! is this possible?" asked Naruto with Kushina smiling slightly at him.

"When Kyuubi was sealed inside of you, I sealed a portion of my chakra into the seal as a safety measure to ensure the fox couldn't get free, and protect you from his chakra. I am a last line of defense against him along with your Father," explained Kushina before she moved surprisingly quickly and hugged him while crying into his neck.

"If that's true...then why are you here? Kyuubi hasn't been doing anything to warrant your intervention," said Naruto while looking at the fox, who snorted at the two, and looked away.

"As I said before I had no hand in this. She came here to see you of her own volition," said Kyuubi while Kushina continued to cry into her son's body.

"I came here to apologize for what happened. It was never meant to be this way for you," sobbed Kushina with Naruto hesitantly putting a hand on the back of his Mother.

"I know. Kyuubi helped explained to me what happened that night," replied Naruto with Kushina looking at Kyuubi, who looked away, and it told the woman that the fox didn't tell the boy everything.

Though she could see why.

"You should really tell him Kyuubi," said Kushina while Kyuubi grumbled and the two Uzumakis broke the embrace to look at the Biju.

"Tell me what?" asked Naruto while the fox grumbled some more.

"I...I might have...been responsible for your Mother's death," answered Kyuubi with Naruto's eye narrowing at him.

"What?!" asked Naruto with his voice becoming deathly.

"Naruto let me explain. After the man claiming to be Uchiha Madara left lost control over Kyuubi, the fox saw we were planning to seal him away into you since I was too weak to take him back in my body again, and he moved to kill you to keep his new found freedom he didn't have for over a century. To protect you from harm, I moved in front of Kyuubi, and took his attack to save your life. At that moment, your Father used that action to seal Kyuubi into your body, and in the process made you into Kyuubi's third vessel before his death," explained Kushina with Naruto glaring at the fox.

"Why didn't you tell me that? After all this time! Why?" asked Naruto with Kyuubi now sporting a look of annoyance.

"And just HOW exactly was I going to explain it to you? 'Oh by the way kit, it was by my very claws your Mother died saving you from me, and played a key part in my sealing done by your Father.' Oh yeah! That sounds SO swell when I say it like that! You were in enough pain as it was learning about the horrible betrayal Konoha had unleashed upon your Mother's clan while being told who your parents were just days prior to that information. You were beaten up mentally and physically. Your mind could not have taken another hit like that no matter who told you that fact whether it was your Mother, your Father, or myself. I stayed silent it because was wound you did not need to have in your already scarred soul," explained Kyuubi with Naruto's glare softening since the blonde Uzumaki knew it was true.

"Thank you for that. You're right. Such a truth would have destroyed me. Would have destroyed what friendship or partnership we've had going for us until now. You were going to tell me eventually though, right?" replied Naruto with the fox nodding.

"Eventually. Your Mother kind of forced my hand," answered Kyuubi while giving the woman a knowing look with Kushina looking a bit sheepish.

"Oops!" said Kushina with a nervous laugh, but soon became serious, and turned to her right to see the form of the Yondaime Hokage appear.

"YOU! You have a lot of nerve showing your face here! Unlike Kushina, I know you are not here to make amends to your son!" exclaimed Kyuubi furiously behind his cage while slashing at the bars and trying to pierce the man with them when aiming his claws in-between them.

Sadly he was out of range if just barely.

"Shut up you lowly animal," shot back Minato while walking up to his son with Kushina and Naruto looking at him cautiously while Kyuubi growled at him.

"If what he's saying is true...why are you here?" asked Naruto with Minato looking at him and then Kushina.

"To talk," replied Minato like it was the simplest thing in the world.

"About what?" asked Naruto while still being cautious.

"About your plans for Konoha and to persuade you to stop this endeavor to get senseless revenge," answered Minato with Naruto scowling at him and Kushina doing the same.

"I knew it! You care more about that village then your own son!" exclaimed Kushina with Minato shooting her a glare.

"The village is filled with people I've known my whole life growing up. They deserve a second chance. They deserve the right to redeem themselves," explained Minato with his son scoffing and Kyuubi letting out a cruel laugh that told the Yondaime Hokage the fox thought his response was a cruel joke.

"Redeem themselves? Are you serious?! Those fools practically tortured your son from day one. They spat on your dying wish and you want to give them a chance! Where was your son's chance? His Shinobi training at the Academy was sabotaged, his sensei that was your student taught him next to nothing, and his Godfather that was your very own sensei betrayed the kit in a heartbeat. The Sannin removed your son's name from the Toad Contract! The kit's Godmother was planning to have his chakra sealed off and thrown away into a maximum level prison area filled with many of the Leaf's most psychotic and depraved criminals they've caught up until now. What do you think would have happened if they succeeded you fool?!" explained Kyuubi with Minato scowling at him.

"We're not here to talk about 'what ifs' Kyuubi. We're here to talk about the present and the future," Minato shot back with Naruto growling at him.

"You want to talk about the present? Fine! Here is what's happening in the present. Your village you love so much has become a shithole and its one they've made themselves. The current Hokage betrayed my Mother, the village betrayed my clan, and the country they lived in because they wanted to control the future Jinchuriki of Kyuubi along with every single one that came after my Mother. Meaning myself and any offspring I may have had before they killed me in the event I survived the process. The souls of the Uzumaki Clan cry out for justice and I'm going to help them get it!" replied Naruto with Minato looking at him with a frown of disappointment.

"You were born in Konoha. You have the blood of a Konoha Shinobi in your veins. How can you betray me like that?" asked Minato with Naruto looking livid at his stupid Father.

"Betray you? How can you betray ME?! You're siding with Konoha over that of your own son simply because you feel they deserve redemption when they'd sooner spit it back in your face. I tried to prove them wrong, but the whole time I tried, they didn't listen, and still don't care about being proven wrong. All they cared about was hurting me and they knew they could get away with it no matter what! Who was going stop them? You?! You were dead. The Sandaime Hokage? He was part of it. My Godparents? They hated me just like everyone else. Your student Hatake Kakashi? He would have shoved the Chidori into my chest himself if he thought it wouldn't free Kyuubi from my body. They don't care about being proven right or wrong. They only care about themselves and how much they can hurt me no matter what I do to show them the error of their ways since they are too blind to see the truth. In fact, they don't care to hear it either, and would silence me to ensure I never spoke it to anyone," answered Naruto with Minato shaking his head at him.

"I don't believe that," replied Minato with Kushina scoffing at him.

"Then its clear you're in denial," Kushina shot back at him.

"Regardless of what you two think, I'm not going to let that happen, and I'm going to stop you from getting your senseless revenge," replied Minato with Naruto looking ready to fight.

"Try living in my shoes for a few years being lied to, beaten, and then be betrayed by the very people you once trusted to see beyond the veil of blind arrogance. Come back to me in a few years of enduring that before saying to my face that getting revenge on such people is senseless," Naruto said, as he drew the Sword of Juubi, and stared at his Father with contempt.

"Konoha is my home. I will not let it be destroyed...even if it means I have to kill my own son," replied Minato, as he now had one of his special kunai in his left hand, and Naruto saw it too.

"I'm not your son Yondaime. Not anymore. Uzumaki Genshin was more of a Father to me then you ever were now. All you are is a sperm donor. A means to an end in the cycle of human reproduction and a symbol in the equation that is the creation of life. Now I am going to write the equation that is the taking of life by taking yours with my sword," said Naruto with Minato materializing his own sword into his right hand.

"So be it," replied Minato before the two clashed violently.

"Are you going to stop this?" asked Kyuubi while seeing Kushina watching from the sidelines.

"Only if its necessary," answered Kushina while seeing her husband and son going at it yet neither one using any of their Jutsus since the risk of them possibly hitting the seal was too great to chance.

"You don't see what you're doing is wrong? I gave my life for you and Konoha!" Minato exclaimed while glaring at his son while deadlocked.

"And look how they repaid your sacrifice! Hating me. Abusing me. Trying to make sure I was too weak to do anything or think independently from their line of thought. What kind of life is that? A life with no freewill?! I was entitled to a life!" Naruto shot back at his so called Father.

"You had a purpose in life. The life of a Jinchuriki is to sacrifice freewill in return for the power given to you," explained Minato while Naruto pushed him back.

"And my Mother?" asked Naruto while looking at his Father with calculating eyes.

"Kushina's life was different because at the time we couldn't afford people knowing she was a Jinchuriki. War was all around us. It was one of the reasons Konoha prevailed in the war against Kumo and Iwa since they never knew of her status as a Jinchuriki. Even if they did know, it would be impossible for them to use her against us as a weapon since her seal was much stronger then one I put on you, and couldn't draw on the fox's chakra unless a Seal Master of my level could alter seal enough to make that happen," explained Minato before they went at it again with the sounds of metal clanging against metal.

"So it was just the matter of timing that prevented you from using my Mother like the weapon Konoha wanted out of me? To be weak minded, no freewill, and submissive to every command given no matter how life threatening it was so long as the job got done?" said Naruto after figuring out how things played out for his parents now.

"That is how Jinchuriki are meant to be Naruto. I did love your Mother. I still do. When the war ended, the Councils asked me to turn the Kyuubi Jinchuriki we had locked away in secret like I made them believe she was into a weapon, and told them no. That to do so now at this stage of the war would make us look like the villains and I wasn't about to do that," replied Minato, as he dodged a sword strike, blocked the clawed blades from the gauntlet with his kunai, and unfortunately took a knee to the gut before taking a foot to the face.

"If you loved her like you claim, we wouldn't be having this fight, or discussion regarding the Leaf's future destruction. If you loved her like you claim, then you would be truly understanding of my reasons for wanting to burn Konoha down to the ground, and the people living there along with it! You would be disgusted by your sensei, your student, and the people in the village for spitting on your dying wish!" exclaimed Naruto, as he lashed out with his clawed hand, which Minato blocked again, but not the knee to the face, and slashed down at the man with the Sword of the Juubi.

Only for Minato to block that with great effort.

"I guess that makes me a sentimental fool," said Minato while trying to push Naruto back with difficulty.

"No. Just a fool. You backed the wrong horse when it came to choosing sides," answered Naruto, as he knocked the sword out of the man's hand, the kunai out of the other, and put the Sword of the Juubi through the Yondaime's chest.

"Naruto...I know you feel...that Konoha burn, but...not everyone has...has to die!" exclaimed with blood running down his mouth with his son looking down at him.

"I know that. There are...some worthy of my mercy. They will be spared my wrath, but everyone else...they won't be so lucky!" answered Naruto, as he twisted the blade, and began carving the flesh from his Father's body.

" matter what...what you might...think of me or...or my reasons...for defending Konoha...I am...I am sorry for...for what happened!" exclaimed Minato while grabbing his son's wrist to stop him.

"I do believe you're sorry, but we both know we're past the point where you saying you're sorry...just doesn't cut it!" replied Naruto, as he sliced through Minato, and then took his head clean off.

The Yondaime's body dissolved into a smoke of sorts while Naruto sheathed his sword and looked over at his Mother currently watching with an impassive look on her face. Naruto could tell she wasn't pleased how this conversation between Father and son turned out with the two of them fighting to the death. However, he also saw she was happy to see her only son had come out of it alive, and in one piece.

"You did what you had to do Naruto," replied Kushina with Naruto nodding was fighting for a purpose greater then anything else and all those that stood in his way...would die!

"I know and I'm not going to stop with just Konoha. I'm sick and tired of the Elemental Countries being the way they are. Divided, scattered, feuding with each other for scraps of power they don't properly distribute to those that need it in their own territories. The poor suffer and rich get extra of everything they already have in their possession. That time is over. The time of these spoiled rich weaklings ruling over us will come to an end and all that follow them...will die!" exclaimed Naruto with Kushina seeing the fire in her son's one eye.

Naruto was an Uzumaki on a mission and only another Uzumaki on an equally important yet opposing mission could stop an Uzumaki.

"No matter what happens...I'll always love you as my son and I will always be proud of you. Don't believe what anyone else tells you anything different," said Kushina before she hugged him again and felt her spirit leaving him.

"I won't. Goodbye...Mother," replied Naruto with a tear leaving his one eye.

"Goodbye...son. I've left a gift for you to use should you need it. Kyuubi will help since he's seen me use it against him," replied Kushina before her spirit faded and Kyuubi was shocked to hear that.

"What gift?" asked Naruto with the fox sighing.

"Its a good thing you're physical body is sitting down because I've got a story to tell you about your Mother's bloodline and how it was connected to the Biju. If she gave you what I think your Mother gave you...the odds of things going in our favor just went up," answered Kyuubi, as he began explaining just what the "gift" was that Kushina left her son, an how it would help him in the future.

(Konoha-Sometime Later)

While Naruto fought his Father within his Mindscape, the Shadow Clone of Naruto was busy keeping the appearance of a traveler by using a henge, and keeping under the radar of Konoha Shinobi. As it so happened, the Shadow Clone walked into Konoha at the perfect time, as a big event was happening in the village square, and just about everyone was attending. Shinobi and civilian alike were gathering with the Hokage at the center of it all with her ANBU bodyguards and Jiraiya of the Sannin himself being present.

'Well what do you know. This is what a public execution looks like from the spectator's point of view and when its not the Boss's head on the chopping block,' thought the Naruto Shadow Clone with interest knowing that the Boss would think the same way when he dispelled with all his memories going to the real deal Uzumaki.

"People of Konoha, you are all here to witness the execution of several Jounin Shinobi, who disobeyed my command to bring back Uchiha Sasuke, and with only minor injuries that could be healed quickly. These Jounin here defied my orders, badly injuring the last loyal member of the Uchiha Clan, and hindered his ability to be a Shinobi when he is a full grown adult at the prime of his life!" exclaimed Tsunade with the crowd cheering at justice being done for the Uchiha while booing the Jounin responsible for the action.

Or who they believed to be responsible.

'So she's going to execute them huh? I thought she sent more then this small group of four Jounin? The others must have been punished in another matter. Oh well! No skin off my back,' thought Shadow Clone Naruto while seeing Tsunade playing to the crowd demanding justice for the injured Uchiha these Jounin harmed.

"As your Hokage, I have decided that the only true punishment available that is deemed appropriate in my eyes, is a public execution to remind my Shinobi under my command that failing to comply with my orders will not be tolerated, and you will face Konoha's justice!" proclaimed Tsunade with the crowd eating it up and the Jounin about to die were looking at their Hokage for mercy.

'Konoha's justice my cloned ass. A cheating boyfriend getting an STD from a hooker is a greater level of justice then this,' thought Naruto's Shadow Clone before Tsunade gave the order and the four Jounin were hanged in front of everyone with the crowd's cheers getting louder.

"Quite the sight huh?" said Hatake Kakashi with a sense of pride in his voice though he was reading his book at the moment so it was hard to tell if he was really interested in the death of four Jounin over that of his porn book.

"Huh? Oh you mean this public execution! Yeah I guess. I've seen one you've seen them all," replied Shadow Clone Naruto casually with Kakashi nodding while still reading his Icha Icha Paradise.

"True. Still, there is one I'd want to see above all others," replied Kakashi while Shadow Clone Naruto continued to play the surprised traveler.

"Really? Who? Anyone I know?" asked Shadow Clone Naruto in a joking fashion with Kakashi shrugging.

"Uzumaki Naruto," answered Kakashi with the Shadow Clone acting surprised.

"Really? Isn't he the container of the Kyuubi? One of the nine Biju?" asked the Shadow Clone while Kakashi shrugged his shoulders.

"Yeah. That's the one. He injured the Uchiha first with the demonic chakra in his body. Though I suppose all the secret training I gave Sasuke since my Genin team was formed just wasn't enough to combat the fox's power," said Kakashi offhandedly with Naruto's Shadow Clone trying to keep his emotions in check.

"Kind of makes you wonder what would have happened if the gaki was properly trained to his fullest potential?" asked the Shadow Clone with Kakashi snorting in disgust.

"That brat? Trained to be unstoppable? Hardly. It was never going to happen," explained Kakashi calmly while still reading his book.

"Really? How can you be so sure?" asked the Shadow Clone with Kakashi eyeing him with his one eye.

"What do you mean?" asked Kakashi while staring at the disguised Shadow Clone of Naruto.

"Well...the kid has a mind of his own right? So he's going to train to get stronger whether with help or if he does it on his own," explained the Shadow Clone with Kakashi eyeing him a second longer before going back to his book.

"That is true. As to the answer to your question, the brat was never going to be trained to his fullest potential because an order by the Sandaime Hokage was put in place to keep him from reaching it, and Tsunade was doing the same thing. A powerful beast like that needs to be put on a tight leash and training has to be heavily monitored so we know when to tug the leash hard," answered Kakashi with Naruto Shadow Clone humming in false agreement.

"Tug too hard though and the beast will snap his jaws on the hand that pulls," countered the Shadow Clone while Kakashi shrugged.

"We'll see about that. I'm personally looking forward to seeing the Kyuubi brat brought down and humbled before the Hokage," Kakashi said casually.

"Yes. I'm sure it will be a very interesting experience for everyone. That day will be long remembered without a doubt," said the Shadow Clone before waving bye to the Jounin and left to go to an alley somewhere to dispel himself.

Just being around Kakashi made the Shadow Clone want to kill itself.

(With Naruto)

Naruto absorbed the memories of his Shadow Clone, smirking as he did knowing Konoha lost some troops that were innocent in the whole affair, yet thrown to the wolves hungry for blood, and boy did they get it. Ha! That old bitch killed four innocent Jounin level Shinobi and they didn't even do anything to do deserve it!

Walking along the road, Naruto notice from where he was on his map, which he easily purchased in the last town, that he was at the border of Fire Country leading into one of the smaller countries, and had a small Shinobi village by the name of Taki. Frowning in thought, Naruto remembered a history lesson back at the Academy about how a Shinobi of Taki tried to assassinate the Shodaime Hokage, and no doubt to keep the peace the Senju gave them the seven-tailed Biju that was sealed into a Jinchuriki.

And Naruto was willing to bet his remaining eye the Jinchuriki in Taki was treated like garbage.

"Easy kit. Don't start making more enemies faster then you can put down," warned Kyuubi with Naruto stopping for a moment.

'Who said I'm going to make more enemies? I'm heading to Taki to make a new friend and ally,' thought Naruto with Kyuubi not seeing things that way.

"This will not end well," said Kyuubi to himself.

Ignoring Kyuubi complete at this point, Naruto headed for Taki in an attempt to gain more friends to help even the playing field against his considerable size of enemies. Konoha, Orochimaru, Kabuto, the Akatsuki, and anyone else that wanted a piece of his Uzumaki hide. In order to counter this, Naruto would need allies in those that would also be targets of his enemies, and turn them into his allies.

Or as the old saying goes...the enemy of my my friend!

(Forest of Taki-Sometime Later)

Fu sighed from her position in the tree, as she stared at the village she swore to protect, and the people inside of it from harm. Normally, a Shinobi loyal to their village wouldn't be bothered by this, but for Fu it was different since the simple fact she was Jinchuriki of the seven-tailed Biju made people despise her. They hated her with a passion, not caring if she were to just one day die from defending the village, and them from an outside force Hell bent on destroying them. They'd sooner show mercy to the enemy invaders then to her and probably let the ones responsible for her death go free if they were among those caught after the battle.

Where was the justice?!

"Hey Chōmei, do you think we should leave Taki?" asked Fu while the beetle inside of her buzzed for a second.

"Hard to say my little larva. While it would be nice to relocate someplace where you could be appreciated, the chances of that are slim, and if you are caught...I am sure consequences will arise," answered Chōmei with Fu nodding since that was always a considerable possibility.

"Your right. Still, if the opportunity arose where I could be free...should I take it?" asked Fu, as she heard more buzzing from her Biju, and knew the demonic entity was weighing everything.

"Considering it will possibly be a one time thing that won't come up ever again in your life time? I would!" answered Chōmei with Fu nodding, but the girl sighed once again while looking out at the sight of Taki in the distance.

"Well I'm not going to hold my breath on the matter. The chances of us getting away from Taki are slim to none," replied Fu while leaping off the tree to the ground below.

"Don't be so sure of that," replied a voice from the shadows and Fu instantly went on guard.

"Who is there? Show yourself!" commanded Fu with the sound of a chuckle being heard echoing around her before the figure emerged from the shadows.

"Will this do?" asked the figure with Fu being cautious of him.

"Identify yourself!" commanded Fu while sensing her Biju was suddenly getting a bit agitated.

"I am Uzumaki Naruto. I am the Jinchuriki of Kyuubi. And you are Fu, the Jinchuriki of Nanabi, correct?" replied Naruto with Fu taking a step back, but brought out a kunai to both her hands, and gauged him carefully.

"And what if I am? You maybe a Jinchuriki, but all Jinchuriki belong to a hidden village, and last I checked...Kyuubi belonged to Konoha," Fu shot back with Naruto narrowing his one blue eye at her.

"Kyuubi doesn't belong to Konoha! Nor does his vessel for that matter. We are free from their chains and shackles simply because we broke free of them," answered Naruto with his cold blue eye piercing Fu's orange ones.

"So you claim," Fu shot back with Naruto pulling out a Bingo Book and tossing it to her feet.

"Look at page number one hundred and sixty seven marked halfway among those listed under S-rank Missing Nin," Naruto countered with Fu kicking the book at first to see if it was an actual Bingo Book and then picking it up to the suggested page he referred to while keeping an eye on him.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto

Home Village: Konoha

Shinobi Status: S-Ranked Missing Nin from and Jinchuriki.

Information: Uzumaki Naruto is a Jinchuriki of a Biju. Most likely Kyuubi given the attack well over a decade ago when the Yondaime Hokage fought it. Believed to be dead, but no body to confirm, and evidence of surviving an attack by Konoha Shinobi upon his defection from Konoha is shown. Considered hostile, unstable, and extremely dangerous with extent on how to use the powers of his Biju being unknown. Approach with extreme caution and in large strong groups.

Reward: 300 million ryō upon being captured and returned to Konoha alive!

"That's your bounty?! ITS HUGE!" exclaimed Fu with Naruto letting out a chuckle.

"Its going to get larger in a few years," replied Naruto knowing he was going to get the attention of Konoha before long and really hit them hard.

"And you want me to join you despite the bounty on your head?" asked Fu knowing if she did, Taki would raise a fuss, and get herself put down with a sizeable bounty too.

"Why not? Two strong Jinchuriki working together is better then either of us being alone, and considering the Akatsuki organization is hunting us...we need a united front," Naruto answered with Fu raising an eyebrow at him.

"The who?" questioned Fu with Naruto frowning.

"You mean no one from your village has told you yet?" asked Naruto with Fu frowning further.

"Told me what?" asked Fu with a demanding tone in her voice.

"The Akatsuki organization is hunting Jinchuriki for their Biju. The group intends to extract them from their hosts for some big master plan. The group consists of nine S-class Missing Nin, who group themselves into pairs, and each pair has the ability to neutralize a Jinchuriki's ability to use the chakra of their Biju. This gives them an edge since almost all Jinchuriki are isolated, abused, and controlled in terms of how strong they can get. We are never allowed to reach our full potential Fu because the villages that created us to be their living weapons fear our wrath should we decide to lash out those that hate us," said Naruto with Fu looking in the direction she knew where Taki was and bit her lip.

"And you propose we unite to take the fight to them?" asked Fu at last with Naruto just giving her a nod.

"They expect us to be alone. No support, no friends, and no help from anyone because of what we are in life. With Jinchuriki uniting together, we make them sweat, we make them shiver in fear instead of the other way around, and we make them pay for trying to push us around like so many have done to us in the past. Its time we push back!" exclaimed Naruto with Fu thinking things over until finally she nodded in agreement.

"I'll do it. I'll probably never get another chance like this so I will help you in anyway I can," replied Fu since it was either this or be out here until the Akatsuki came for her to get Chōmei.

Fu was going to fight.

"That's the spirit. Come on. We have to go before one of Taki's patrols comes along to check up on you," said Naruto with Fu following close behind him.

"How do you know that?" asked Fu while Naruto just smirked.

"Because I know how Shinobi villages operate with their Jinchuriki. They always make sure to keep an eye on them while making sure their Jinchuriki don't know it. They let us have a false sense of freedom, which they exploit with their secret surveillance, and when they wish to orchestrate sudden attacks before 'rescuing us' so we feel grateful to them," answered Naruto with Fu nodding since she had taken hits here and there from people in the village though nothing too severe that she was scarred her for life.

"And if they try to follow us?" asked Fu curiously.

"We kill them," answered Naruto in a firm voice that told Fu he would do it too.

(Hokage Tower-Two Days Later)

"Hey! I got a hit on Naruto!" exclaimed an excited Jiraiya from the window of Tsunade's office.

"What? Where? When? How?" asked Tsunade while practically leaping out of her chair.

"One of my spies overheard a guy calling himself Naruto walking through a town in Waterfall Country after being near Taki Shinobi village. He was traveling with a green haired girl named Fu, who upon checking with my other sources, determined she was in fact the seven-tailed Jinchuriki from Taki, and...they were both stained in dried blood," said Jiraiya with the last part making Tsunade's eyes widen in surprise.

"Dried blood? You mean they...?" asked Tsunade with Jiraiya nodding.

"Killed a few people? Yeah and not just any few people either. They killed Taki Shinobi patrolling where the girl was suppose to be when guarding Taki's wall and pursued her to find out why she wasn't at her post. The group following them was four Jounin and three Chuunin to be exact," explained Jiraiya with Tsunade's narrowing.

"So the brat isn't above killing people," replied Tsunade while Jiraiya nodded knowing this was not a good thing.

"Killing is an understatement Tsunade. The group that pursued them were slaughtered and basically cut to pieces. From the amount of blood on each of them, I'd guess Naruto killed more then Fu did, but only because she's still not use to the idea of killing someone unless its necessary, and probably made those she killed die painlessly," explained Jiraiya with Tsunade gritting her teeth.

"What's Taki doing about this?" asked Tsunade knowing the minor Shinobi village wasn't going to like this one bit.

"They put the girl Fu in the Bingo Book and posted a bounty of their own for both of them though their bounty on Naruto is if he's dead. Fortunately for us...the bounty we have for him is much higher," explained Jiraiya, as he saw Tsunade looking pissed off, and ready to hurt someone.

"Find out where he is Jiraiya. Pin down a precise location and then have Kakashi go with a platoon of Konoha Shinobi to bring him back!" ordered Tsunade with Jiraiya smirking at her.

"Already did. He's in Moss Country. Both Jinchuriki are being heavily pursued by several Shinobi the moment. Apparently, the bounty on them is too much to pass up for Iwa, and Kumo since they'll want those two for themselves," informed Jiraiya proudly.

"While those teams get thinned out, our team will swoop in, and grab both Jinchuriki for our own use!" exclaimed Tsunade knowing victory would soon be theirs if planned right.

"I got Kakashi ready to go with a large team of ANBU. Tenzo is heading there too since his ability to stop a Jinchuriki from using their power is crucial until I can put some seals on them," explained Jiraiya with Tsunade nodding in agreement.

"Go with them. Bring those two here immediately!" commanded Tsunade while Jiraiya grinned, gave a mock salute, and was out the window in an instant.

(Moss Country-At the Moment)

"This wasn't exactly what I had in mind when joining you," called out Fu, as she took down an Iwa Jounin, and a Chuunin by using her high velocity speed while wielding a pair of kunai in each hand.

"And what did you have in mind exactly? A walk through a field of flowers?!" asked Naruto, as he cut through one Kumo Shinobi with his clawed hand, and another with the Sword of Juubi before using the latter to slice open another Kumo Shinobi's throat with blood spraying everywhere.

"Maybe! It beats being hunted by Shinobi all the time," Fu shot back while Naruto let out a cruel laugh and sliced through two Iwa Shinobi trying to team up against him.

"Can't argue with you there," said Naruto before smashing his knee into the face of one Kumo Shinobi, grabbed one from Iwa by the throat, crushed it, and threw the body onto the ground.

When it was over, Naruto along with Fu came out victorious, and covered in the blood of their enemies. Taking what they could from the corpses, they put them in two separate piles, and burned them while taking their Shinobi I.D. cards knowing he could see who in these groups did they kill. Another positive thing was several of the Shinobi from both Iwa and Kumo had a solid amount of money on them so the expenses when traveling were now lightened.

"So what is the plan exactly? I know we have to get the other Jinchuriki on our side, but that's easier said than done, and every Shinobi is looking to hunt us down," asked Fu, as they walked away from the slaughter, and Naruto's one eye narrowed while thinking.

"First, we need to get to Suna. I need to have a chat with my old friend Gaara since he's the Kazekage now from what I've heard. Once we handle our business in Suna, we're act accordingly from there, and move to get the others on our side," explained Naruto with Fu frowning at him.

"Even if we get the other Jinchuriki on our side, it won't be enough, and we practically need a country backing us in this plan," explained Fu with Naruto letting out a chuckle.

"Just one country huh? I just so happen to know of two such countries that would be more then willing to help us. But first, I need to get to Gaara in Suna, and ask for his support in anyway that can be of benefit to us. He's a Jinchuriki too so we won't have to worry about him ratting us out to Konoha since they aren't allies anymore," replied Naruto with Fu's eyes popping out of her skull.

"Seriously! What did you do to get so many influential people on your side?" asked Fu with Naruto looking at her for a moment with a smile on his face.

"Ask them yourselves when we meet each one," answered Naruto before letting out a laugh while she pouted.

'Jerk!' thought Fu while Chōmei buzzed inside of her.

"Perhaps my little larva, but you can't deny the boy is someone who should be feared, and respected for his skills. That sword he holds is older then even the Biju and for him to wield it...this boy walks a path of greatness," said Chōmei with Fu looking a bit startled from hearing this.

'Seriously?' thought Fu since she didn't want Naruto to know about their conversation.

"Yes! That sword is none other then the Sword of Juubi. Forged from the very fang of Juubi, which all nine Biju had been at one point in life once long ago, and was lost to the ages. I don't know how this Uzumaki Naruto got a hold of the sword, but I do know this...only someone of the Sage's direct bloodline could wield that weapon like he is now," replied Chōmei with the Biju's words sinking into Fu's mind the ramifications of this information.

'And to think he's roughly my age!' thought Fu while looking at Naruto's back with the blonde unaware of her gazing at him in awe.

"Not to mention he is Kyuubi's vessel. To cross him would be to cross death itself!" replied Chōmei and Fu agreed.

'Maybe traveling with him won't be so bad after all,' thought Fu with a smile on her face and a stirring from within was felt.

Though what that was exactly...Fu had yet to find out.

(A/N: YAY! I updated. Super long chapter for you guys since you all love it so damn much. Until next time...PEACE!!!)
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