Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Welcome to Lakeview School For The Insane

Disorders and Younger Sibilings

by CyanideSuicide 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-07-07 - Updated: 2012-07-08 - 605 words

Pandora's POV
We all waited for their reactions.
"Hahaha you're joking right?" Gerard said laughing, so was Frank, Ray, and Bob. Mikey looked like he believed us and spoke up
"You guys they don't look like they're joking."
"How can this place be a mental institution?" Frank asked.
"Well you obviously didn't look at your schedules one of our periods is counseling and all the classes are like art and music. Plus all the doors have electronic locks didn't you see them entering in combinations." Mikey explained.
"I wasn't paying attention" Gerard said.
"And they only serve lukewarm coffee" Frank added starting to catch on.
"See we were telling the truth" Anna said while looking in a mirror fixing her hair.
"But wait why would we be here none of us have mental disorders?" Ray asked.
'Well from what we've seen only one of you have any signs of a mental disorder.' Mazy signed.
"Which one?" Gerard asked while all the guys looked questioningly at Mazy not knowing sign language.
'Mikey.' Mazy signed.
"Umm Mazy can I talk to you alone for a minute" Gerard asked.

Mazy's POV
'Sure however I don't talk" I signed. We got up and walked out of the cafeteria.
"What disorder does Mikey have?" Gerard asked worried.
'He is Bipolar from what all of us have seen' I signed out waiting for him do something either he will get defensive and deny it then proceed to avoid us which will only make it worse, lets just say that the people here are in here for a reason, or it will click in his head. Judging by his facial expression it clicked
"I thought he had that but whenever I would think about it I would feel guilty for thinking that my brother was unstable" Gerard said.
'I know how you feel my little sister has Schizophrenia and I used to think I was a bad person for thinking that and that I didn't want to be the only messed up kid but she does have it and if I hadn't said anything something bad could of happened to her' I signed to Gerard.
"Where is she?" He asked
'They have a separate section for younger children here so she stays there. I can take you to her if you want' I said in sign language.
"That sounds great" Gerard said. We started walking over to where they kept my sister.
"Whats her name?" Gerard asked.
'Bandit. I got to name her' I signed.
"Thats a nice name" Gerard said. We got to the door and I entered my combination 103107 Bandits birthday and walked in. I saw Bandit playing with her 'imaginary' friend Party Poison as she called him, I felt a pang of sadness as I remembered that Party Poison was real to her and would never leave.
"Sissy" Bandit called.
'Hey B. How is Party Poison?' I signed.
"He's good. Who is your friend?" Bandit asked.
'This is Gerard' I signed.
"He looks like Party Poison but with black hair instead of red" Bandit said.
'Well maybe they can become friends' I signed
"Hi Gerard. You and Party Poison are going to become best friends" Bandit told Gerard, guessing by his facial expression he understood the conversation between Bandit and I.
"Hello Bandit I'm sure Party Poison and I will become great friends" Gerard said while sitting down with Bandit and I. We played Barbies with Bandit for a while before we had to leave.

Gerard's POV
Bandit is a cute name if I ever have a daughter I think I'm going to name her that.
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