Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > As i lay dying

Smoke and mirrors

by YoshikiHide182 1 review

Let the first challenge commence

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-08-04 - Updated: 2012-08-04 - 1014 words

Hello everybody I'm back-ish
I'm going to start writing a bit again to try to get my mind off of my life at the moment (you know Parent's arguing though there not together anymore,Idol leaving your favorite band shit like that.Any how i'm tired now after eating my body weight in pizza and chips xx may go to bed in a bit.I guess the only thing that's brighten my day today was finding out that my idol (from a different band) yoshiki hayashi is following me on twitter (LIFE SORTA COMPLETE!!) OK here's a chapter for all the people who've red through all this text XD

Andy’s POV

The room was dark when we entered and all we could see was a tank with a piranha in it, and something else in the tank. Me and Awa didn’t take more than 3 steps into the room when the door slammed shut behind us. “Shit were trapped” I muttered as the lights came on. “Holy mother of god” awa whispered as both our mouths dropped open. The room looked like a morgue type of living room with a box in the middle of the room.

We looked at each other as a voice came from a speaker behind us. “I welcome you into my home Andy and awa.... and hope you can stay forever...well not living though. Anyway I’ll tell you what you need to do. In the room somewhere is a device which can kill the piranha and get you the key. When you get the key open the door and you will go into the next room where the key and exit from this wing are...but remember one of my killers are in that room as I guess for you awa History is repeating itself....Good luck, you’ll need it!” and on that the speaker blew up leaving us with more questions then answers.

I looked over at awa who looked mortified and freaked out at what the guy said. “we’d better find the device he was talking about” I said as I stumbled over to the couch to start looking. After 30 minutes of silent searching we came across some bleach near the fish tank. We poured it in and it quickly killed the piranha in there. “Look, there’s a key” awa said looking at the now blood red fish tank. She was right; in there was a smooth silver key floating gradually to the top. As awa tried to find a way to get the key something caught my attention.

On a table near the couch was a newspaper from two days ago with the title “MORE PEOPLE GO MISSING AS DR.FRIENDLY STRIKES AGAIN!!” I scanned down the page until I fount the names of the people that were missing and on glance dropped the newspaper on the ground. “Andy what’s wrong?” awa asked worryingly. She came over to where i was and picked up the newspaper from off the floor and saw why I was so scared.

“Lucy may, Awa Peisa, Andy shadow, Penina Dayne, Jack night, Raymond Toro, Frank Iero, Jessie Williams, Kaleidoscope Rowles, Rachel Carling, Gerard and Michele way are the names of the new people abducted by this monster. It is not yet known if they are alive or what they have in common at this time...”.

Both of us were frozen still for a few moments before I snapped outta it and asked “why us? For fuck sake we haven’t done anything” I looked at awa and tears were streaming down her face as she whispered “How does he know about what happened?” “Awa, I don’t know how he does know about the accident and we will find out..I promise you we will” I replied as she looked up at me (she hate’s talking about what happened).

we took the key and opend the metal door in the room which led into a maze full of mirrors. “Here” awa said as she tied both our wrist together, “to make sure we don’t lose each other” I smiled as we entered the maze. About 5 minutes into it we heard what sounded like chainsaw...and it was close. “Is it me or am I getting a Texas chainsaw massacre feel to this?” I whispered to awa, as she tried not to laugh or make any noise.

As the chainsaw noise got closer and closer we legged it through the maze trying to find the door. We hid behind a mirror as we saw a man wearing some sort of bloody mask on his face with chainsaw cutting through some of the mirrors. Neither of us attempted to make a noise as we tried to think of a way to get to the door (that was now visible behind the chainsaw guy) as by magic one of the mirror near the door we entered smashed getting the killers attention and distracting him away from the exit.

We took no chances and Ran as fast as we could to the door, swiftly locking it after we got through. “Holy mother of god I hope we NEVER EVER HAVE TO DO THAT AGAIN!!” I shouted as we both collapsed onto the wooden floor. I looked around at the surrounding, studying all of the doors and tables that were there. Then there was a booming speaker voice coming from a speaker in the room, saying “congratulations. You have exited the room and you’ve also got the key. Now let’s see if your friends can survive as well” the voice crackled and went away as a TV screen lit up.

It was of a Bedroom with a massive pit in the middle, Filled with needles and blades. “Ohmygawd” Awa gasped as she saw two figures enter the room. It was Gerard and Mikey.

OOO CLIFF HANGER!!! i feel tired now xx R&R for a donuts? I'm very sorry it took me so long to do this xx i'm still in a depression
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