Categories > Original > Romance > A day to remember

Chapter 3

by HorneyTMB 0 reviews

Why did you pick us.

Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-08-08 - Updated: 2012-08-08 - 172 words

We heard their unmistakable voices singing just another boyband. Once the song had finished, we heard them shout to everyone to part and they will run with one lucky girl each, everyone went crazy. We watched Stefan run through the crowd of girls scanning all over, he spotted Alex, took a double take and took her hand. They began to run together with me and Charlene watching in awe. Part of the crowd took off after Stefan and Alex trying to get his attention.

As me and Charlene were talking of our jealousy towards Alex I suddenly felt someone grab my waist and spin me around, it was Ashley. He grabbed my hand and I too was running, with many fans following trying to get his attention, i was overwhelmed.

Me and Alex looked back towards Charlene, as much as we were excited, we felt bad leaving her. Until we saw Dru walk over to her, linked their arms and they too ran together, fans following them also. We were all overwhelmed.
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