Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Personalised stories! Yey!



Updates will be in a random order x

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-08-16 - Updated: 2012-08-16 - 871 words

Caitlin Wilder's form was a blur of colours as she raced around her room; tearing drawers open, swiping books from shelves and tearing at her curly brown hair in frustration.

Where was it?!

There was a cough from the doorway and Caitlin turned to see her best friend, Ray, all ready for the school day.

"Ray! Have you seen it?! Have you?! Where is it? It's in your hair isn't it, let me see!"she ran up to him and jumped up so that she could search through his crazy Afro.

"Caitlin! What are you looking for? There's nothing in my 'fro," Ray caught her wrists and dragged her off to school.


Through out the day Caitlin couldn't concentrate, every break between classes was spent tearing the school apart. She checked in every room she had been in the previous day.

"Shit..." she muttered when she arrived at the canteen and sat with her friends.

"What's up? You seemed distant today," Caitlin knew who was speaking instantly and her cheeks flushed, she glanced up through her lashes and instantly regretted it. Gerard's warm brown eyes were fixed intently on her hidden face... Almost concerned. Caitlin's heart contracted slightly at the look, did he care? No. She couldn't get her hopes up: they were just friends!

"I j-just lost something... It's really important..."

"what did you loose?" Gerard asked.

"M-my Journal," after answering, Caitlin heard a stifled snicker and she looked up in time to hear Frank give Mikey a mischievous smirk.



Caitlin's pale fingers twisted and untwisted the strap of her shoulder bag. She was standing at her battered locker, waiting for the guys and hoping to God Gerard didn't get there first.

"Looking for this?" A voice by her ear caused the small girl to jump. A scrawny arm snaked out from behind her to reveal a scruffy, red journal clutched in it's fingers.

"Mikey?!" she yelled, making a grab for the book and failing, "Give it back. It's mine!"

"Nuh-uh. Finders keepers." Mikey stated childishly, "Frank and I found it in the art classroom when we went to find Gerard,"

"Good job he didn't find it first, wouldn't want him to know how 'Perfectly Adorable his laugh is' his head can only just fit through the door as it is!" Frank appeared behind a straight-faced Mikey and handed Caitlin the diary. 

"What?! I don't like Gerard! Nope, no siree. That can't have been my journal you read, maybe you mixed it up with yours? Me? Like Gerard? No. Way. I mean, he's not my type... I'd prefer...a unicorn to Gerard?" Her face heated more and more as her insistent babbling continued.

"Really a unicorn?" frank retaliated with an incredulous expression, "Cause I distinctly remember that book saying: 'ooh, Today Gerard laughed at one of my jokes! It made me feel all weird and fuzzy, like the Easter bunny... Just in converse. I can just imagine it, married to Gerard. I soo want to have his children!"

"Frank wants to have my children?" Gerard popped his head around the corner at the end of the hallway. Caitlin squealed like a banshee and instinctively lobbed the diary at the closest object.
Which happened to be Mikey's face.
His glasses smashed, falling to the floor, and blood poured from his nose.

"oh god! I'm so sorry Mikey!" Caitlin yelled as Frank carted him off to the school's nurse with a comforting arm around his shoulder. She could still hear Frank's consoling words when they turned a corner.

"is this what you were looking for?" Gerard had spied the journal lying open on the floor and picked it up to read the page.

"Don't you know it's rude to read someone else's diary?!" Caitlin screeched as she snatched it out of his artist's fingers. But he just turned to her with an unidentifiable gleam in his eyes.

"so... You think my eyes are dreamy?" 

"n-no! What would give you that idea? I don't have a crush on you, that's just stupid. We're friends, mates, buddies, pals! I couldn't fancy you! Oh! You read it in the diary? Well, that's not mine. No it's not mine. It's, uh, my sisters! Yeah! My sister has a huge crush on-" she was cut off my Gerard reaching out a hand and taking hold of her lips, pressing them together to prevent her from talking.

"you mean the sister that doesn't exist or the one you created on the sims?" he asked and raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow. Caitlin squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to hide the embarrassment but they shot open again when his fingers were replaced by something softer, warmer. His lips.
Her forest green eyes opened to see Gerard's own chocolate orbs staring back, he smelt like paint and... Boy. His arms wrapped around her slim body and drew her closer before letting go.

"Well...Turns out I have a crush on your 'sister' too, do you think she's go out with me?" Caitlin's face blanched, "I'm going to Take that as a yes,"

And he kissed her again.

Sorry, it's not as funny or fluffy as what you were looking for :( but I hope you like it anyway. 

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