Categories > Original > Romance > Stashley

Chapter 3

by OliviaSyren 0 reviews

Stef keeps to himself and avoids Ash...

Category: Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-08-26 - Updated: 2012-09-06 - 844 words - Complete

Stef shoved his phone into his jacket pocket and started poking at his chips with a fork. The girl from earlier that worked at Langley’s came over and sat at his table in the seat opposite. “Girl trouble?” She asked.
“Well…Not exactly…” He sighed and stabbed a chip with his fork.
“Okay. So, guy trouble.” She girl said. Stefan laughed lightly; he didn’t know why he laughed. It was true. He was having guy trouble.
“Shouldn’t you be working?” He asked, not really wanting to talk.
“I should. But no-one’s here but you.” She adjusted her apron. Stef looked around.
“Oh. You’re right.” He said, he looked at the gold watch he always wore. 11pm. ‘Wow. It’s late’ he thought. He wondered how long he had been at the café.
“So, what’s your name?” The girl asked. Stefan looked at her.
“Uh. Stefan.” He smiled a little.
“Well, hello Stefan. I’m Ellie.” She smiled and held out her hand.
“Nice to meet you Ellie.” Stefan sat up and shook her hand.
“Are you gonna tell me about your troubles? It’s better to tell a stranger than keep it bottled up.” She giggled. Stef thought for a moment.
“What have I got to lose?” He said, partially to himself. Ellie rested her chin on her fists.
“I’m listening.” She said. Stef sighed.
“Okay. Well. I’ve liked this guy…Ash…for quite a while now but he isn’t interested in guys. It’s just girls, girls, girls. And-“ Ellie cut him off. “If he’s a good friend then you should talk to him. He shouldn’t care about your sexuality.”
“But…I wouldn’t know what to say and how to put it. I told myself I’d definitely tell him today, but I found him snuggled up on the sofa with his best friend. Which is a girl.” He clarified.
“And…you ran?” She asked. Stef nodded and looked down.
“Roxanne, his best friend, despises me.” Stef continued.
“How do you know?” Ellie folded her arms.
“She made it quite clear. She told me face-to-face.” At that moment Stef got a text from Ash.

‘Dude, where the fuck is Langley’s?x’

Stef really didn’t want to face Ash at the moment. “Bye Ellie.” He stood up and went for the door. “Bye!” She shouted back as he ran out. He remembered he hitchhiked here by a guy in a ford. “Fuck.” He said out loud. He checked his pockets and found a twenty pound note and started heading down the motorway. He got another text from Ash.

‘Never mind. Found it x’

He scratched his head and continued walking.

Ash got out of his car and bolted into Langley’s. He looked around. ‘Where the fuck is he?’ He thought to himself. Ellie came out of the kitchen. “How can I help you?” She asked.
“Yeah, uh. Was there a guy with an afro and a snapback in here?” he asked her.
“You mean Stefan?” She started wiping the counter. “He left a few minutes ago. It seemed he was in a rush.”
“Which way did he go?” Ash knew Stef didn’t come in a car because his was still parked outside their flat. Ellie shrugged. “You must be Ash.”
“So you’re a fan?” Ash asked, tilting his head.
“Pardon? A fan of what?” Ellie creased her eyebrows.
“A fan of the band…How else would you- Ohhhh…never mind.” He flashed her a smile. “Bye!” he said, leaving the café and sat in his car. He sent a text to Stef.

‘What the fuck, man? Did you leave Langley’s because I was on my way?x’

Not so soon after Stef text him back.

‘I’m trying to think things over. Sorry mate x’

Ash sighed and text him that he was going to keep looking for him.

Dru had no idea what to say to Roxanne. She was stood up shouting at him. “Where the fuck is Ash?!” Dru continuously answered with “I don’t know!” but eventually he cracked. “He went to go find Stef who ran away because he’s in love with Ash and saw you two cuddling!” he breathed deeply and he covered his mouth with his hand. “Shit.” He said in a muffled voice. Roxanne gasped loudly.
“WHAT?! Stefan is in love with Ash?!She grabbed her purse and headed for the door. Dru stopped her. “Wait!” He said. Roxanne stopped and looked at him.
“Well…Are you gonna tell me why I shouldn’t go after him?”
Dru scoffed. “Can you not see that Ash feels nothing for you? He’s your best friend. That’s it.”
“Hah. I’m sure that’s what you think …Does Ash know about Stef?”
“No.” Dru replied.
“Good. Because the truth is… Ash isn’t my best friend anymore.”
“He isn’t?” Dru asked, suddenly confused.
Roxanne giggled. “No. Because we’ve been going out for at least six weeks now.”
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