Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

"You're pregnant?" Raven cried "What the fuck?"

"I know, it's crazy, but it's true." Penina stammered "I'm sorry I didn't tell anybody sooner."

"How long have you known?" Lucy asked.

"A couple of weeks. I only told Frank this morning though because I didn't know how he'd re-act. But he's been amazing." Penina smiled and squeezed his hand. Then she yawned "I think I might go to bed now. Night guys."

Frank put his arm round Penina and the two of them left the room. I looked at the others "Now that Hozzie's back, where am I sleeping? I mean, is she moving back into her old room?"

Lucy shook her head "She's moving into our room. Gerard's probably not going to let her out of his sight for a while."

I nodded. I was quite glad about that though I felt kind of selfish. It was her bedroom after all but I had come to really like it and didn't want to give it up.

Gerard and Mikey came back into the room with Kat and Hozzie "I think we should all be getting some rest now." Gerard said "Kat, you can share Crayon's room. We'll get another bed in there soon but I'm sure you'll be fine for tonight. See you in the morning." Everyone got up and left the room except for me and Kat.

She took a seat next to me in the booth. We looked at each other for a moment before giggling "I don't know why I'm giggling." Kat laughed "I feel like crying. I feel awful Crayon. It was horrible. Promise that I'll never have to go back there?"

"I promise Kat. You don't need to worry anymore. We'll be safe here, I promise." I took her hand "Let's go back to our room. It used to be Hozzie's but now it's ours." I looked down at my outfit "I think I might have to change my killjoy name now as well."

"That doesn't matter. At least we're all safe." Kat sniffed "I'm really gonna miss my Dad."

"I'm gonna miss your Dad too." I replied as I pulled her to her feet "But we'll get our revenge Kat, I promise."

"I'm too tired for revenge." Kat yawned.

"Not tonight silly." I laughed and started running down the corridors and pulling Kat after me.

"So, what are the others like?" Kat asked as we made it to our room. We took off our clothes and got changed into two pairs of pyjamas that I assumed Raven left out for us.

"I think Raven's the friendliest so far. She made me this killjoy outfit and tried her best to make me feel welcome here. Penina's really lovely and now she's pregnant with Frank's baby and I think they're going to make awesome parents. Gerard's really nice until you start talking about his sister and then he's a bit distant but she's back now so I guess that doesn't matter. I haven't really talked to the others but they seem nice too." I sat down on the bed and Kat sat opposite me "What's Hozzie like?"

"She's nice. We shared a cell for a while. It was better than staying by ourselves." Kat yawned "Can we go to sleep now please Crayon?"

"Of course we can." We stood up and I pulled back the covers. I got in first and then Kat got in next to me. I fell asleep really quickly.

I got woken up in the middle of the night by screaming. For a moment I wondered where it was coming from then I realised it was Kat. She was shrieking hysterically in her sleep so I started shaking her "Kat, Kat, wake up! Come on! KAT!" Her eyes fluttered open "Kat, it's okay..."

She stopped screaming "W-What-"

"You woke up me up. You were screaming. What's wrong Kat?"

Suddenly she sat up and threw her arms round me "Crayon, it was horrible, I had this awful nightmare where I was still at BLI headquarters and my Dad was there and he was begging them to let me go and then they killed him-" Kat was sobbing by this point.

I ran my hands up and down her back "It's okay Kat, you're safe now and your Dad's not in any pain anymore. Everything's gonna be okay now..." I whispered soothing things to her for a while until Kat stopped crying.

"I'm really sorry I woke you up." She muttered, wiping away the last of her tears.

"It's okay Kat, I don't mind. Just so long as you're okay." I replied "Are you gonna be okay now?" Kat nodded "Okay. If you have any more nightmares and like wake up or something, then wake me up too so I can comfort you again, okay?" Kat nodded again and laid back down, falling asleep in seconds.

I flopped down next to her and closed my eyes "Night Kat." I murmured before falling asleep myself.

When I woke up Kat was gone and I panicked for a moment before seeing her pyjamas on the floor. She'd simply got dressed and gone out to the diner area or something. I sat up slowly, rubbing my eyes before getting up and getting dressed. Once I was dressed I left the room to go and find Kat.

Just like I thought she was in the diner area having pancakes. Me, Kat, Raven and Hozzie were the only ones awake. Hozzie noticed me come in "Hi, Crayon right? Do you want some pancakes?" I nodded sleepily and Hozzie started making them.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked, my voice sounding weird since I was still half asleep.

"Probably in bed." Raven told me "They sleep a lot after a successful trip to BLI."

"Because they're lazy." Hozzie giggled. Yesterday I had thought her face was covered in dirt but in this light I realised it was bruises. Kat's face was covered in them too.

"Now that we've saved Kat though like we planned, what are we gonna do next?" I asked.

"Well we'll probably just drive around the desert and cause trouble for BLI and stupid stuff like that." Raven said "We only really go to BLI when we need food or if there's a specific reason."

I sat there for a moment before saying "We should get Stella to become a killjoy."

"Who's Stella?" Hozzie asked.

"My little sister. She was going on about how much she loves BLI but now that I've ranaway I'm worried about what will happen to her. They wouldn't hurt my family would they?"

"I'm not sure." Hozzie said thoughtfully as she handed me my plate of pancakes "Nobody's really managed to escape BLI on their own before so they're bound to be suspicious and think someone's helped you and your family are probably the first people they'd turn to. I'm not sure if they'd actually hurt them though."

"Oh very helpful." I said sarcastically.

Hozzie looked upset as she sat opposite me and next to Raven "I was only trying to help."

"I know, I know, I'm sorry but this is my family we're talking about. I need to know if they're safe."

"We didn't see them when we were stuck at BLI." Kat said "They were probably still in their house."

Suddenly I remembered something "Oh umm Hozzie, do you want me to change killjoy names? Because I don't mind."

"Really?" Hozzie asked "Well I did think of Artistic Accident and stuff so I guess yeah..."

"I don't know what to call myself though." I looked down at my tee-shirt "And my tee-shirt says your killjoy name on it."

"Don't worry, I can make you a new one." Raven smiled.

"I've got it!" I suddenly cried "Transmission Monster."

[A/N] - I typed in Crayon's name into a killjoy name generator and that came up :) I would've made one up but it took long enough for me to make up my own :L
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