Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Different

"Aww wow so you and Ray are together now?" I asked.

Raven nodded "He ran after me and I was crying because someone," Raven glared at Penina "Blabbed my secret but he was really sweet. He hugged me and told me it was okay because he loved me and aww it was really sweet!"

"That's awesome!" Penina smiled "So nobody's going to kick me?"

"Oh yeah, thanks for reminding me!" Raven grinned and kicked Penina's ankle.

Penina squeaked "But he said he liked you back!"

"What if he hadn't though?"

"But he did."

"But what if he hadn't."

"We are not getting into this again." I said.

"Pancakes are ready!" Hozzie said, handing everyone a plateful "Someone go and wake the others up because I've made all of them pancakes too and I don't want them to go cold."

Kat was the one who volunteered to wake the others up. Ray had been outside having a cigarette so he came in shortly after Kat had left "Morning!" Ray smiled "More pancakes?" Hozzie nodded and handed him a plate.

"Ray, what are we supposed to do now?" Penina asked "Are we ever actually going to do this thing we've planning for ages? To try and get some more people from BLI to become killjoys and then take down the city."

"It's pretty hard to get citizens of BLI to join us when they believe every lie that Korse and Haru feeds them." Ray told her "They really think we're trying to kill them or torture them or something."

The others came into the room "What are we talking about?" Gerard asked as everyone sat down and Hozzie started giving out pancakes. Ray told him about what Penina had said "It'd only work if the citizens of BLI actually listen to us." Gerard explained "And right now, they're not listening to us."

"Because they feel threatened by you." I replied "Because you're all over 'wanted' posters and nobody really knows who you are. They think you're criminals, murderers. What they need is someone they trust. If we could get one person who lives in BLI to believe that we're the good guys then I'm sure they'd be able to convince over people."

"Yeah but for that to happen we'd need one person, wouldn't we?" Frank sighed "And we don't have one person."

"No." I agreed "We don't. But-"

"Crayon, your sister won't want to help us." Raven told me "You told us that she believes the killjoys are bad."

"But she's my little sister. She'd want to help me right?"

"Okay let's get this straight Crayon." Mikey said "You think your sister is going to help us take down the town that she enjoys living in?"

"Oh. I hadn't thought about it like that." I admitted "There has to be someone who will listen to us. Kat! You've lived there a lot longer than me! Surely you know someone! Someone who was friends with your Dad or something?"

Kat thought about it "Well, Dad was friends with one person. But they never talked about the killjoys or anything. They weren't exactly friends anyway. Well I think Paul thought they were friends but Dad never really liked him that much."

"If this Paul liked your Dad then maybe you should tell him." I said "You should tell him how we had plans to leave the town and BLI executed him for it. Surely that would make Paul hate him?"

"I'm not sure Crayon."

"It's worth a try!" I cried "So long as you don't give too much away it won't matter, will it? Just don't tell him where we're hiding and stuff and how to get out of the city. Then even if he does disagree with us and tells BLI everything he found out, it won't really effect us that much?"

"I think that's a good idea Crayon." Hozzie said "We should do it and this time I'm coming with you whether you like it or not."

"If you guys really think this is a good idea then I'll do it." Kat ran her fingers through her hair "I still know where he lives I think. I suppose really I should go see him, to at least let him know what happened to my Dad."

"We need to consider everything though." Lucy said "What if BLI told everyone about you and your Dad? Like they made up a cover story or something so that the citizens wouldn't find out the truth? That you moved or something?"

"If they had just moved why would I go back?" Kat asked "And everyone knows that once you've moved into BLI, you can't move out again."

"Okay and what if Paul doesn't believe you?" Lucy persisted.

"Then I'll just leave. It's not like I'll give anything potientially dangerous to us away."

"And what if he gets his raygun and shoots you for admitting to being a killjoy?"

"Crayon will come with me." Kat said.

"Will I?"

"Yes. And I know Paul. He won't shoot me." Kat smiled "I think this could really work."

"Then we'll do it." Gerard said "Tonight. Why bother waiting? Though this time Frank, I'll be packing the stuff we need."

"Suits me." Frank smiled "Okay then. We'll meet outside at seven, agreed?"

Everyone agreed and then got up to get ready.

[A/N] - I'm really bored and I have nothing to do all day so I'll probably update again later :L
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