Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Only Hope For Me Is You

The Only Hope For Me Is You

by Gez789 1 review

Gerard is in serious depression, he is a druggie and an alcoholic but will that change when he meets frank? Will be continued and please review :3 xoxox

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [R] - Published: 2012-08-30 - Updated: 2012-09-01 - 857 words

Gerard's P.O.V
It was already 7.00am, I decided to get straight in the shower instead of putting it off for as long as I could. As soon as I got out of the shower I sat on the edge of my bed debating on weather to wear my Misfits top or my Ramones top, when suddenly the door burst open. "What the hell Mikey! I could have been naked or anything!"."Gee,I'm your brother, iv seen you naked many of times" Mikey giggled. I rolled my eyes, "What do you want anyway?","Your eyeliner" Mikey smirked. "Fine!", I threw Mikey the eyeliner and began to get ready for the hell hole I like to call school.

Frank's P.O.V
I woke up in the same clothes I was wearing last night, I looked in the mirror to find I had a huge black eye, Then suddenly it came back to me what had happened. I tried to shake it off and remembered that I was starting a new school today. Great just another School where I can be known as The Faggot Kid That No One Cares About, well I guess their's a chance of meeting someone who likes me...maybe...Also if anyone cares,I'm gay hence why I'm known as a Faggot. I run downstairs, put my jacket and my backpack on and I was set to walk to school. "Good luck,honey" my Mum shouted from down the hall, "Thanks" I swiftly replied and headed out of the door.

Gerard's P.O.V
Mikey didn't know about my alcohol problem, it was easy to hide, all I needed was a lot of mints. Ray knew though and he's been trying to help me for some time now, if I'm honest I don't see the point. Ever since my Grandmother Helena died my life has literally been turned upside down, It's come to the point where I need drugs and alcohol just to be able to feel something, It's almost like I'm numb inside. I've stopped taking my Anti-Depressants because I just don't see the point in being happy any more.

Ray's P.O.V
I was with Bob waiting patiently in the dinner hall for Mikey and Gee. Suddenly the large wooden doors burst open and I saw Mikey with what seemed to be the new kid. "Hey Mikes,who's the new kid?", "Hiaaa Ray and oh this is Frank" , "Hi guys" Frank said in a rather timid voice, "Dude, there's no need to be shy around us ya'know" Bob chuckled. We were all having a really good laugh with Frank when I noticed Gee standing behind us, he was giving Frank a curious look but I ignored it."Sup Gee?" I said loudly trying to get everyone to notice he had arrived, I was the only one who knew about his problems, I looked him up and down, I could see he had been on the drugs again but I wasn't going to say anything with everyone there.

Gerard's P.O.V
So this "new kid's" called Frank,cute name. I know I'm gay and maybe I'm a little over emotional but there's just something about this kid...No I can't let myself feel this way about him, besides he's probable straight and that will lead me to getting hurt once again. You know what? FUCK THIS! FUCK LIFE! With that I decided to skive school and just go home. I don't live with my parents, they made me and Mikey move out this time last year just because they found out I was gay and my brother accepted me! The sick fucks! That's when I got even closer to my Grandmother Helena. That's when a couple of months ago she died and this is exactly why iv fucked up school big time and I'm going home to a bottle of vodka.

Ray's P.O.V
I watched as Gerard stormed out of the door, I was seriously worried about him. "Ray?" Mikey mumbled "Maybe we should go after him,Frank do you mind skiving so we can go look after my brother?" "Corse I don't" Frank replied and with that we were all walking out of the school gates and heading towards Mikey and Gerard's house. We were now walking up the drive when Mikey stopped, Mikey gestured for me to go over by myself so he could talk to me. "What is it Mikes?", "umm, there's something you should know Ray" Mikey continued "Gerard's been drinking a lot lately, there's bottles literally all over the house and when I went into the bathroom this morning I noticed he hasn't been taking his Anti-Depressants" I could see tears start to form in Mikey's eyes. I put my arm around him "Mikes, I'v known for a long time now and I know how bad he is but seriously Mikes we have to go in and help him". I noticed that Frank and Bob were in there own little world talking about next weeks algebra test, so I leaned in quickly and gave Mikey a quick kiss on the forehead.
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