Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cigarettes and sass


by XxlovefrankieroxX 11 reviews

Can you tell I'm getting steadily worse at thinking up chapter titles..? -_-

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-09-10 - Updated: 2012-09-11 - 5778 words

Frank yawned and stretched, groaning as he rubbed a hand over his eyes. Gerard’s phone was buzzing again, abandoned on the floor somewhere amidst his clothes. This was the third time it had rang this morning and Frank was starting to get sick of hearing it. All he wanted to do was snuggle up to his new found lover and kiss his neck until he woke up.

Frank sighed and slowly turned to look at Gerard, smiling fondly at him. The older man was sprawled out on the bed, not unlike the first morning Frank had woken up beside him, the artist possessing all the sleeping grace of a sheep. Frank just wanted to kiss him over and over.

The phone finally stopped vibrating against the carpet and Frank sighed as he slithered out of bed. He stretched again as he trotted to the bathroom, the pressure on his bladder no longer at a level where he could ignore it. Besides, it didn’t look like Gerard was going to wake up any time soon, so Frank decided he would seize the moment to make him breakfast in bed.

When Frank walked out of the bathroom the phone was ringing again and he rolled his eyes as he stooped down to find it in the pocket of Gerard’s jeans. The guy was seriously popular this morning... Frank guessed it was probably Brian ringing to see how the date went.

Frank managed to find the phone and he glanced at Gerard’s sleeping form for a second before he smiled and tiptoed out of the bedroom to make his way to the kitchen. The cell was still vibrating against his palm and he glanced down to check the caller ID.


Frank didn’t recognise the name... He was pretty sure Gerard had never mentioned anyone called Mikey before. Perhaps it was someone from work... This was the fourth time he was calling so Frank guessed it must be important. Or what if it was some other guy Gerard was seeing? Or a crazy stalker ex? Frank smirked and hit the answer button as he sauntered over to the coffee machine; if it was a crazy stalker ex then he could have some fun with this.

“Hello you’ve reached the phone of Gerard Way, this is Frank speaking.” He purred into the phone in his best ‘upper class’ accent. He leant down to examine the coffee machine as he waited a response, finding the on button and pressing it.

“Hi uh... Wait, what? Who is this?” A voice demanded. The voice was male, young, a little irritated sounding... Frank smirked and leant against the counter, examining his nails as the coffee machine hummed to life.

“Frank. I’m Gerard’s-” Frank hesitated, suddenly not knowing what to say. He was Gerard’s... what? Lover? Boyfriend? Fuck buddy? Friend? Acquaintance? “Uh...”

“... You’re Gerard’s?” The voice at the other end of the phone repeated softly, confusion strong in his tone. “Oh God, you’ve had sex with him haven’t you?” He suddenly gasped and Frank blushed as he heard whoever this person was hopping about and giving retching noises down the line.

“Who is this?” Frank demanded, suddenly not feeling very amused anymore.

“Eugh, God! I can’t believe you... eugh... Why would you even answer his phone!?”

“Because this is like the fourth time you called and I thought maybe it was important.” Frank snapped, pouting moodily. “I don’t know who you are, what are you like an ex boyfriend or something?” He scoffed, the other person falling silent. Frank blinked stupidly and raised his eyebrows. Oh... It seemed he had hit the nail on the head. “You are, aren’t you?” He breathed, feeling a sudden surge of anger and... Was that jealousy?

“Ex... Oh God, are you kidding me? Eugh, no! I’m his little brother you freak!” The voice was back, indignant and disgusted and it took Frank a long moment for his words to sink in.

“His... Oh wow! He never told me he has a little brother.” He gasped, a grin splitting his features. The thought of Gerard having a younger sibling was, for some reason, damn adorable. “How old are you?”

“Twenty three, why?” The voice asked slowly, Frank smirking.

“No reason...”

“How old are you?” The voice shot back.

“Twenty two.” Frank shrugged, Mikey scoffing down the phone.

“Nice, he’s even fucking guys younger than me now.” He muttered, Frank blushing deeply.

“What?” He whispered, glancing round the door to make sure there was no sign of Gerard. “What’s that supposed to mean?” He demanded, a long pause following before Mikey answered.

“Nothing just... I dunno, I assume you don’t plan on sticking around do you?” He asked, Frank frowning.

“What? Stick around where?”

“With Gerard.” Mikey scoffed as if it should be obvious. “He’s had about a million one night stands since his boyfriend left him when he was nineteen.” He said simply, Frank feeling the colour drain from his face as he leant against the kitchen work top.

“I... He... He never said...” He whispered, his heart hammering as his stomach sank. A million one night stands? Obviously that was an exaggeration but he’d had no idea Gerard had one night stands at all let alone a lot of them. And he hadn’t had a boyfriend since he was nineteen? Why? Why didn’t any of the one night stands stick around? Or was it that Gerard never wanted them to?

“Well sure, he’s not exactly gonna bring it up in casual conversation is he?” Mikey pointed out, Frank blushing and running a hand through his hair.

“But I... He said he wanted a relationship with me.” He breathed, starting to feel terrified that he’d been used. He couldn’t imagine that a guy as sweet and anxious as Gerard would ever just fuck him and then run. Why would he have made such a big deal out of sleeping with him if he was just after a one night stand? But then... Frank had been with all kinds of guys and he knew all too well that men were capable of weaving intricate lies to get what they wanted without anyone else suspecting a thing. Was that what Gerard had done? Was this shy exterior all a ruse?

“He said that?” Mikey’s voice broke Frank away from his thoughts, though it couldn’t stop the terror gripping him. “And you want that to? You’re not just using him?” He demanded, Frank scowling.

“Of course I’m not! Who the fuck are you to assume what I do or don’t want from him?” He snapped, Mikey falling silent for a long moment.

“He’s my brother, I’m just looking out for him.” He said softly, before sighing. “I’m sorry, I’ve said too much. Is Gerard there, I want to talk to him?”

“He’s sleeping.” Frank growled, deciding he didn’t like this Mikey guy, even if he was Gerard’s brother. “I’ll have him call you back.” He snapped before hanging up before Mikey could say another word.

Frank tossed the phone onto the kitchen worktop and folded his arms tight across his chest with an agitated sigh. He knew he shouldn’t get pissed off and just wait until he could talk to Gerard about all that Mikey had said but knowing that didn’t make it easy. Frank was a hot headed kinda guy, he wasn’t one to tiptoe delicately around any subject.

Frank jumped as the coffee machine broke him out of his thoughts with a cheery ping and he turned with a grumble to fill his cup. He didn’t feel like making Gerard breakfast anymore, in fact, he didn’t even feel like staying. If all Gerard had wanted was a one night stand then he never wanted to see the artist again.

Frank stood tensely against the counter, sipping his coffee and trying to make sense of what Mikey had said. No matter how much he thought about it he couldn’t think of any point where Gerard had shown himself to be anything other than the shy, adorable artist Frank had thought he was. Either Mikey was wrong or Gerard was a really good liar.

“Frankie?” Frank jumped when Gerard suddenly appeared in the doorway, yawning and rubbing his hair with one hand and his eyes with the other. “Hey...”

“Hey.” Frank mumbled back, putting down his mug as his heart raced. He hadn’t even heard Gerard get up.

“Have you seen my phone?” Gerard asked through a yawn, smiling as he moved his hands away from his face and gazed at Frank, stood in all his naked glory against his kitchen counter. He was so gorgeous it was all Gerard could do to stop himself getting a boner.

“Oh, yeah. Your brother called.” Frank picked up Gerard’s cell and handed it to him with a small frown. “I told him you’d call him back.”

“Oh... Okay, thanks.” Gerard put his phone back down again and looked nervously at Frank. The younger man was looking kind of pissed off, but Gerard couldn’t understand why. “Err... Is something wrong?” He asked timidly, Frank glancing at him from the corner of his eyes.

“I had an interesting conversation with your brother, that’s all.” He said a little stiffly, some of his anger melting away whilst he was faced with Gerard’s frightened look. He couldn’t believe that this man would use him... He just looked too sweet.

“I... You... About what?” Gerard asked, utterly confused. Why would Frank and Mikey have a conversation at all? And what could Mikey have possibly said to make Frank look so angry? “Frank?”

“I... It doesn’t even matter.” Frank sighed, trying to push it away. He didn’t want to ruin what should have been a perfect morning after.

“Yes it does.” Gerard pushed, stepping closer to Frank and trying to take his hand. “What did he say to you? Whatever it was I’m sorry, he doesn’t normally say anything... Bad.” Gerard blushed, wondering what it could have been that Mikey had said.

Frank sighed and hesitated before slowly meeting Gerard’s gaze, looking into his eyes and seeing nothing but genuine concern. Maybe he was over reacting... He didn’t want to upset Gerard by bringing it up if it was nothing important, but he supposed if Gerard had had the decency to be honest with him the night before about worrying about Frank faking his arousal, then he should have the same decency now.

“I... Okay. We need to talk.” He confessed, feeling more of his iciness melt away at the look of utter horror that crossed Gerard’s face. “Let me put some clothes on first.” Frank squeezed Gerard’s hands and then promptly walked away to get changed, leaving the older man looking terrified as he stood in the kitchen.

Gerard glanced at his phone and felt his heart skip a beat. What had Mikey said to Frank? Mikey was a sweet kid, he and Gerard were incredibly close, he never said a bad thing to anyone... Gerard couldn’t imagine what had happened during his conversation with Frank and he felt sick with nerves as he wandered into the living room to sit down on the couch. He knew he would have to call Mikey back as soon as he had finished talking with Frank in case Mikey was upset too.

Gerard sighed and curled his legs up onto the couch, clasping his hands in his lap and staring down at the sweatpants he had thrown on before coming to find Frank. He had been so happy when he woke up, knowing that he hadn’t made a mistake in having sex with Frank and had been eager to give him a good morning kiss and have some breakfast together. This... This he hadn’t been expecting.

“Okay, ready.” Gerard looked up as Frank came back into the living room, wearing his jeans from the night before but no shirt. He sat down next to Gerard on the couch and forced a smile, seeing that Gerard was terrified still. “Hey, don’t look so afraid. I’m sure I’m just over reacting.” He said as soothingly as he could... No easy feat when deep down he wanted to just start screaming and shouting at Gerard for using him. He knew from past experience though that his temper always got him into worse situations and if Mikey had been wrong then Gerard was too perfect to lose over a simple misjudgement.

“What’s wrong?” Gerard asked nervously, turning to face Frank properly and searching his eyes with fear gripping tight to his chest. He didn’t know what could be upsetting Frank but what if whatever it was meant that he was going to lose him? Gerard was certain that now he had got a taste for what dating Frank could be like he just wouldn’t cope without him.

“Well... I’m just gonna come out with it bluntly okay?” Frank sighed, running a hand through his hair. “It’s easier that way.” He waited until Gerard nodded his understanding before continuing. “I... Are you just using me for sex?” He demanded, regretting it almost immediately at the look on Gerard’s face.

“I... What?” Gerard’s voice came out as barely a whisper, dread flooding through him like icy water. He couldn’t quite believe what he had just heard... Was Frank being serious? Was that what Mikey had told him?

“Just... Just, your brother mentioned on the phone just... Something about you only ever having one night stands and...” Frank trailed off, blushing as he realised that he had been a complete idiot after all. Gerard’s eyes had filled with tears and it was painfully clear that he had wounded the older man deeply.

“I... You... He told you that?” Gerard could feel that he had gone paler than usual, and though he tried to remain composed and talk this out properly he just had the ridiculous urge to curl up on the floor and scream. “You... You think you were a one night stand?” He croaked, his eyes wide and vulnerable as he looked at Frank. “After all the dates, and the waiting, and me telling you how much I want a relationship with you? You really think I was lying?” He breathed, Frank blushing and lowering his gaze.

“I... I’m sorry. It was stupid, I should have realised...” He apologised quickly, terrified that he had messed things up completely and that Gerard was going to kick him out or something. Gerard was so different from anyone else Frank had dated, he didn’t want to lose him. Not so early on. “I just, your brother said that and I was just shocked because I never imagined you would and I... I’m really sorry Gerard. It’s okay, I know it’s not true now.” He mewled.

“But I... I just... Why would you think that? What? Did you think I was gonna wake up this morning and tell you to go? Great, got what I wanted, sia Frankie.” He scoffed, growing angry. Frank raised his eyebrows in surprise, his body giving a strange shiver at the anger swirling in Gerard’s eyes.

“I... No, of course not.” He sighed, gazing at Gerard with a growing curiosity. “But... I was talking to Mikey and I just over reacted that’s all.” He apologised, raising an eyebrow at Gerard’s scowl.

“Is this how it’s always going to be? Just one word off someone telling you bullshit and you’re going to assume I’m some kind of asshole?” Gerard snapped, surprising himself with how angry he was. Now he could see Frank wasn’t about to walk out on him he was feeling angry that he had even brought this up in the first place. Gerard didn’t want Frank to just suddenly stop trusting him at the drop of a hat, not when he wanted to be with him more than anything.

“Look, I over reacted, okay? Because of my job I have a lot of guys using me, ya’ know? Men seem to think because I have sex for a living it means they can just fuck me and leave me without a moment’s notice.” Frank snapped back, sitting up straighter and folding his arms as he glared at Gerard. “I know you’re not like that, but when Mikey said you haven’t been in a relationship since you were nineteen fucking years old I panicked, okay!?”

“I... He told you that?” Gerard’s anger suddenly disappeared as quickly as it had come, his face draining of colour again and Frank raised his eyebrows in surprise. “I... Why... Why did he bring that up?” He whimpered, moving back a little as if he was suddenly afraid of Frank.

“I... He mentioned it just in conversation.” Frank said slowly, his arms moving to rest back by his sides as his muscles relaxed and he slumped down a little. He felt like he was intimidating Gerard, the older man taking on a frightened look again. “I told him how I wanted to be with you and he just sorta mentioned it, it’s not a big deal Gerard.” He mewled, crawling over to Gerard and gently touching his hands. “What is it?”

“I can’t believe he told you.” Gerard sighed, looking down at his hands in Frank’s. “You must think I’m an idiot.” He whispered, Frank frowning and shifting closer to Gerard, moving until he was sat in his lap, his legs wrapped around his waist.

“What? Why would I think that?” He asked quietly, gently cupping Gerard’s face and tilting his head up to look at him. “Why would I think that Gerard?”

“Because... I’m twenty six years old and haven’t had a boyfriend in seven years...” Gerard mumbled, blushing furiously. It always sounded worse when he said it out loud.

“So?” Frank chuckled, finding it adorable that Gerard was self conscious about it. “It sounds like you had no problem in finding men...” He pointed out delicately, trying to show Gerard that he didn’t care if he’d had a million one night stands so long as he wasn’t one too.

Gerard blushed furiously and lowered his head again, frowning down at his lap. “Well sure, but it probably says a lot about me that none of those guys stuck around.” He pointed out sulkily, Frank raising his eyebrows in slight surprise.

“You mean... You mean you weren’t just using those guys yourself?” He asked softly, Gerard looking up at him in surprise.

“Is that what you thought?” He asked quietly, feeling his heart sink. Of course, he knew deep down it was kind of true. Every man Gerard had ever slept with since he was nineteen had been a quick fuck just to get it out of his system. Each of them had known it was all he was after and they had been using him just as much, but that was only because he had spent the last few years wanting no one but Frank. He couldn’t admit that of course.

“Well, that’s kind of how Mikey made it sound.” Frank said slowly, before thinking back to the anger in Mikey’s voice and blushing. “Or... Actually, now I think about it, he could have been implying that I was using you.” He admitted quietly, suddenly feeling incredibly stupid as Gerard gazed at him with those sweet, hazel eyes. “God, I’m sorry Gee, I’ve been so stupid.” Frank groaned, bowing his head.

Gerard felt his heart skip a beat and he automatically wrapped his arms around Frank, gently drawing him closer and hugging him tight. “No you haven’t... I should have told you about my past.” He whispered, though he knew that he would never have mentioned all his one night stands if he could have helped it. “Mikey’s a good kid really, he just... He hates that I haven’t been able to find a relationship in so long.”

“I’m sorry Gee,” Frank mewled, cuddling Gerard close and kissing the side of his neck where he buried his face. “I should have waited for you to clear things up before getting mad; You’ve been hurt so much and I just made it worse.”

“Hey, what? Who’s been hurt?” Gerard mewled, cupping Frank’s face and moving so he would look at him again. “I haven’t been hurt.” He said soothingly, pecking Frank’s lips.

“But all these years... men just leaving after they had sex with you. No wonder you wanted to wait.” Frank mewled, hiding his face in Gerard’s neck again but this time the older man just let him as his cheeks blazed red. He felt a stab of guilt in his chest and he had to take a moment to compose himself again. He hadn’t meant to make it sound like he’d been heart broken by all these men, he hadn’t wanted relationships with them, they hadn’t meant anything.

“Frankie... Frank, I was never hurt.” He mewled, knowing he already had too many lies to keep hold of as it was without allowing Frank to believe he was some victim. “All the one night stands I had... I... I always knew that was all they were after. But I didn’t mind because I was waiting for the right guy to come along before I got into a relationship.” He explained quickly, Frank tensing as he slowly peeked up at Gerard.

“I... Really? Then why do you want to have a relationship with me?” He asked softly, sitting up so he could look at Gerard properly, the artist now wide eyed and bright red.

“I... I... Well I...” Gerard didn’t quite know what to say. He couldn’t be honest... He couldn’t tell Frank he had been unable to find any man good enough because he was so incredibly obsessed with his videos that he was determined to be only with him, or someone just like him.

Frank waited for Gerard to answer, smirking when he saw the older man was just getting gradually more flustered. He felt his own heart racing erratically as he realised that out of all the men that had shown Gerard an interest for the past seven years, he was the only one that Gerard had wanted a relationship with.

“Gee...” Frank giggled, trying not to squeal and flap his hands about like some sort of ridiculous school girl. “Why me? What makes me so special?” He giggled, Gerard blushing though he smiled softly at Frank.

“I... You’re just different.” Gerard whispered, biting his lip when he saw that Frank was clearly not mad anymore. He felt himself relaxing as he a result, hoping they had got over that sticky patch and he smiled shyly. “I don’t know what it is... Just from the second I met you, I knew I wanted to get to know you.”

“I guessed as much...” Frank purred, slowly sliding his hands up Gerard’s chest and wrapping his arms around his neck. “I knew you had to have some interest in me to agree to come and see me at my signing desk at the expo.” He smirked, leaning forward to ever so gently brush his lips across Gerard’s. “And for the record... You’re the first man I’ve asked out since I was eighteen.”

“I... Really?” Gerard breathed, shocked and he smiled uncertainly as Frank pulled back to grin at him.

“Uhuh.” He nodded, idly drawing patterns on Gerard’s naked chest. “As soon as I got into the ‘business’ I never had to ask anyone out because men always asked me...” He shrugged, gazing at Gerard through his lashes. “But when I met you I knew I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t try to score at least one date with you.” He purred, smiling at how adorable Gerard looked as he blushed.

“Well... I’m thrilled you did.” He whispered, Frank giggling as he leant forward and gently captured Gerard’s lips with his own. Gerard sighed and melted against the couch, lifting a hand to rest against Frank’s cheek as he worked his lips against his slow and delicate...

“Mm... I never thought,” Frank whispered as he slowly pulled back from Gerard’s soft, warm lips. “That scoring one date would get me more... You’re so different to all the other men I’ve dated Gerard.” He sighed, touching his forehead to the older man’s and gently smoothing his thumb against his collar bone. “I really want to stop talking about considering a relationship and just do it babe... I want you to be my boyfriend.” He mewled; giggling a little though inside he was shaking with nerves. He had never had to be the one to make it official either, but he understood that Gerard wouldn’t have the courage to do it himself.

Gerard gazed at Frank with wide eyes, his lips parted in surprise. Hearing Frank say those words was more than he could ever have dreamt of and for a moment all he could do was squeeze his eyes shut and think back to all the times he had watched his videos, or gazed at his photos, and wished with all his body and soul that he could have at least one night with Frank. To hear him ask for a relationship, for his words to hold the promise of many more nights as perfect as the one before, it made Gerard’s heart swell with delight and beat harsh against his ribs.

“Frankie... I would love that.” He finally managed to choke out, trembling as he cupped Frank’s face and tugged him gently back into a kiss. He couldn’t think straight anymore, his mind was reeling with the word boyfriend whilst every cell inside him sprouted legs and asses and began doing some sort of happy dance akin to a booty pop.

Frank giggled against Gerard’s lips and smiled as he leant against him, holding him close and kissing him with a gentle passion. He was relieved that they had managed to do this without having a full blown row (we say fight), and he made a mental note not to let his temper get the better of him whilst he was with Gerard. It was clear that Gerard wouldn’t be able to rise to Frank’s temper... Although, he had had that moment of anger himself.

“Frankie... We’re okay now, right?” Gerard sighed as he slowly drew back from Frank’s lips, gazing at him nervously though he relaxed when he saw the younger man’s warm smile.

“Of course we are.” He said genuinely, leaning in to kiss Gerard again and smiling as he felt Gerard relax. “Listen, I’m gonna make us some breakfast. How about you call Mikey back?” He suggested as he leant back again, Gerard smiling warmly and nodding.

“Okay...” He agreed softly, stealing another quick kiss from Frank before he got to his feet to go and call Mikey.


“Gee? Hey, I was hoping you’d call.” Mikey beamed as he answered his phone. He was sat outside, doodling idly on the front of his folder as he killed time before his next lecture.

“Yeah, Frank told me you wanted me to call you back.”

“Yeah, who was that guy who answered your cell this morning?”

“It was uh... Frank.” Gerard smirked, Mikey tutting and rolling his eyes.

“Yeah I got his name alright.” He scoffed, laying his pen down so he could concentrate on Gerard. “But who is he? Is he just another one night stand?” He demanded, Gerard scowling from where he was currently sat on his bed in his apartment where Frank would hopefully not hear his conversation.

“No, he’s not. He’s my boyfriend. And thank you, by the way, for almost ruining that by telling him all about my past.” He snapped, though he kept his voice quiet, wanting the conversation to be kept private from Frank.

“I... He... What? He’s your boyfriend?” Mikey gasped back, almost dropping his files all over the floor. “You didn’t tell me you’d got a boyfriend!”

“Well it’s a err... Relatively new development...” Gerard mumbled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

“Since when?” Mikey demanded instantly, able to imagine Gerard’s blush perfectly as his brother fell silent. “Come on Gerard, how long have you guys been together?”

“Well... Officially about...” There was a pause as Gerard glanced at clock. “Twenty minutes.”

“Wow...” Mikey rolled his eyes, resisting the urge to slap his forehead. “Twenty minutes. It must be true love.”

“We’ve been dating for a few weeks though.” Gerard protested, his voice growing defensive as he scowled. Mikey was never usually like this. “I thought you’d be happy for me, you’ve been going on at me to get into a ‘proper’ relationship for years.”

“I know but... I dunno. I just didn’t like the sound of this Frank guy when I spoke to him this morning.” Mikey sighed, Gerard scoffing down the phone.

“Believe me he didn’t like the sound of you either.” He retorted. “He thought I was just using him after speaking to you. I almost lost him because of your big mouth.” He snapped, though his words lacked venom, he could never get properly angry at Mikey.

“I only told him the truth, it’s not my fault he got the wrong idea.” Mikey argued back, running a hand through his hair. “How did you guys end up getting together ‘officially’ if I pissed him off?” He asked.

“It’s a long story.” Gerard said simply, distracted by the soft scent of cooking seeping into the room and his stomach growled. “All you need to know is I’m really happy right now and I want this to work with Frank more than anything so please just forget your call with him this morning and give him another chance.”

“Alright.” Mikey groaned, knowing that Gerard was old enough to make his own decisions. Besides, if no man had been good enough for him since he was nineteen then he supposed Frank must be something special. “I wanna meet him though, when are you coming to see me next?” He demanded.

“Huh? Oh I dunno, I was gonna swing by in a couple weeks once I’d got most the work on The Breakfast Monkey out of the way.”

“Great, you can bring Frank with you.” Mikey nodded, Gerard giving a strange choking noise down the phone.

“Whoa, what!? Mikes no, I can’t drag him halfway across the state to spend some time with my baby brother.” He whimpered, Mikey frowning.

“Why not?” He scoffed, getting up as he saw he needed to get moving to his lecture. “If he’s some great guy then I’m sure he won’t complain.” He said innocently.

“That’s not the point, he shouldn’t have to come.”

“Well how else am I gonna meet him?”

“Well... Why don’t you just wait until you come home for one of your breaks.”

“I wanna meet him before then.” Mikey insisted, smirking as he knew he was making Gerard squirm. “Listen, I have to go, but don’t think this is the end of this conversation! I’m meeting Frank and I’m meeting him soon, don’t make me get grandma involved!”

“Aw Mikeeey!” Gerard whined, flopping down onto his bed but Mikey only laughed and hung up before he could protest anymore. “Fuck.” Gerard cursed, rubbing a hand over his eyes. If Mikey told Elena then there’d be no hope. She’d drag Frank over to meet Mikey herself if she had to... Not mention she’d never leave Gerard alone about meeting him either.

Gerard scowled and slid off the bed, sighing and smiling a little fondly. He’d only been with Frank twenty minutes and already he had to consider when he’d be taking him to meet his family. He figured he wouldn’t mention it to Frank just yet though, he didn’t want to scare him away.

Walking back through to the kitchen Gerard found the porn star dancing around to the radio as he made pancakes. There was already a stack of them forming on a plate and Gerard could see that Frank had put bananas in them too. Gerard sighed and felt his heart give a little tug. Banana pancakes... It had to be true love.

“Hey Gee, I was just thinking, don’t you have work at all this morning?” Frank asked as he turned to see Gerard was back, smiling warmly at him.

“I err... Oh shit.” Gerard glanced at the time and bit his lip. “Yeah I do. Shit. Mikey didn’t even remind me.” He groaned. He had completely forgotten it was a Thursday, after having such a great night with Frank and then the almost-argument that morning he had just sort of assumed it was the weekend.

“Oh man, do you need to go?” Frank mewled, Gerard shaking his head as he picked up his phone.

“It’s fine, I’ll call Brian and ask him to tell everyone I called in sick this morning.” He blushed, Frank smirking a little at him. He could tell Gerard wasn’t one to break the rules like that easily, and he felt a little flutter knowing he was doing it for him.

“So you’ll have the day off?” He purred, flipping the pancake in the pan over before turning back to Gerard. “How will we fill the day?” He smirked, Gerard smirking back at him as he raised his phone to his ear and walked away to take the call.

“I’m sure we’ll think of something.” He called before disappearing out the doorway to talk to Brian.

“I can think of tons of things.” Frank smirked to himself, starting to dance again as he cooked.

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