Categories > Original > Drama > Stashley

Chapter 14

by OliviaSyren 1 review

Is Stef remembering?...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-09-13 - Updated: 2012-09-13 - 1405 words - Complete


Ash smiled back at Stef. “You should do, it’s your name.” He chuckled. Stef opened the door fully. “This is Dru. He’s our friend but you’ve forgotten him.” Ashley reassured him. Dru waved a little at Stefan. Stef smiled.
“I’m sorry about that…” Dru said and Stef shook his head.
“It’s okay…I..It’s just because I have a habit of flinching.” He shrugged. Ash turned to Stef.
“Can you remember anything?” He asked.
“I remember last night.” Stef ran a hand through his hair and appeared to blush slightly.
“I meant about before you were name 02100…” Ash corrected. Stef closed his eyes and rubbed them with his palms.
“I…Uh…I remember…A song…It’s catchy…” Stef thought harder, this made his head hurt. After being told not to ever remember anything otherwise it meant punishment and being brainwashed into thinking what Joel was doing was right but these tricks have recently been wearing off.
“Don’t think about it too much.” Dru said, turning away and switching on the Xbox. “Wanna play?” He asked.
Stef hesitated. “I…I don’t know how…” He slowly moved toward the couch looking at the disc Dru had put into the drive. ‘Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2’ He sat beside Dru as he collected a controller.
“Oi.” Ash chimed in, sitting next to Stef, collecting a third controller. “I’m playing too.”
“Stef needs to sign in…” Dru said.
“He can use my profile.” He signed Stef into his account.
“Maybe he can actually get you up a few levels.” Dru chuckled. Stef let out a sound of humour.
“Shut up.” Ash chuckled and signed himself in as ‘Guest’.
Stef eventually got the hang of it but he had a habit of screen watching to see where Dru and Ash were on the map.
The game was over and Dru won, as usual. They ordered pizza. Stef asked what pizza was and Dru laughed but Ash explained.
“It sounds nice.” Stef said.
There was a knock on the door. “Pizza!” Dru said. Ash hopped off the couch. “Chill, Ash. It’s not the pizza girl.” Dru chuckled. Ash laughed sarcastically and opened the door to the pizza boy.
“Who’s the pizza girl?” Stef asked Dru.
“Some girl who delivered our pizzas and they fell in love with Ash but he already loved someone else.” Dru said casually.
“Who did he love?” Stef continued.
“It was y…” Dru stopped himself speaking as he was about to tell Stef that Ash loved him.
“Who?” Stef asked again. Dru said nothing and walked into the kitchen with a slice of pizza. After Ash had placed them on the table. Ash looked at Dru, then at Stef.
“What happened?” Ash asked. Stef said nothing. He was staring at the pizzas, inhaling the greasy smell.
“I…I…be…” Stef muttered.
“You what?” Ash said as Dru came into the room again.
“I…be…” Stef continued. “Ibe…za….Ibiza.” He scrunched his eyes and held his head in his hands, screaming at the pain in his head. Ash moved over to him and pulled him into a hug.
“Shh. You’re remembering things from your past.” Ash said. Stef wrapped his arms around Ash’s waist and gripped his shirt, tears falling down his face and his hair being flattened by Ash’s chest.
“It hurts…” Stefan said, his voice barely a whisper. Ash rocked him lightly.
“I know. Shh.” He whispered in his ear. Stef exhaled deeply and then looked up at Ash, moving his arms around the taller boy’s neck, looking into his eyes. Ash looked back into his. Dru had shuffled out of the room again, giving them space.
“Yesterday…” Stef started. “I kissed you.” The corners of his lips curled upwards slightly. Ash’s eyes went wide.
“That’s what that was?!” He asked, remembering last night when he felt something warm brush over his busted lip, thinking about it made his lip twitch and sting a little. It had healed a bit. Stef nodded.
“Yeah. I don’t know why I kissed you. Something in the back of my head pushed me forward.” Stef admitted. “I can remember…Quite a bit now… After that kiss which felt so familiar, like it’d happened just seconds before. So many memories rushed into my head. Of our songs, of you. But I don’t remember Dru. I’ll have to work on that.” Stef chuckled lightly. Ash had tears in his eyes.
“Can you remember anything else?” Ash asked, almost in tears. Stef thought, his head hurt again. “How about telling me what you can remember?” Ash suggested.
“Uhm…Some songs… JAB, E.T, The Dance Routine, Tik Tok…and…um…The Ibiza one…”
“Pizza In Ibiza…” Ash corrected.
“Yes, that. I can remember a few gigs and…Meeting loads of fans, I remember Roxanne…I think. She’s your girlfriend isn’t she?” Stef asked.
“No. No. No. No. No…” Ash shook his head. “She liked Dru but Dru’s married now.”
“To…Keavagh?” Stef asked.
“Yes! Keavagh.”
“That’s it.” He said simply.
Ash’s heart dropped. He didn’t fully remember any feelings he had had for him. It was upsetting and he stood up then rushed into his bedroom, locking the door. Stef was left dumbfounded. Stef went after him, knocking of the door lightly. He could hear muffled sobbing and faint music in Ash’s room. ‘Why is Ashley crying?’ Stef asked himself. “Ashley? Can I come in?” He asked through the door. There was a short silence before he heard a faint “No.”
“Because I said.” Ash replied. Stef tried to open the door but it was locked. “I said don’t come in.” Ash said, his voice was closer. Ash had his forehead on the door. Stef pressed his ear up against it, listening to the music.
“What’s the music, Ashley?” No answer. It wasn’t too far into the song, Stef listened intently to the words.
‘Someone turned the lights down,
and I tripped fell into your arms,
Your beautiful fantastical flaws,
I'm indecisive so, so unsure,
Sometimes you got to hit go,
And run from where you come’
Stef gasped as he remembered something. “Eyebrows.” He whispered. He thought harder, knowing he was remembering who or what Eyebrows was. Music suddenly boomed from the living room.
‘Not married but I wear a wedding ring on my hand
I go to sleep when I want, 'cause I don't have bedtime plans.’
Stef’s train of thought had gone off-track. He now listened to the song from the living room.
‘Don't obey by the rules, sometimes I don't even care
If I'm out eating at a buffet I'll have more than my share
He bobbed his head as he sang the rest of the words, remembering they were his lines.
“I'm a bad influence; don't hang around with me
I ride my bike on the pavement, wear my clothes in the shower
I'm straight up crazyyyy!” he sang aloud.
Dru ran in. “I’ve got a BEARD!”
Ash opened the door as Stef sang his next line. “I’ve got an AFRO!”
Ash chimed in. “I’ve got eyebrows that ROCK!” He did his eyebrow thing. Stef froze. The music continued in the background. Stef started shaking with no emotion on his face, staring at Ash. Ash looked worriedly at Stef. “What’s wrong?!” He asked, holding Stef up be his elbows so he wouldn’t fall. Stef said nothing. His legs gave way and Ash went down with him, holding him close. Stef was still shaking uncontrollably. “Stef, tell me what’s wrong.” Ash said comfortingly, stroking his face. Stef stopped shaking and was breathing deeply and slowly. He brought his hand up to Ash’s worried face and stroked his thumb over Ash’s eyebrow. Stef sighed and smiled. He spoke but his voice was less than a whisper “Hey Ash…”
“What is it Stef?” He asked frantically.
“I finally remember what ‘Eyebrows’ means.” He chuckled quietly then his eyes fell shut.
‘Me? I’m Eyebrows.’ Ash thought about it. It was a pretty rational explanation. “Stef! Stay with me!” He said, pulling Stef closer to him. But it was too late.

[FINALLY. Chapter 14 DONE. Now...WHO'S READY FOR CHAPTER 15?! Whoa..Chill. I have to write it first..Geez...]
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