Categories > Original > Drama > Stashley

Chapter 15

by OliviaSyren 3 reviews

Was this all a dream?...

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-09-15 - Updated: 2012-09-15 - 956 words - Complete

Ash held his breath. He didn’t know if Stefan, the man he loved, who had just remembered who he was, was dead. He didn’t want to know. But the truth sufficed.
“He’s breathing.” Dru said, relieved. Ashley let out a relieved sigh, holding Stefan closer and feeling his warm breath on his skin.
“Thank god.” Ash whispered to no-one in particular. He carried Stef to Ash’s room and placed him on the bed carefully, pulling the covers over him. Dru spoke.
“What did he mean by ‘Eyebrows’?”
Ash sighed. “When he first came here he told me about Eyebrows and how he couldn’t remember what it was. But the word was embedded into his mind because he’d whisper it before he slept and he knew he’d know what Eyebrows was when he saw it. Guess he was wrong. Although he did mumble the word when I opened the box he was in.”
Dru was just staring at him, mouth open. “Wow.” He whispered, clearly not expecting that.
Stef stirred in his sleep, they both leant forward, watching to see if he woke up. Unsurprisingly, he stayed at rest. They sighed and leant back in the chairs they moved from the kitchen table so they could sit in Ash’s room and keep an eye on Stefan. Eventually, they both fell asleep. Dru had woken up went into the spare room to sleep, leaving Ash and Stef sleeping. Ash looked uncomfortable in the chair but Dru was too tired to actually care. Ash was woken by something brushing over his cheek. It was pitch black and whatever was before him wasn’t visible. He reached up and touched whatever was on his cheek. It was warm and soft. He knew what it was. It was a hand. “Stefan?” Ash whispered. Nothing was said in return. His eyes had adjusted to the darkness but could only see the outline of the person. He smiled as he looked up to find a mess of afro hair tickle him. “Stef, you’re okay.” He sighed happily. He heard Stef chuckle.
“Yes. I’m fine, Ash. I’ve remembered.” Stef moved closer.
“Remembered what exactly?” Ash asked. Stef didn’t answer. Ash’s eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness of the room. Stef’s lips were centimetres away from his own. Stef and leaned in and touched his lips with Ashley’s, softly at first. But then it became passionate, making up for the years they had been separated, their feelings for each other heightened at that one kiss. Ash felt so happy, he could have been dreaming.

The next morning, things went as usual. Like the years before Stefan had disappeared. Ash woke up happy. Happy that the man he loved had remembered who he was and remembers the feelings they feel for each other. Ash turned over in the bed, expecting to see Stef. Alas, he was not there. He sat up, looked around the room in curiosity. A stupid little thought went through his mind. ‘What if this week never happened?’ He shook the pointless thought out of his head and trudged into the living room in his underwear, not bothering to put on a dressing gown. He came into the living room and there was nothing. Of course all the furniture and his belongings were there. But there wasn’t any sign of Stefan. He searched the house and eventually came to the conclusion he had gone out with Dru. So he called him.

“Hello?” Dru answered after picking up the phone.
“Hey. Are you with Stef?” He asked.
There was a pause before Dru continued. “Ash…Stefan has been missing…for a year now.”
“No…He was here last night.”
“No, Ash. I was there last night. Go to bed and rest.”
Before Ashley could say something, Dru hung up. It was 8:30 on a Saturday. Ash didn’t blame him. But Dru didn’t have to joke around about Stefan like that. Ash knew perfectly well that Stef was with them last night. He slumped on the couch when there was a knock on the door. He jumped up and answered it, expecting Stefan but instead, finding a wooden box. Just like the one Stef arrived in. There was a letter placed on top. He picked it up and read.

‘Dear whomever it may concern,
User-8375‘s info:-
A boy who was bullied in high school and was suicidal.
Memory was stripped for purpose reasons. Memory cannot be recovered.
User-8375 has no special needs.
Please enjoy our gift :)
Joel, Sexual Needs Industry.’

Why was he being sent to Ash? Didn’t this already happen? But the person in the box was Stef? He still didn’t believe he had just dreamed this week. No way.
He brought the box inside. It felt heavier than Stef’s box. He pried the lid open with the same hammer and peered inside, chucking the hammer onto the sofa. A slightly large man was inside. He had a beard and long scraggly hair. Hardly attractive. The man stood up and Ash suddenly felt a searing pain in his chest. He looked down and found a knife sticking out of his chest, bleeding profusely. He fell to the floor, looking up at the man, whose face was twisted into an evil grin. His hair was now blue. His body now skinny and his beard to a blonde stubble. He eyes the stretchers in his ears. “Joel.” He whispered before his eyes became heavy and closed. The darkness crept at him, somehow getting darker until it’s just blackness. And then he wakes up.

[Sorry this chapter is short :( Had a busy day]
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