Categories > Original > Drama > The Midnight Beast

Chapter 11

by wizardreject 0 reviews

Chapter 11

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-09-19 - Updated: 2012-09-19 - 554 words

one week and four days ago- Three days after Saff had started at the college
“What’s happening?” Ash asked, looking Saff straight in the eyes,
“Ty’s getting time. I don’t know how long for though” she replied, her eyes staring through him. He slapped his palm down on the table before running his fingers through his hair. Saff jumped at the clapping impact.
“Fuck” Ash mumbled, “i tried Saff, i really did but-” she shook her head.
“I know. It’s fine” he looked at her hands, she was holding a small white envelope.
“What’s that?” he asked, nodding to it. Her eyes went down, she looked like she’d forgot she was even holding it,
“it’s for you” Ash stretched out his arm and she handed it over. His eyes went from left to right for at least a minute before he closed the for a few seconds, sighing deeply and passing it back. Saff skimmed it then looked at him,
“and are you gonna?” she asked, he nodded,
“second bit, yes. First bit, no. I’m not risking it anymore. I can get kicked ot of college and everything, i’m done.” She nodded, he looked at her, tilting his head and folding his arms, “are you gonna be okay?” she looked back at him, surprised he’d asked.
“Yeah, i’ll be fine.” He nodded.
“Just come to me if you need anything alright?” Saff stood on Ash’s doorstep,
“thanks Ash” she gave him a hug, he hugged her back and then she took a step back, “i appreciate it” he smiled,
“no problem, d’you want a lift back?” Saff shook her head,
“no, i’m fine thanks, bye” he said goodbye and closed the door.

Stefan nodded and sat on the same sofa as Ash,
“but obviously someone saw you hug Ash or something?” Saff nodded,
“i still don’t see why it’s that much of a big problem” Ash mumbled, she glared at him,
“to you, it’s not, to Stefan, it’s not, to anyone else, it’s not. To me, it is. I don’t want that kind of judgement being made of me, people get the wrong idea and get the wrong end of the stick with me, it’s happened twice already. Fucking Oliver saw me in Stefan’s room, talking to Stefan, and now he’s assuming loads of bullshit-“
“why were you in Stefan’s room?” Ash asked, his eyebrows down in question,
“talking about this” Stefan said.
“Look, that isn’t the point, the point is, you’re letting people think we slept together and i don’t like it” Saff said. Ash took a deep breath,
“fine, i’ll see what i can do… Heard anything about Ty getting out?” she shook her head,
“i’ve heard nothing” he tousled his hair and stood up,
“alright, whatever, i’ll-” he shrugged, “sort something out or something” she looked up at him gratefully,
“finally, thank you”
“mmm” was his reply before walking out into the kitchen. Stefan looked at Saff, she was staring at the door,
“if he says he’ll sort it, he’ll sort it, like i said, you worry too much” she looked at him and rolled her eyes,
“yeah yeah.”
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