Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Once Upon A December

[A/N] - Just a heads up that this story won't be as long as like Different was, it'll probably be really short...

For the next week things ran pretty smoothly. Penina stayed at our house every night and Miranda turned back into her old, sweet self. I knew she just needed time and then she'd been fine again.

On Saturday morning we had plans to go to Blockbusters, get some DVDs then come home and watch them while eating heaps of chocolate. It was gonna be 'movie day' since I didn't have to be at the studio that day. But in the morning I was woken up by someone knocking loudly at our front door "I'm coming!" I yelled sleepily, yawning as I opened the front door. My eyes widened "... Bryn?"

"Hey, yeah, it's me." Bryn smiled at me "I thought I'd surprise Miranda and take her out!"

"It would've been nice if you'd shown up last week to take her to Disney Land like you promised." I said bitterly, irritated that she'd shown up just as Miranda had settled down. Bryn had a habit of doing this, disappearing when Miranda needed her most and then showing up again just when Miranda had got used to life without her.

"That was last week? I thought that was next month..." Bryn sighed "Okay, sorry, sorry, sorry. I'll make it up to Miranda now though and I'll definitely take her to Disney Land next month, okay? Now can I come in and see my daughter or not?"

"I don't know if that's such a g-"

"Who is it Dad?" Miranda asked, walking down the stairs. She paused for a moment when she was her Mom in the doorway before shrieking "MOM!" and running over to her. She threw her arms around her Mom's neck and nearly knocked her over "I missed you so much!" Miranda cried, starting to sob.

"Aww I missed you too Hun." Bryn smiled "Come on, quit crying on me, you're getting my dress all wet. Do you wanna go out with me for the day?"

"We had plans for today." I said awkwardly, not liking the idea of Miranda just randomly running off with Bryn.

"We can watch movies next weekend Dad. Mom's here this weekend." Miranda grinned.

"And you can stay at my place for the night." Bryn said, tucking a strand of Miranda's hair behind her ear "Go and pack your bags then and we'll go straight out."

"Okay!" Miranda beamed, running upstairs to pack her stuff for the night.

I sighed and let Bryn in "Look, where are you taking Miranda?"

"I dunno yet." Bryn shrugged her shoulders "Out and about, you know. Thought I'd give you a break."

"Look." I sighed "I don't like the idea of Miranda going out with you today. She was sobbing her eyes out last week when you didn't show up again. Just promise me you won't do anything to upset her? For once in your life do you think you could maybe act like a responsible adult."

"God Frank, you're so uptight." Bryn muttered "You weren't this boring when we were together. Why are you fussing so much? What turned you into such a bore?"

I was about to reply when Penina came in and asked "Oh, who's this?"

"I've found the answer to my question." Bryn said rudely. I glared at her "I'm Bryn, I'm Miranda's Mom. And you are?"

"Oh I'm Penina. Frank's new girlfriend. It's great to meet you." Penina smiled and held out her hand politely but Bryn just looked at it. Penina frowned and let her arms fall to her sides "So what brings you here?"

"To see my daughter. What brings you here?" She asked. Penina flushed bright red and didn't reply.

"Bryn, look-" I started but I was interupted by Miranda running down the stairs with a packed bag in her hands.

"Let's go then Hun." Bryn smiled, taking Miranda's hand.

"What time are you bringing her back tomorrow?" I yelled after Bryn as she ran out of the house.

"Whenever!" Bryn yelled back, getting into the car and driving away quickly.

"Wow." Penina said, nodding "She seems a responsible woman."
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