Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > This Is A War I Can't Win

Food Poisoning


Gerard is feeling sicker. Some humour is on this :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-10-02 - Updated: 2012-10-02 - 570 words

Mikey made his way to the bathroom, frowning at the sounds of Gerard throwing up.
He knocked on the door, "Gerard? You okay?" 
Gerard retched. 
"I'm coming in, okay?" 
Mikey turned the door handle, and opened the door. 
Gerard was clinging onto the bathtub, shaking. He looked at his younger brother. 
"Mikey?" He croaked. 
Mikey held Gerard's bright red hair. Gerard threw up again. 
"What's wrong?"
"I think I'm getting the flu or something..." Gerard groaned. 
Mikey rubbed his shoulder, "That stinks." 
Gerard ran the bath water to rinse his vomit out of the tub. He stuck his spinning head in as well.
"Gerard, have you been eating lately?" Mikey asked tentively. 
Gerard looked at him, "I've been busy recording...and my stomach hurts. I think I ate something wierd last night. I'll be fine."
Gerard shot his brother a weak smile. 
Mikey looked at him, "Okay. I'm gonna grab some stomach medicine for you."
Gerard vomited into the tub, and Mikey saw bile. He grabbed a bottle of thick, pink liquid, and gave it to Gerard. 
"Thanks Mikey." Gerard took a spoonful of the peppermint flavoured liquid. He cringed as the liquid slid down his throat. 
Mikey looked at Gerard, /I hope he's gonna be okay/ 
Gerard coughed, feeling the medicine turn his stomach. He stood up shakily, walking to the kitchen again. Ray was eating a pop tart, and Frank was sipping on coffee. He looked as if he was going to be sick again. 
"Gerard? You feeling better?" Ray asked. 
"I...I'm fine. I just have food poisoning." Gerard said, feeling his stomach knot up. Ray stood in front of the doorway. Gerard looked at him.
"Ray, move!" He barked, "I think I'm going to be sick!" 
"Hey! I think I found what's making you puke, Gerard!" Frank called from the fridge. 
"Holy shit Frank! What the hell is that thing?" Ray gasped looking at the green, furry sandwich he was holding. 
Gerard turned green, and squeezed his eyes shut. 
Frank grinned, "Dude! It's like a science project gone wrong!! You have to see this shit!" 
He ran to Ray waving the mouldy sandwich in his face. Ray grimaced.
"No thanks man, I'm good." 
Frank ran over to Mikey. 
He turned to his older sibling, "Gerard? Did you really eat that?" 
Gerard nodded, "Y-yeah...." 
He retched as a wave of nausea hit him. Mikey ran over, "You really shoud stop midnight snacking, Gerard. It's gonna kill you."  
Gerard's eyes filled with hot tears. 
"ARE YOU SAYING I'M FAT?!" he wailed. Mikey looked scared for a minute. 
Gerard was shaking, as hot tears rolled down his cheeks. Frank stood at the side, as Mikey comforted Gerard. 
He walked over with the mouldy sandwich, "Hey! Look!" 
Mikey rolled his eyes, "Frank. I don't think it's a good idea to show Gerard that..." 
"WHY??" he whined. 
Gerard looked at Mikey, "I think I'm gonna be sick." 
And Gerard promptly vomited all over the floor. 
"That's why." 
Frank giggled, "Look Gerard! I found the reason you're throwing up so much!!" 
Gerard looked at the sandwich. 
"Shit, Frank throw that thing away! I feel nauseaous just looking at it!!" 
Frank beamed, "You wanna touch it?!" 
Gerard glared at him, and vomited again. 
"I hate you so much right now!" Gerard growled. 
Frank laughed. 
*chapter two is up y'all! I'm watching Baka and Test as I write this!! R&R please??*
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