Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Will We Get Through This?

Will We Get Through This? Ch.6

by PARANOIDgrenade 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2012-10-04 - Updated: 2012-10-04 - 1093 words - Complete

Gerard's P.O.V.
Frank waved to me, opening the window. "Nice pee?" he asked. I grumbled a "shut up" then climbed through the window. He laughed and kissed my cheek. "Don't worry sugar, I won't tell how big you are." He whispered. I replied blushing "I'm not embarrassed of that." "Oh really?" Frank said back. "yeah." I really don't know where this was going. "GUYS! GUESS WHAT I SAW OUT THE WINDOW!" Frank yelled, sprinting out of the bathroom. "Frank don't do it!" I warned. "PAYBACK, BABY!" He shouted. I snuck around the corner of the kitchen and waited for him to pass. Why was I waiting? Everyone's in the living room and the only way to get to the living room is for you to pass the hallway that leads in the kitchen [I think I used the word "to" too much.] "GOTCHA!" I screamed, pouncing on his back. "GUYS I SAW GERARD'S DI-"Frank got cut off from the duct tape I put over his mouth. I flipped him over began to duct tape his hands and feet together. "Win!' I said in his face. "What are you doing to Frank?" Bob asked I turned around to see everyone staring at us. "Uhh- nothing." I quickly replied. "That doesn't look like nothing Gee." Mikey said. Frank tried to talk but his voice got muffled. "What are you trying to say?" Pete asked reaching for the duct tape on Frank's, mouth. "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE TAKE THE DUCT TAPE OFF HIS MOUTH, BITCH." I yelled. Pete flinched and hid behind Mikey. Wait, did I just see Mikey blush? HOLY SHIT, MIKEY IS BLUSHING. HE HAS A CRUSH ON PETE! "Mikey come here." I said in a stern voice. He walked to me and I dragged him and Frank down to the basement. I put a pair of headphones in Frank's ears. "You have a crush on Pete." I said smiling at him. "I do not." He replied, blushing. "You do. You're blushing." I said back. "Okay, okay, maybe I do. But at least I don't do that to my boyfriend." He shot back, gesturing at the struggling Frank. "Hey, he saw me taking a piss in the bushes and was about to tell everyone how big I am." I whispered. "Oh, I can't really blame you there." Mikey said. We opened the door to see Bob holding his ear up to where the door was. "EEhh we didn't hear anything." He said to us. "What'd you hear?" Mikey threatened. "whoa, Mikes, calm down. We seriously didn't hear anything." Bob said with his hands in the air. "What happened to Frank?" Ray asked. "Hold on I'll get him." I said. I sprinted down the stairs and ripped the duct tape off his mouth. "OOOOOOWW! THAT HURT LIKE A BITCH!" He screeched. "Are you gonna tell?" I said, ignoring his comment. "Yes. I promise I won't tell them." Frank huffed. "Alright. I'll let you go now." I told him taking off the duct tape. "You really fell for that?" he laughed. He tore up the stairs before I could even move. "NO FRANKIE!" I pleaded. I ran up the stairs and tackled him. "I SAW GERARD'S PENI-" Frank was again cut off by my hand. "SHUT UP! I'LL BITCH SLAP YOU!" I yelled. Everyone seemed pretty curious on what Frank is trying to say but also scared since what I just yelled. Mikey bursted out laughing as Bob said "I'm going to go home because you people are really scaring me." And Bob was gone in flash. "Gerard, what's he trying to say?" Ray asked. "HE SAW ME TAKING A PISS IN THE BUSHES AND IS TRYING TO TELL YOU ABOUT MY DICK!" I shouted. Fuck fuck fuckety fuck fuck. Did I just say that? My hand fell off of Frank's mouth as he gushed "He's big. And has some pretty big balls too!" All of them looked at me at shock. I'm just going to have to fight fire with fire. "Well, Frank here has a pretty good package here too." I said. They craned their heads to Frank who was turning bright red. "And how would you know that Gerard?" Frank shot back with a devious grin spreading on his face. "Because I'm dating you! Cheese and crackers Frank, you forgot?" I said with a huff. "Nope. But at least everyone else knows now."I turned around so fast I hit the table and fell on the ground with a thump. "Oh?" was all that Ray could say. And Pete asked "You're gay too?" Frank and I nodded as he breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank god, I was practically praying you weren't homophobes." You should of seen Mikey's eyes. They widened and then a small smile appeared on his face. "Alright. I guess when mom has her party in about a couple minutes, we'll go down stairs and watch a movie or play games?" Right on time, all of our moms walked into our house and literally shoved all of us down stairs. Shouts were coming from us that were like "This is definitely not lady-like!"or "How very unkind of you!" and my personal favorite "I'll get you in your sleep!" I yelled "FUCK!" [which earned a lecture from my mom about swearing] when Frank landed straight on my groin. "I know how you feel now Frank." I groaned. "And try having that happen twice along with a certain someone put ice down your pants." He said emphasizing "someone". I giggled and grabbed hold of his leg. Surprisingly, he ignored it and tried to walk. It got even funnier when I wrapped my foot around the stair case thing. "Gee! What the hell have you been eating?" Frank asked. I began laughing harder when Ray came up to help Frank be pulled free from my grasp. "Jesus Gerard! I'm agreeing with Frank!" Ray gasped. I let go of where my foot had held onto. Ray and Frank flew across the room and landed on the spare bed onto Mikey and Pete. Mikey screamed like a girl then shoved them off. Pete began laughing really hard and wrapped his arm around Mikey's waist. "Don't worry, I wont let those lunatics get you." He whispered into Mikes ear. Mikey turned into the deepest shade of red while Frank and Ray were still recovering from my leg attack. "What do you guys want to do first?" I asked. A evil grin spread across Frank's face. I'm now regretting what I said
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